Fitness as a hobby

Hey Donna! FOUR new DVDS?? Wow. That's like 12 new workouts. How exciting! :)
Does anyone remember what life was like before the internet? I got my first home computer 7 years ago and have been on ever since. The "real world" as you call it, is fine for people who take classes, but for those of us who love to work out at home, the internet is a dream come true!
Have a fun Sunday!
Hi Everyone,

Oh, there are so many things to comment on in this great post.

1. My 2 and 4 year old children know that every day at 4 o'clock it's time to exercise. I put in my Cathe and they jump on the couch and watch me. I look forward to the day that we can all really do a Cathe tape or go on a run together.

2. I had a scare last month - I had a suspicious lump in my breast that had to be surgically removed and biopsied. The dr. at the mammography center was pretty sure it was a malignancy. Thankfully, it turned out benign, but you know what I did the night before the surgery? Power Hour! Throughout the experience I felt like whatever happened, my body was strong and ready to take on anything - all because of Cathe. I even took a local for the procedure instead of a general anesthesia because I felt so strong physically and mentally from all of the work I do with Cathe. I felt like, "This is my body and I want to know what's going on with it." It was a weird experience to be talking with the surgeon while she was cutting something out of my body, but totally worth it. Also, when I thought it could be a malignancy and I might have to have a mastectomy, I researched and was so relieved to find that they don't take chest muscles anymore, just tissue. I knew that if, God forbid, I'd have to have my breast removed, I'd be back with Cathe ASAP!

3. Yes physical activity is so lacking with youngsters. I teach 5th and 6th grade core studies and my students only get PE 3 times a week. Unbelievable! One of my 5th grade girls (who is beautiful and has a wonderfully natural shape) was talking about dieting the other day. Ugh! Ten years old! I had the students write a poem about their different attributes and so many of the boys wrote about sports (running, etc.) but none of the girls! My next project is to start a girls' sports team at the school!!

4. Finally, I am so thankful for this forum. I, like so many of you, check it AT LEAST once a day. If I didn't have you all to "talk" to, I think I would feel like a freak even though I know that what I'm doing is important and good for me. My husband is supportive, but doesn't exercise himself, my sister runs on a treadmill twice a week but hates weights. So in "real life" I feel totally alone.

All the best,
RE: Hi, Naughtoj

Hi, Janice! I know your post is a couple days old, but thank you for your kind words, and I'm sorry about your father. It's very painful to watch, and I too have watched it with my mother (who almost died before she stopped drinking) and my brother. (My father quit drinking almost 20 years ago.)

It is so very true that you can't lead someone to their recovery - they have to reach for it and they have to do it. Both for fitness and sobriety. All I can ever say is, "There but for the grace of God go I . . ."

Annette Q. Aquajock
I don't even TRY to justify my "hobby" any more or even discuss fitness much except on this forum. The people here understand the enthusiasm I have for exercise! Co-workers just think I'm naturally thin (oh, yeah, I wish!!) & that I'm a health nut & are so surprised if they see me eat a cookie. People can't understand that I ENJOY working out & that it is a part of my normal routine that I would rather do than park my junky butt in front of the tube! My DH is very supportive but I think sometimes feels bad because he sees the results in me & feels guilty that he doesn't do as much as he would like (I've talked him into doing the weight portion of Body Max & told him to try PH & just adjust the weights as needed). I think I'm convincing him & also told him to remember that even though Cathe is a woman she's a very fit one & he may not match her weights immediately!!

I've finally found others out there like me who enjoy working out like I do! I'm glad it's not just me. I was beginning to think I was the only one in the world who does really enjoy it. I get a catalog every few months, Collage Video. I should own stock in that company the way I buy videos from them. I jump for joy every time I see their new catalog in the mail because I'm just dying to open to see what new videos they have this time around. It's mostly because of them why I've acquired over three hundred exercise videos of the years. But I do love it so! I love especially Cathe's videos and the Firm and Tae Bo. And I'm really getting into pilates tapes (especially Winsor and Karen Voight). My only problem is deciding to do which tape each day. A lot of great choices to choose from.

Well, I'm just glad that there's others out there that appreciate working out and they good it can do for you (both physically and mentally). Everybody have a great day!

I also find that I don't mention my avid interest in fitness to people unless they bring it up first. This is especially the case with family, who think it very strange that I have a room in my house totally devoted to working out (TV, video/DVD player, various weights, total gym, step, rebounder, fitness magazines...) My mum commented lately that I work too hard, and I should take the time to just do something nice. I replied that I always get my workouts in, and she looked at me as if I was from another planet!


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