Am I supposed to feel LL only in my quads?


New Member
Don't know why, but lately my quads have been feeling most of the burn when I do LL. Is that because of something I'm doing wrong in my form? BTW, if it matters I'm working with weights and not a bar.
Hi Fitness-Fanatic,

I actually think it's a plus that you are doing LL with dumbbells because then you can heavy-up on the dead lifts. I find that as much as I try to squeeze on the lift, I don't feel the work very much - I need a heavier barbell than I use for the squats. I guess I could stop and change but I also want to get it over with as quickly as possible and don't want my heart rate to go down. My point is that when it comes to the dead lifts, can you switch to a heavier dumbbell? That might help you to feel it in the hamstrings more.

I know that in the one-legged squats, by the second round I'm really feeling it in the quad of the back leg and that's what's making it hard for me to continue, not the hamstring of the front working leg. Maybe you could just keep reminding yourself as much as possible to push through the heel of the front leg. Also, if you really watch that you're standing straight over that front leg and not leaning back a little bit. This is where Cathe says, "Make sure you're going north and south, not east and west." It's so easy to lean back a little bit, even without noticing that you're doing it, because it makes it a little easier (as if anything on LL could be easy!). I try to focus on Cathe's form on the one legged squats and her knee is always at 90 degrees when she comes down which is sooooo hard to do. So I would try standing taller and straighter and bending deeper in the front leg when you go down and you should feel the work more in your butt and hamstrings. I hope this helps. Linda
I feel endurance workouts more in Quads too. Maybe because the speed is too fast that I can't squat too low to keep up with them? I go "OUCH! OUCH!OUCH!" with every rep too as the front of the thighs spasm. LL is one mean workout! I love S&H Legs and recently found PS SLA a happy medium between S&H and LL. Although LL and PH seem to de-pudge me rather quickly, I will not train that way for long without being miserable. I love 3 day splits!!!
I go deeper on the deadlifts because I'm pretty flexible in my hamstrings. Last weekend, I did my run immediately beforehand and went deep on the deadlifts, and I really felt it in my hamstrings.
Sometimes when doing LL with a barbell, I keep two extra plates handy and slip them on the ends for dead lifs (they don't have to be fastened on) then, just slip them back off. I get so much more out of dead lifts with heavy weight.

Just a suggestion that works for me!


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