Circuit Max kicked my butt!


I just did the first 2 (YES ONLY 2) circuits of Circuit Max. I have come to realize that while I want to build strength (which I am doing in leaps & bounds -- Thank you very much, Cathe!!!!), I also should be building my cardio endurance. So, I was thinking, I'm an advanced exerciser, I do pretty good for myself, I'm going to tackle this bad girl! NO WAY! I got through the warm up just fine. Got through the first cardio circuit pretty good. I got a cramp in my side but as Cathe says, I pushed through it. Bring on that first weight circuit. Oh sure! I had to do either just the squats or just the arms. I couldn't do both at the same time, I just couldn't breath! On to cardio circuit #2. That nasty little cramp came back so I lowered the intensity. No jumping for this wuss! I'm breathing like I just sprinted a mile. I managed to struggle through and started the 2nd weight circuit. I did 2 lunges with arms on both sides and decided 25 minutes of cardio was enough for today. Thank you very much.

I just wanted to share with those that have "been there, done that" and would understand my whining right now! I will conquer this little bit of intensity if it kills me. And right now it feels like it might! lol
I've been thinking about getting this video for the past 2 weeks. Now I must say I am a bit aprehensive.;-) However I am always up for a good challenge and I'm sure like you,Cathe will put me through one. Is this video fast paced? What I mean is are her weight lifting reps with lighter weight and quicker movement? I am definetly intrigued and will probably be ordering it by weeks end! Susan
I agree that this is probably one of Cathe's toughest videos for me too. I can't get through all the circuits in one workout unless I skip some of the weight work. I use it for good a good variety of cardio. Although the DVD is not chaptered by circuits, it's pretty easy to skip to whatever circuits I feel like doing that particular day(you could do that easily for the VHS version too). I strive for a certain number of them and if I can keep going, I do (that rarely happens ;-)). I think this video is definitely worthwhile to have - don't feel too bad if you can't get all the way through it, it is KILLER! Also, the lunges and squats tend to steal a lot energy from your legs making it more difficult to jump right back into the cardio. Maybe someday I'll get all the way through but if I don't that's ok. I enjoy each portion as I do it. Keep at it! :)
Very funny!! Hey, I just love it in CM when Cathe says "Don't worry if there is a little temporary elevation now because we are going to be putting them down". Well, she does like 10 more overhead presses after that and I am thinking "OK, well, when we put the weights down aren't we going back to cardio???". Ok, somehow, that is just not comforting!!!!LOL!!!!

You are right though. That heart rate really gets kickin' cuz there just isn't any rest!!!
I had to post about Cathe's circuit max. I'm doing it in a rotation now and I almost dread doing the tape because it is so hard. I'm exactly as you gettingfit on the weight work... I found myself only being able to do one or the other. So I decided to keep my legs still and do the upper body. I was still trying to catch my breath going into the next cardio. I barely make it through this tape and that's doing a lot of low impact. I tried to do low impact only when I felt like I needed to stop, but then when they get to the next strength circuit, I'm still trying to catch my breath once again. Of course those planks at the end I really hate, but I know I need them. I hope this workout gets easier.

I just did CM yesterday, too, and yes, it kicked my butt, too. After the 1st circuit I realized that my face felt like it was on fire. You know when you were in junior high and had to run a mile and you were totally out of shape and your face would turn bright red? That was me yesterday. Not to mention the fact that I was sweating for hours afterwards - even though I showered right after I finished. People on this forum always talk about the music that Cathe chooses for her tapes and I have to say that I think CM is even better than CK and CTX. It's what got me through it. I agree about the weight segments. I just did lower body but my weights decreased significantly as the tape went on.... Linda
Hi you all,

I love CM I did it on Monday and yes it kicked my butt and had it for breakfast. But I really love doing it, after #1 and #2 circuits I do all the weight sections in my own time but the time Cathe gets to the step portions I can just about do the low impact section I am ready to lay down and die.

But I always feel great afterwards I mean I got through it. I either have the next day as my rest day or I do Cardio Kicks (yes I am mad).

I had to decrease the weights for the entire tape there is no way I can lift heavy doing this at the moment but its part of my rotation I really like this tape and would encourage you to get it and set it as a goal to do the entire tape with modifications and build from there.

I knew I could count on you all to understand. Linda, did you say there was music in this video. My heart was pounding so loud I never heard it! lol Susanz, GET IT!!! It's tough, but I enjoyed every heart pounding, sweaty minute.
Count me in as another Circuit Max devotee - I have to restrain myself from doing it every week so that I won't burn myself out with it! The fun factor is through the roof! I only do 45-lb barbell squats / lunges during the resistance segments rather than compound upper/lower body moves due to unrelenting klutzery on my part, but I absolutely love the choreography of all six of the cardio segments as well as the resistance segments!

I would dearly love to see more hi/lo, kickbox and step kickbox from La Cathe, a la Circuit Max! Maybe in 2003? (hint, hint)

Annette Q. Aquajock
Gosh, Annette, only 45 POUNDS!!!!!!! Boy, are you a wuss. Just kidding. 45 pounds??????? Ouch baby! Very ouch!

I could never get through the whole thing until after I finished my S&H rotation - I don't know why, but it was after that. Now I can do the whole thing, although I'm VERY pooped at the end of it AND because of hip problems and a chronically pulled inner thigh muscle, I don't do the squats, just the arms. But I do find the weight sections VERY challenging. It is definitely a killer.
You can do it! Just keep workin' at it. Small steps, right?

This workout is soooo much fun, it's so worth keeping at it. I mean, yeah, your huffin' and puffin' the whole way throught (okay I'll speak for myself :) ) but there is ZERO boredom. I LOVE all the quick changes, they keep me 'in the zone'! I always have the next segment to look forward to...Everything is fun and challenging in this workout, the cardio segments as well as the compund strength moves. It's also highly versatile in that you can do the strength work for both upper and lower, either one, or none, and just either fast forward or do the moves without weights.

And please don't feel bad about not getting through it. The first time I did CM, I was so wiped out for 3 or 4 days (nope, I'm not kidding - or exaggerating). I posted here to get some feedback about different ways to use the workout (i.e. the options I described above) and have never looked back.

Keep it up, baby! You'll get where you want to be with CM!
I've been on a little bit of an exercise hiatus, so I've lost some endurance and strength (getting back there, though - thank goodness for muscle memory), but when I was at my peak just 7 months ago and I traded for Circuit Max, I thought I would be able to do it, no problem. As I attempted this one for the first time I thought Cathe must be kidding. Maybe she and the gang were secretly pausing in between circuits for 1/2 hour breaks to just be able to go on, I thought.

I definitely think Circuit Max is the hardest tape I've ever tried (second to Interval Max - although both are incredibly tough). I have to mentally prepare myself for days before even attempting it.

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