My Barbell has arrived !!!


Hi All,

My Barbell has arrived !! :-jumpy ! The Parcel man who delivered it managed to lift the box - I was impressed, because I couldn't ! He was complaining because he is fed up with people ordering weights via mail order !
No one warned me how BIG the barbell bar is :eek: - I think if I stand width ways in my living room, with it across my shoulders, it will become jammed, against the walls !!!!! :7

No, seriously, I am soooo excited - it is cardio kicks tonight and the other half of Power hour (or Agony hour)- wish me luck ! :D

Anna :)
Hi Anna,

Oh, I'm so happy for you! I worked out for years before I finally bought a barbell set and I'm SO glad I did. My fitness level skyrocketed when I started with the barbell (about 6 months ago,) and yours will, too. I always felt challenged with the dumbbells, but my they're nothing compared to the barbell! Just start kind of light until you get used to it. I think I started with about 25 pounds, maybe less, well, definitely less for biceps! Now I go much heavier (for everything except biceps that is. I just can't get them stronger!) Enjoy and let us know how you progress. Take care, Linda
Hi All,

There is only one problem with my barbell, I can't lift it, and that is with a 5# disc at each end !!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Anna :)

It's not written anywhere that you have to start with plates on the barbell! I also remember someone here giving very wise advice on how she was able to train herself to do crazy 8's with the weight that Cathe uses. She said that no matter what weight Cathe used with her barbell or dumbbell, she would do all of her bicep work with dumbbells only. She would use the heaviest weight she could, with good form and increase the weight by a pound or two every couple of weeks. I'm so sorry that I don't remember who posted this because I followed the advice and it really helped me and I'd like to give her credit for it. I remember when I first got my barbell and tried to lift 35# over my head to my shoulders for the squats on Slow & Heavy and I almost fell on the floor! In the end, I hoisted one end up on the sofa, got the other end on my shoulder then sort of squatted down and put the other end on. Not one of my more dignified moments! I don't remember how I got it off, either! I would take satisfaction in knowing that you have the barbell waiting for you and take another few weeks to use the heaviest you can with your dumbbells. Make sure you're getting enough quality protein (lots of tofu, try protein shakes if you can get them in the UK) and try to lift your barbell again without any plates on it. It's unbelievable the difference those little 5 pound plates can make! Also, I'm remembering now that you just got Power Hour so if you want to try your new barbell with that then DEFINITELY do it without plates. That is one very tough workout. Again, don't be discouraged! I promise you that you will progress very quickly.

On a completely unrelated topic - what's the status of your search for the perfect mascara? I just bought one by Bourjois and it's fantastic. I got mine at Sephora, but maybe they sell it somewhere else. I also heard that Laura Mercier makes a good one but I haven't tried it.

Good luck with the barbell and keep us posted! Take care, Linda
Thanks Linda,

I managed to lift my barbell last night, with 10# on it :-jumpy, while doing MIS. Half way through I realised that my 8# body bar felt too light ! So, I thought, time to get out the barbell ! I feel really good today, I feel really firm !!!!!! Inner thighs, the lot ! I am really gettimg into this weights thing :D

As far as my mascara hunt is going, I have decided to buy L'Oreal's Voluminous next week, and if I don't get on with it then I shall be taking a trip to my nearest Lancome counter !

Anna :)
Hey Anna!

Quite possibly your barbell weighs more then you think it does without any plates on it??? Just a thought. (I have a barbell that weighs 15# without ANY plates) Do you have a scale or maybe there is info in the brochure that came with it telling you how much it weighs? Just take your time and build up gradually. You are "OFFICIAL" now that you OWN a barbell. Have FUN!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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