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  1. E

    very O/T: ? about sex drive

    Hi MarieP, This is a subject I've discussed often with my girlfriends. I think everyone that has posted here has a valid point. Trevor, I feel for you. I know that when I was pregnant with my first child I was out of control. Then, as soon as he was born, I sort of lost that feeling. My...
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    who here owns a bun and thigh rocker? results?

    Hi, I bought a BTR about 2 months ago or so because of Honeybunch's recommendation and let me tell you - it has done WONDERS for my lower body. I can build muscle and definition just fine in my upper body, but my legs are very stubborn. In addition, my lower back has a tendency to get really...
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    My Barbell has arrived !!!

    Anna, It's not written anywhere that you have to start with plates on the barbell! I also remember someone here giving very wise advice on how she was able to train herself to do crazy 8's with the weight that Cathe uses. She said that no matter what weight Cathe used with her barbell or...
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    My Barbell has arrived !!!

    Hi Anna, Oh, I'm so happy for you! I worked out for years before I finally bought a barbell set and I'm SO glad I did. My fitness level skyrocketed when I started with the barbell (about 6 months ago,) and yours will, too. I always felt challenged with the dumbbells, but my they're nothing...
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    Hi Anna, Yes, isn't Cardio Kicks such a tough workout? I also find the speedbag/jumping kick segment particularly trying. I just love the music,though, and I also love when she brings the 2 guys up front. And that skipping section is very cool - the high knee skip sashe' back thing. I...
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    Completely OT: reading/author suggestions

    Hey Connie, I also love to read. Thought I'd add a few of my all time favorites to those you've already received: Alice Walker - The Color Purple and Possessing the Secret of Joy - two absolutely incredible books about women. Marge Piercy - Gone To Soldiers John Irving - The Hotel New...
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    question for Yen

    Hi Yen, I hope you don't mind my asking this but I'm curious about how you made the transition from doing Cathe for cardio to running. Were you a runner as an adolescent? Did you start with, say, one run a week and then gradually increase it? How much do you run in a week? Was it painful...
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    Attn: Bernard. Beauty question

    Hi Yen and Anna, Yen, I tried Dr. Hautshka (sp?) last year. I found it to be very expensive and not all of the products did what they said they were supposed to do. I did like the cleanser that's sort of like a scrub. The toner was a bit too drying for me - it contains alcohol. I didn't...
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    Attn: Bernard. Beauty question

    Hi Anna and Yen, OK, Anna, you asked for it. My favorite cosmetics of late are Lancome. We have Nordstrom here in Northern California and as a little treat to myself, when I go through with my kids (ages 2 and 4) I always stop at a different makeup counter and ask whoever is working the...
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    Attn: Bernard. Beauty question

    Hi Anna and Yen, Sorry for butting in here - I hope you don't mind. My two favorite things in life (aside from reading) are beauty treatments/make up and working out to Cathe. Anna, I know you're a beauty professional so please don't think I'm knocking what you do. I'd love to do what you do...
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    You KNOW you're addicted to Cathe when..........

    Whenever your husband sees you're on the computer, regardless of what you're doing, he assumes you're at this site and says, "Hi Cathe." Linda
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    Aching back!

    Hi Bobbi, I agree with Anna, a massage might be just what the doctor ordered. I noticed on the "about ourselves" message that you're living in Tucson. I went to U of A and lived in Tucson off and on for 8 years. I love it there. Now we're in San Francisco but I remember from my days at U of...
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    honeybunch - where did you buy the extra bands?

    Dear Honeybunch, Thanks a lot for getting back to me on this. Linda
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    honeybunch - where did you buy the extra bands?

    Hi Honeybunch, First of all, thank you so much for convincing me to buy the Bun and Thigh Rocker. I had been faithfully reading your posts on it since you first posted about your "new toy" and kept putting off buying it. Then I read your post a couple of weeks ago about the sale at #####'s...
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    Fitness as a hobby

    Hi Everyone, Oh, there are so many things to comment on in this great post. 1. My 2 and 4 year old children know that every day at 4 o'clock it's time to exercise. I put in my Cathe and they jump on the couch and watch me. I look forward to the day that we can all really do a Cathe tape or...
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    Circuit Max kicked my butt!

    I just did CM yesterday, too, and yes, it kicked my butt, too. After the 1st circuit I realized that my face felt like it was on fire. You know when you were in junior high and had to run a mile and you were totally out of shape and your face would turn bright red? That was me yesterday. Not...
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    Do I have post partum depression?

    Hi AmyNicole, I feel for you and I understand what you're going through. With both of my kids I felt like my world was going to end. I just felt so LONELY all the time. We were living in Israel at the time and I just couldn't relate to my in-laws who lived down the street so I felt like I had...
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    As anyone ever tried eating every 2-3 hours?

    Hi, It took me a long time to learn to eat this way. I kept saying, "But I'm not hungry enough to eat 6 times a day." Well, yeah, if you're eating 3 big meals, you aren't hungry enough. Once I did start eating 6 meals a day it completely changed my life for the better. First of all, I don't...
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    Am I supposed to feel LL only in my quads?

    Hi Fitness-Fanatic, I actually think it's a plus that you are doing LL with dumbbells because then you can heavy-up on the dead lifts. I find that as much as I try to squeeze on the lift, I don't feel the work very much - I need a heavier barbell than I use for the squats. I guess I could...
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    does anyone else feel totally wiped out after leg work?

    Thank you both for your posts. It's good to know that I'm not alone. I also schedule a rest day after legs because I absolutely cannot do anything. It's not that I'm so sore, just exhausted! Here's another question, though. For those of you who are doing endurance workouts (MIS, Power Hour...