first time here



Hello Cathe and all!
As stated, this is my first email to your site and I wanted to say hello to you and everyone else here. Cathe, your videos are superb and I am excitedly anticipating the newest in the collection, which I ordered today.

I have exercised for the last 20 years and feel it is as essential to life as breathing. I have tried almost everything; most recently a 100 mile bike ride and I'm coming up on a completed year of working out with my personal trainer, Dennis. As with anything in life, there are drawbacks to each. Endurance cycling takes a great deal of time, which has become increasingly difficult to schedule in. Personal training is wonderful but expensive, and Dennis may be leaving my area soon (which by the way is PA not TX as my name might lead people to believe!) Your videos are the perfect addition to my workout schedule and are by far the best on the market. Dennis is often times amazed with my knowledge base of exercise, and much of that is from spending an hour a day with you!

Thank you for your dedication to those of us that believe a quality life is a healthy life and have committed ourselves to that goal. I try to remind myself when the going gets tough that this isn't the easy way in life; if it was, everyone would be doing it. This morning on the news, my city was reported as the 8th fatest city in the country. I felt incredibly sad. I have been a nurse for over 20 years and have seen first hand the ravages an unhealthy lifestyle can cause to the human body, which can be so strong yet frail simmultaneously. Unfortunately a large percentage of people have yet to realize that if they would care for themselves, many of their other problems might effortlessly fall into place.

I feel incredibly lucky to have found you and your exercise philosophy. I look forward to the ever constant challenges you put forth and hope to continue to rise (or step as the case may be!) to the occasion.

I would like some information on your food fueling philosophy (the word diet doesn't make sense since healthy eating is also a way of life). In a world where we are bombarded with confusing information concerning protien, carbs and fats, what are your thoughts on this? For instance, what do you eat pre and post workout and when? What would a typical days menu for you look like? Knowing everyone is unique, I would love to hear from anyone else about what works for them.

Sincerely, houston
Hi Houston!!

Wow, you write beautifully! I can't believe all that you do! How inspiring! I waiting on the latest videos also, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!! Well, I tell you what I eat pre and post workout, but, it's probably not the greatest
. OK, here's a typical day: BREAKFAST- 1c. raisin bran and 1c. skim milk. PRE W/O- 1 energy bar about 45min. before. POST W/O- 45gr. protein powder, 1c. skim milk and 1/2 c blueberries or whatever fruit I have on hand. 3P.M. SNACK- fruit and 1tbsp natural peanut butter. DINNER- usually 4oz of chicken and a HUGE yam with 1tbsp reduced fat margine and 1tsp sugar and cinnimon, and 1/2c corn or applesauce. OK, here's my downfall, if I have a snack at night (my sweet tooth kicks in about 9p.m) it's usually ice cream. I make my husband a bowl then take 3-4 bites. I assume that those 3-4 bites equal about 1/2c. so that wha tI put in my food diary. Well, that's it. If you go to the check-in you'll see what I and everyone else does for exercise. You should post in there too
!! Anyway, it been great chatting with you. Post again soon,OK? And again, WELCOME!!!!
Hi, Houston!

As one of the world's most compulsive people, who used to smoke like a chimney and finally give it up 6 years ago to become a health nut, I am often shocked at how poorly people take care of their bodies. I sometimes wish I had known how wonderful exercise is. It could have saved me alot of stress and sorrow. Which sounds very dramatic, I know, but is absolutely true. Since I turned over my new leaf, I have tried to learn everything there is to know about fitness in all it's aspects - exercise, nutrition, stress relief. Isn't this website amazing? I actually discovered Cathe by ordering tapes from Collage Video awhile before I had a computer. Since we got our computer, I spend most of my time online right here enjoying the wisdom and humor of Cathe's terrific followers. Welcome to the fold!
Just wanted... chime in and WELCOME you also. Your letter is so beautifully spoken and written. We ARE very lucky to have met up with Cathe and all her knowledge. I have a history of heart disease in my family and I KNOW the importance of a healthy lifestyle. I have learned so much here just in the few months I've been here even though I teach (and have for years) Hi/Lo aerobics and light toning. This forum is incredible in that everyone is so encouraging and very knowledgeable. Glad to have you join us!

welcome from another cyclist

Welcome Houston, it'll be great to have another cyclist around. Cathe's tapes have been great for cardio cross-training or for strength building. The forum users here are a wonderful source of knowledge, encouragement & inspiration. The only negative is they'll inspire you to exercise your credit card acquiring new videos & equipment!
hello Aimee, BLF, DebbieH and Debra

thank you for the kind words of welcome! Although I'm not quite sure how this all works there is one thing I am absolutely certain of....I have found a wonderful place where many kindred spirits share fantastic support and information!!! I just spent sometime in one of the other forums reading through emails from yourselves and others; you all are experiencing the same daily battles that I am. Gosh, it's great to know that others are trying to refine this whole health process and find out what works for them. You all sure made this first posting incredibly enjoyable. Take care. Houston

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