A lesson to live by:



Yesterday, I was reading some reviews on Circuit Max, (the only one of my new videos that I have tried, and I loved it) and there was a comment about someones fat stomach. I, personally, think everyone looked great, but the comment really got to me, it made me really depressed for the rest of the day. The comment wasn't even directed at me, but it made me think about my flabby stomach. I work really hard, but this is an area that is really stubborn. Anyway, today I went to the grocery store and there was a woman handing out samples. She looked at me and asked if I worked at the bank. I replied that I used to, 2 years ago before my son was born. She told me how nice I always was and that I was always very friendly and smiling. She even remembered that my husband was a pilot! It really made my day, and I thought to myself, in the grand scheme of things wouldn't I really rather be remembered as nice instead of having great abs?!! We are so hard on ourselves most of the time. Today, try to focus on the nice things we do, not the failure to obtain the perfect body. Everyone on this website is warm and supportive,give yourselves a pat on the back and a virtual hug. Sorry so long, I just wanted to share that experience, and hope it helps someone else.


. I hope I spelled your name right--it's too hard to go back to the info page to check
I'm so happy with all the resposnses that have been posted to that terrible comment that was made, and yours is the icing on the cake! It is so important for people to try to remember what life is all about, and it is so unfortunate that we need reminders of what is important. Somehow in our society it is hard to remember that it is WHO we are and HOW we treat others that is important, certainly NOT how we look! This can be especially hard when you become interested in fitness--ironically, many people who want to be fit and healthy end up getting an unhealthy attitude, and forget that healthy doesn't mean thin.
I'm so happy for you that you had such a nice experience with that woman--isn't it a shame that that sort of thing doesn't happen to us every day?!
BTW, I have a degree in Sociology, too, and I'm not using mine, either!! Can't wait till those student loans are paid off!

hey vickie!

Your post made my day!! You're so right to point that out to everyone. Such a sweetheart!!


Vickie and Wendy - It was gratifying to see the responses in the other thread, but yours are the most important points of all. I too felt sad about the unkind comment, for a couple of reasons.

One, to sound corny, it wasn't nice. For me the primary benefit of these forums is having contact with a very talented and diverse group of people who are drawn here because of their common goal of fitness (it's quite a tribute to Cathe and crew that they can command such a following). There are so many who post here who overcome such tremendous obstacles (personal and physical) to maintain their commitment to exercise. I feel honored to have been welcomed into these discussions. It's a bit of a shock to the system that someone wouldn't be receptive to the support and encouragement this group has to offer, it's sad too. I truly believe that most often those kinds of remarks are more a reflection of how the person feels about themselves, than about anyone else.

Second, it can in no way be used as constructive criticism for future videos. Plus, after reviewing Circuit Max twice and doing several of the other new ones, for the life of me I can't see what generated the opinion. If the people in these videos aren't considered fit and healthy, I shudder to think of the comments that would have been offered if I had been one of the crew! Yikes! (Yeah right, like I could have survived that week of taping, but it would have been fun trying

Anyway, Vickie and Wendy, thanks for snapping this all back into the right perspective.

Great attitude, Vickie!

The comment was made in ignorance, don't you think? I vow to be kind and positive and to pass it on. Hopefully, that young woman will learn from her mistake. But probably not. She seemed unrepentant and didn't seem to think her comments were inapproprite becuse, to her, they were true Fortunately, the world seems to be full of people like all the ones who chimed in, appalled by her callousness and stupidity. I recently started running in a jog bra and jog shorts only, forgoing my shirt because I live in Tucson and it's hot even in the early AM when I run. It was really hard because although I am very fit I don't sport a six pack. But when I run, I imagine myself as perfect and I am trying to learn to love my body, tummy and all! I just thought of a silly poem my mom used to tell us when we were little.
I know how ugly I are.
I know I ain't no star.
But I don't mind it.
I'm behind it.
It's the guy in front
Who gets the jar!
Just another thought....

to remember that the people we are watching in all these videos are fitness professionals. I would think that they must spend multiple hours many days-a-week to maintain their fitness, come up with all the choreography, and teach classes. My guess is that many of us are simply struggling to fit exercise into our schedules. I would think it would be the rare person who could look like these gifted folks who are kind enough to share their talents with us in the video realm, by doing an hour of exercise per day 4-6x/wk. This is probably reflected in Cathe's crew - beautiful, extremely fit people who have jobs like the rest of us, but don't live the 15% bodyfat range. And they are beautiful role models for all of us. I applaud anyone, regardless of their weight or appearance, who cares enough about their health to at least get out there and try to improve themselves by exercising. Just a thought - take it or leave it!

Happy Labor Day to everyone!


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