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    A lesson to live by:

    Great attitude, Vickie! The comment was made in ignorance, don't you think? I vow to be kind and positive and to pass it on. Hopefully, that young woman will learn from her mistake. But probably not. She seemed unrepentant and didn't seem to think her comments were inapproprite becuse, to...
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    New Forum Idea for Exercisers over 35 - Anyone Interested?

    Great Idea, Janet! I think that's a wonderful idea, Janet. At 37, I constantly come up with questions like is it a hormanal imbalance or is it (peri)menopause? Our very own forum for such things would be wonderful. Cathe and her excellent crew could probably drum up some sort of expert to...
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    Lourdy:RE your Nutritionist? post

    Do be careful on a low carb diet!!!!! Carbohydrates do many things for our bodies including delivering key nutrients. Twenty to thirty grams of carbohydrate is, in my opinion, way too low. I thought RBurke was in trouble when her nutritionist recommended 90 grams! How many calories are you...
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    Can I do all Xpress series in one day

    I am aiming for 90 or so.... And I am going there in great health and mental acuity! I ran a 5K with a 96 year old man and he looked superb, wrinkles and all. My husband, a non-exercising says I am going to workout like crazy only to get hit by a bus or something. While I hope that isn't...
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    Can I do all Xpress series in one day

    More Books Lourdy, I haven't read a great many books specifically related to aging. However, I am aware of a book called (I believe) Women's Wisdom, Women's Bodies, which might fit the bill. I belong to the One Spirit Book club. I delve into religion, meditation, prayer. I think when it...
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    DVD shipping

    Patience is a virtue, I know... But this information may have made the waiting even more difficult! The DVD's sound awesome! I am thrilled because I have a DVD player on my computer which is in my "weight" room ~ formerly known as the formal dining room:) I can work out without hauling all my...
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    Can I do all Xpress series in one day

    Lourdy, I admire you.... for CONSIDERING doing it all in one day! What a great little thread! I will be 38 in December and I am in pretty great shape if I do say so myself! Sometimes it is a shock to look in the mirror and see my fortyish face looking back at me when I feel more vital and...
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    I'm with you guys! Cathe's tapes are the creme de la creme of exercise videos! Nobody does it better! And congratulations on your impending nuptials! There's nothing like being young, fit and in love! (Although I am more Middle Aged, fit and still in love after 14 years and three kids) I...
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    Cathe - will I ever be able to keep up with the intensity (m)

    Hang in there, Leela With a twenty month old, I am surprised you have time to exercise at all! Be kind to yourself and cut yourself lots of slack because they are little only once and you never get that back. My son is now three and a half and I am pretty much at my pre-pregnancy fitness...
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    front lunges vs. back lunges

    No help here but... I will add by saying I, strong though I am, quit trying to do any lunging using weight becauseI felt like I would tip over most of the time and I have a hard time feeling correctly positioned. I know they are great so I keep doing them I do know they work quads, glutes and...
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    Loving these videos!

    You're making it harder! You're making it harder to wait for the DVD's with all these rave reviews! I can't wait!!!!! They sound as incredible as I would expect Cathe's "art" to be. I almost said "work" but I think she's an "artiste'! Have fun and keep posting! Bobbi
  12. B

    HUGE THANKS from new kid!!

    You go, girl! Consistancy is the hardest part, isn't it? I say this as I sit typing and NOT doing my scheduled leg workout! You can meet any goal you want if you never give up, work hard but listen to your body when it's had enough. And don't forget to keep smiling:) We'll look forward to...
  13. B

    Hello again

    New thread, eh, RBurke? I really enjoyed the Nutritionsit thread. You sound like you know what you are doing when it comes to your eating. Trust yourself and keep trying. There is so much good information out there. Remember, to be moderate in all things and to listen to your hunger and see...
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    SNM:Media Player question

    I once again tried to hook up for a preview. Initially, the WMP connected, buffered and played -that gray screen. Then it buffered momentarily and stopped. It actually said "stopped" But, once the preview should have been available, it stayed on "connecting". I did connect once for Leaner...
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    first time here

    Hi, Houston! As one of the world's most compulsive people, who used to smoke like a chimney and finally give it up 6 years ago to become a health nut, I am often shocked at how poorly people take care of their bodies. I sometimes wish I had known how wonderful exercise is. It could have saved...
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    I did Cathe's kickbox video

    Sounds great! I love Interval Max. It's so challenging. I always feel like I've accomplished something when I am done. But, I have a collapsed left arch and wear orthotics and it does make my feet ache. We tiled our house last January and I have this elaborate rug thing I have to do in...
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    Cardio Kicks

    Stop!Stop!Stop! How can I patiently wait for my DVD's when you crazy kids are enjoying those workouts! By the time I get them I'll be totally exhausted from the excitement of reading these posts! I just wish they'd give us a hint as to when we DVDers will see our UPS guys!
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    Guitly Nutrition Buddy

    Hey, Helen Remember, every day is an opportunity for a new beginning and what really matters is right now. Yesterday is gone, why waste time regretting what can't be changed? Tomorrow is unknowable really. So much of it is outside our control. Then today is what we really have. Make it...
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    I did Cathe's kickbox video

    The impact is low, how's the intensity? Does the intensity stay high inspite of the low impact? I can sure use some good lo impact. I pound my body mercilessly by combining Interval Max, my absolute favorite Cathe video and running, my true love. I ordered DVD's and am trying to patiently...
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    Lina, check out the other forums In the Open Discussion Forum there's a thread entitled "Nutritionist?" in which we have been discussing that very important aspect of fitness and leaness at length!