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  1. S

    UFC Fit Mike Dolce

    My pleasure! I hope she enjoys it. I have not yet used the set.
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    UFC Fit Mike Dolce

    WEEKS 1-3 Week 1: Day 1- Power Punch Day 2- Cardio Cross Train & Ab Assassin Day 3- Power Pull Day 4- Fat Fighter Day 5- Power Punch Day 6- Cardio Cross Train & Ultimate Stretch Flex Day 7- Rest Week 2: Day 8- Fat Fighter Day 9- Power Pull Day 10- Cardio Cross Train Day 11- Power Punch Day 12-...
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    Cardio Coach Pump

    I have all Cardio Coaches. Love them all. Pump is very short, about 31 min. I use it for circuits. I do my own cardio for 1-2 minutes then a Pump track. He calls each track a circuit but it is a circuit for a particular body part. It also moves very quickly so you will need to use...
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    For Those Who Followed November's LIS Rotation

    What were your results following the LIS rotation only - not the STS/LIS one. Thanks so much!
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    Updated Compendium?

    I have Fit Fig's compendium from 2008 (THANK YOU!) Has it been updated?
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    No record of my purchasing pre-sale Shock! :(

    Don't know if this helps, but I received an answer from Nancy on this exact same issue about 3 hrs after I emailed tham. 15 min. later I received my package. BTW, still no record of them, but they are here :)
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    Fitnessfreak, if you have time, a rotation question with running?

    bumping and hoping you have the time :)
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    Big Dog Suggestions?

    Newfoundlands are the absolutley best if you have kids IMHO. They are BIG and beautiful.
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    Level of Impact of New Workouts?

    I am holding off on pre-ordering as well. About to turn the Big 50, and I cannot do those tuck jumps anymore :)
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    I actually like Kick Max

    I'm the odd one out here. It is my least favorite Cathe. My real issue with it is the Chaptering. I think each blast section could have been chaptered so there would be more options, such as a high low circuit.
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    problem entering 1RM in workout manager

    After following your directions, it seems to be holding the inputs. Does that mean I have to log out each time I use WM?
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    problem entering 1RM in workout manager

    I am using IE 7. I have both the sites bookmarked so I go directly to and I am already logged in. I did also try logging out and then logging back in, but it did not help with the problem. I always click on STS in STEP 1 and then the Disc #. I...
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    problem entering 1RM in workout manager

    Dear SNM: I am jhaving the exact same probelm. I checked and it is not the scroll bar. As a matter of fact, when I enter a 1RM the exercise turns "red" telling me it is entered. When I enter another exercise, the 2nd one turns red, but the first one is now black again saying I did not...
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    Weights Cathe & Crew use

    I know that SNM said that they would not be mentioning the wieght that Cathe & Crew use but is there any way to tell or guesstimate on the dvds.
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    Question please on MRT

    Thanks so much everyone. The VF thread was getting too involved and complicated for me. I am just trying to figure out if I should get CLX. I get skittish about bandwagons. I am getting STS and do not know if CLX will fit my needs or not. I am recovering from injuries that had me in a wheelchair...
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    Question please on MRT

    I am confused. Nothing new there. What is Metabolic Resistance Training? What does it do for you as opposed to other training methods. Besides CLX, are there other systems or series that is MRT? Thanks!