who here owns a bun and thigh rocker? results?


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-02 AT 09:46PM (Est)[/font][p]While waiting for my IMAX 2 series to arrive, I purchased a Body by Jake Bun and Thigh Rocker (at a discount price). What kind of results did you guys see and how long did it take? Do you love it or does it just collect dust?

My machine arrived today and I'm debating whether I should open/assemble it or resell it on ebay.


I bought a BTR about 2 months ago or so because of Honeybunch's recommendation and let me tell you - it has done WONDERS for my lower body. I can build muscle and definition just fine in my upper body, but my legs are very stubborn. In addition, my lower back has a tendency to get really sore when I do leg work with a heavily loaded barbell. Long story short - my legs and glutes have never been this tight. I absolutely cannot believe the results. I've been working out seriously with weights for about 2 years and nothing got me results like the BTR (thanks Honeybunch!) My latest adventures with my beloved BTR is doing Leaner Legs with it. I put it on 70 pounds and talk about a burn. 70 might sound like a lot, but remember that with the BTR you don't have your own body weight in addition to your barbell/dumbbells. And all of this with absolutely no back strain whatsoever. I say keep it. Any other BTR-lovers out there? Linda
I did Power Hour on it - the leg weights portion. I have contemplated doind LL on it - maybe tomorrow, which is one of my "leg" days.

It IS an amazing machine! I hope Santa delivers a lot of them this year to Cathe-ites.

Just Do It! :)
I love the BTR! You have to give it a test spin! You won't believe how effective this is! Anyone concerned about the lower body or for just maintaing lean legs should have one! It's soo easy to incorporate into workouts! Soo many posibilities on this sucker--alone or with equipment! You just have to be creative! Here's some ideas and suggestions that I have passed on to others: You can do a 10-10-10-10 with a treadmill-bike -- stepper then BTR---if you have that equipment (if you only have one than use that) you can also do this intense cardio program before the BTR--if you don't have cardio equipment use a jumprope(or pretend rope) or sprinting/jogging: 12 minute Cardio Guerilla~Minutes 1-4 warm up @50%of perceived maximum effort MINUTE 5 sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs~sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs MINUTE 6(same) sprint 20-rest 10 sprint 20 rest 10 MINUTE 7(same )MINUTE 8 (same) MINUTES 9-12 Cool down @50% of perceived maximum effort.Then to the BTR (keep 10 , 12lb,15 dumbells handy) use 10 lbs resistance lbs
2 min 10lbs resistance bands (feet hip width apart go up and down on a 1 count)
1 min grab dumbells plie squat( the count is up 2 down 2)
1 min still with dumbells turn feet to right(the count is up 2 down 2)
1 min still with dumbells turn feet to left(the count is up 2 down 2)
1 min no dumbells feet straight and wide(on outter edges press through heels up 3 down 3)
1 min calf raise no weights(place toes at the bottom of footrest and push up and hold for 3 secs-lower carefully with heels slightly under footrest)
1 min with dumbells feet wide( up 3 down 3 and hold 3 secs up 3 and down 3 and hole 3 secs etc)
1 min plie squat with weights(up 3 down 3 and hold 3 secs etc)
1 min no weights feet hip width(go up 1 down 1)
( go an extra min or 2 mins if you need it to cool down)
* if you want to focus more on your quads than put pressure on the balls of your feet---for more focus on glutes and hamstring put more pressure on your heels *it's all about foot placement and where you apply pressure!
If you want to just do lowerbody toning -no intense cardio-do the BTR above and do 3 sets of 12 for floor toning working "one leg at a time *after working opposite leg for inner thigh work*" with no(ankle) weights!
on your left side:
1.do 3 sets of 12 LEFT inner thigh leg lifts(each set go a lil further out from midline--example first set foot pointed towards the wall-2nd set foot pointed on a slight angle further from your other leg and 3rd set sweep out further(where comfortable and lift from there),2. RIGHT-outter thigh lifts, (on your side with elbow bent- and leg on floor with a slight bend in the knee)-lower and lift(never touching the floor)3. then do kick ins(same position bring knee into chest and kick out) 4.leg circles working the quads (foot is pointed upward slightly turning the leg upward to work the front of thigh)12 lil circles one way than 12 the other way,--5. now back to side for long outter thigh leg raise-12 x go as high as you can(without compromising your form) then when coming down go slow and flex foot(works your innerthigh this way--then roll on other side work Right inner thigh-----start all over working Left leg now...
when finished roll on belly with head rested straight down on bent arms---do 20 hamstring curls working both legs at the same time doing a (2 count) of curling in for 2 and extend 2 --then extend arms out in front of you and alternate right arm with left leg extended then alternate--this is the swimmers move in pilates--keep alternating at a quick pace for a count of 20 then stretch out! If this is too much you can always do 3 sets of 12 of placing your feet left right straight and plie to just get the job done and then throw in some floorwork and leg extensions to get a feel of it! Also put some pulses in there to feel the burn(slow slow count is a killer) Whichever you decide I hope these ideas were helpful and if your not satisfied with the BTR you can put an add in the local paper and have someone come to your house and pick it up since it's assembled! This BTR will be discontinued, that's why it's marked down, they supposedly stopped manufacturing it--so take that into consideration too ---let us know your feedback on it--love to hear from you!

Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Thanks for all of the replies! 10 minutes after I posted this thread, I torn open the box and assembled my BTR. Hehe. At first I put on all the bands (70lbs worth) and had a little trouble. I reduced it to 50lbs, popped in a dvd to watch and went to work. Ahhhhhh! I totally feel it in my thighs today. Thanks for your ideas. I can't believe how much you wrote Francine! This one is definitely a keeper! I'll give you monthly updates on my results.

I have a question though. I feel it mostly in my thighs. What type of movement should I do to concentrate on my glutes? I virtually have a flat behind and want to try to build it up a bit.

Thanks again!
Oh my Franci!

I am hurting just reading this!!! What a great workout. Thanks for sharing. Also, just wanted to add that I am a happy buyer of the B&TR! Great piece of equipment. Now....if I could only find the time to add it back in my rotation. I saw great resuts when I was using it faithfully, broken toe and all :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: How?

I must ask how you are using it. Did you get a demo video with it? How many resistance bands are you using at one time? To me, the key is slow, controlled movements, much like lifting weights.

Clue me in on your technique, and we can go from there.

Just Do It! :)
So where did you purchase this amazing piece of equipment and how much does it cost?
I purchased mine at www.shopnbc.com
brand new!

current price: $39 these used to retail $200
shipping: $18

i don't know how much extra resistance bands cost but at this price, you can buy 2 entire machines with everything included

enjoy everyone!

Hi Keilan00! I tried to email you but it didn't go through -to answer your questions- you will get that lift in your butt using the BTR * if you want to focus more on your quads than put pressure on the balls of your feet---for more focus on glutes and hamstring put more pressure on your heels *it's all about foot placement and where you apply pressure! * There's also different exercises that you can do to work the butt area either with the BTR or separately! print these out for future use! Start each exercise for 30 secs and eventually work up to 45 secs! You will also be doing a pulsing motion 15 xs after you have completed each exercise !
Left butt kick( on all fours (pushup position)bend knee into chest and kick out straight) when time is up pulse straight leg up 15x
Right butt kick(same format)
Left bent knee leg press( keep foot flexed go up & down and then pulse at top when time is up 15 xs)
Right bent knee leg press(same format)
Straight leg Left butt lift(keep leg extended and toes pointed- lift up and down then pulse 15xs)
Straight leg Right butt lift(same format)
Left butt lift w/hamstring curl( lift your straight leg up-then a hamstring curl-extend and then down) sequence is lift,curl,extend and down--when it comes time for pulses keep a bent knee not straight with foot facing ceiling!
Right butt lift w/hamstring curl(same format)
* For quickie standing work you can hold the back of the rocker and do 3 sets of 12 inner thigh sweeps,front leg extension(knee up,extend,bring back and down) outter thigh lifts, then standing butt lifts ( you can also do this in a circuit working inner,front of quads,outter thigh,and butt lifts in one flowing sequence and go through it 2 more x then work other side
* you can also turn your circuit into front kicks -side kicks-back kicks and for inner thighs "ala tae bo style" where you bring your leg in up and around and down* (The format is to bring the leg you are using towards the standing leg and do a reverse clock from 6 oclock all the way around to six oclock again)

Optional equipment for intensity
bodybar(for warm up of good mornings,deadlifts,and side twists)
ankle weights
handweights,wrist weights
weighted vest
extra resistance bands
option of taking the pin out of the seat to go into a deeper squat(very carefully always keeping proper form)
*another exercise to raise the butt is to lay on your step (facing down keeping body stable and properly aligned) and do hamstring curls off of it--to jack that up --put a dumbell between your legs and lift up ! *
I hope these ideas are helpful when creating your workout regimen! Take care!

Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Hey girlfriend!

DebbieH--How are you? I know you're busy as a beaver with the holidays coming, I just wanted to say Hi and I hope your enjoying your winter classes--I'm also looking forward to chatting with you about the new series coming! Can't wait! Take care!Your friend in fitness~~Francine

Hi Francine! Thanks for the tips. Will definitely get started right away. So far I've done BTR for 3 days straight for ~15 minutes. I was using 50lbs but now I'm ready for 70lbs. The first 2 days my thighs were a little sore but in a good way. Today I feel no soreness at all so I think it's time to kick up the weight. I really don't need any butt lifting. What I need to do is build one, thus the increase in weight. When I bought my machine, I actually bought 2 (one for me and one for my sister). My sister just got pregnant so I'll probably borrow the 25lb bands from her box when I outgrow this weight. I've only had the machine for 3 days and I'm already thinking of day when I'll be ready for 100lbs. haha

So far, the BTR has been kind to my knees. During the summer I strained a ligament in my right knee while running (took about a month and a half to heal). I've been focusing on slow controlled movements with the BTR and haven't noticed any pain. The BTR is cool. I look forward to using it and seeing my future results.
This machine sounds amazing. I am looking to "build up" my rather, hate to say this, skinny legs. Will this be a good investment, or is it only for someone who is trying to "slim down" the leg area????????

Thanks in advance,
Well I hope it works on skinny legs and flat behinds, because I just ordered one from shopnbc at that great price. Boy I wish purchasing at shopnbc's web site was as nice as purchasing at Cathe's site - shopnbc should hire cathe's web people....


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