Big Dog Suggestions?


So I'm taking my kids to Michigan to visit my family in July. It's been 10 years since I've been to Michigan (which means my youngest son has never been since he's getting ready to turn 10), so I'm really excited.

When we get back from Michigan we are going to get a puppy. The boys have been wanting a dog, and so have I for quite some time now. We are moving into a rental house and the landlady, who is absolutely fabulous, told me we could get a dog, any size dog if I paid a rather high deposit -- which I gladly did because out of the many places my boys and I looked at to rent, many said we could have a dog with a $200 deposit, but it had to be less than 25 lbs.

I have nothing against 25 pound dogs, but I grew up with Great Danes and my husband and I had a Rottweiler before we had kids, so I'm a big dog kind of girl.

I am leaning very heavily toward a male Mastiff, but I'm wondering what other dogs you think I might consider. My requirements are that they be big, great with children and big loves with a loud bark ;) Short hair, long hair, doesn't really matter to me. I'm not going to get a Great Dane because one thing I don't want is a big long whippy tail :) And no Rotts because it would be impossible for me to replace in my heart our first Rott who passed away.

But anything else I am open to consider ;)


We had a German Shepherd! He was a fabulous dog and great with kids! Ours was a little bigger than most and weighed in about 120 pounds. He was good because he didn't bark unless there was reason to bark and when no one was home he just slept. He was not prone to getting into things. (I was probably lucky there!)

I also had a lab years ago which was a very fun dog as well and super super good with kids. I will say although our German Shepherd was friendly, many people were afraid of him but not so with the lab.

Anyway, there's my 2cents!

I have always loved big dogs and we usually had weimaraners. But 6 years ago we adopted a medium size dog--35 lbs and I can't begin to tell you how much easier he is. Love him so much we just adopted a 14 lb. dog and that has worked out great. I don't know how much space you have, but you should consider that along with how much time you have to exercise a big dog. I suggest you consider a rescue dog either thru a breed rescue, or your local shelter. Good luck but please remember how much work a big dog involves and how much space they need.
i was going to suggest a dane!:eek::p:p

we have our second and think they are the best breed ever!
but if youve had one you know that:D
youre right on the whippy downside to a gd, for sure! i cant tell you how many times one of our dds has gotten smacked in the face!:eek::eek:

a mastiff was our 2nd choice....oh, those faces!!!!!:D

good luck w/ your decision
We are big dog people, too. Most of our dogs in the past have been lab mixes and I have to say that labs are energetic and fabulous with kids. I also highly recommend checking out your local shelter(s). You get the best dogs there and nowadays many have pictures of their animals online. That's how we discovered our current we were just 'browsing' to see what they had at the Dumb Friends League and the other one we were looking for a specific breed (a lab mix) and just kept looking at the website of our local humane society until they had one. As a kid we had a german shepherd that was beautiful and very family friendly (very smart and had a mischievous streak in her) and protective of the family.

Good luck and I can't wait to hear what you eventually choose!

P.S.- At last weigh-in, our dogs weighed in at 85 (Burnese Mtn Dog/perhaps lab(?) mix), and 55 (black lab mix). Now neither can fit into their collars by 2-3", by growing bigger and, in the case of the bigger one, a little fatter. We're now giving them a little more exercise and a little less food. LOL
My Mom is a German Shepherd breeder so I grew up with lots and lots of big dogs(she loves to have them all in the house), but they do shed a lot.

We have a golden mix from the shelter and got her 10 years ago. She has the sweet sweet temperment of a golden and looks like a golden, but is only 35 pounds. You should try the shelter, there are lots of great dogs there.

I also recommend obedience training, and if the kids are old enough, have them do it. When we first got Rosie, my son was 11, and she was boisterous and tended to get wild with him. My Mom and sister teach classes and suggested he take her through the class. They flunked, because Rosie got so distracted by the other dogs, but she became better behaved for all of us and especially him.
Boxers are a medium breed, but to me, feel pretty darn big with their athletic build. I have two.:D:D
They are a great family dog, they love children, and make a great guard type dog. I hate to say guard dog, but they do bark when anyone approaches the house. What they would do after the stranger comes in, is a different story.:eek: They would most likely lick the person to death!!!
They are in the mastiff family. My DH wants a mastiff, but after much research the drooling was a deal breaker for me.
Every breed has pros and cons. Research before you decide. You'll have to choose what suits your lifestyle. If you're looking for a puppy, beware of any breeder who doesn't tell you the cons to the breed.

Boxers are a high energy breed. Most of them are playful like a puppy until the day they go to rainbow bridge. I say most. I have a male who is lazy as can be, my girl who is almost nine years old is still very playful.

They need their humans. If they are left alone too long, they will become destructive (eat your couch).
One thing I love, and everyone who visits my home mentions this, they do not smell like a dog. I'm not kidding! I've been on many boxer forums and other boxer owners have noticed the same.
They have very little grooming needs. They are a wash and go type dog.:)
Downside, they are prone to cancer. :(

Anyway, if you can handle a dog with a fair amount of energy, athletic, loyal to his family, loves children, and has a face that can melt your heart. Boxers are a wonderful choice!!
I'm not partial or anything:p

This video demonstrates the spirit of a boxer. (note UK boxer's have tails, US boxer's tails are docked)
I have an almost 7 yo and a 6 month old mastiff so I'm a little partial. :D Love them to death but let me warn you-they can knock you down with their tail.;)
I have an almost 7 yo and a 6 month old mastiff so I'm a little partial. :D Love them to death but let me warn you-they can knock you down with their tail.;)

Do they really drool a lot? My DH would love a mastiff! He wanted me to put our name on a list for a mastiff puppy, but I'm afraid the drool would make me crazy.
I'm also partial to Boxers though they generally aren't categorized as big, 60-70lbs is the norm but my first Boxer weighed in at 85lbs and tall. They are great family dogs.

Cynthia is totally right in that they don't have a doggy smell. :)

If I had to go bigger, I'd be checking out Mastiff breeds.

Good luck with your decision. We expect pictures! :)
I grew up with German Shepherds and love that breed. It would be my recommendation, and what I hope to get again. Look at shelters and rescue sites too - they have pure breeds and mixes of what you may want, and those mixes make great pets :) The Great Pyrenees is a wonderful breed as well - great with kids and quite the watchdog.
I love my German Shepherds to pieces. They are not only beautiful and sweet but quite intelligent. Please keep in mind that they require a lot of exercise, mentally and physically. We spend upwards of 1 to 2 hours a day providing them with leash training, ball playing and other fun stuff. They get bored easy but their loyalty and love is SO worth it. Good luck with whatever you decide! :)
Thanks for all the suggestions so far!!

I have done a lot of research on the mastiffs, that's why I'm pretty sure that's what I want. The drooling doesn't worry me too much. There is a mastiff rescue shelter in the town right next to us and they get puppies very frequently. I have also been talking to a breeder in the southern part of our state who expects puppies later this year.

I like Boxers and have considered them as well, and now to hear that they don't have a dog smell, I may really look into that more :D

My boys are 15 and 10 and I have told them that we will be doing obedience training with whatever dog we get. We are a pretty active family and I at least understand the needs of a big dog so I am prepared. The house that we are moving into has a very large fenced back yard and lots of walking trails.

Thanks again for the suggestions. Keep them coming ;)

Whatever we get there will of course be pictures :D

edit: Shepherds are great dogs and I've always wanted one, however, my insurance (both home and rental) won't cover me if I get a Shepherd and I don't really understand that . . . :(
Another big Dog girl here. not a fan of the little yappers. Sorry, no offense anyone!!

LAbs all the way here! We have always had labs & finally stuck with the chocolates. Last summer we bred them & really enjoyed the time with the puppies, although I won't do it again. We have 2 boys who are now 14 & 16, they have grwon up with these dogs. I run a family daycare from my home so the dogs are constantly around kids & are great with them. Well except stealing their food! :rolleyes:

Goodl uck deciding, let us know how you make out!!
Another big Dog girl here. not a fan of the little yappers.

Ummmh, not all smaller dogs are yappers. Just sayin' - no offense of course ;)

We had a Labrador and a German Shepherd mix before, but I wouldn't do it again. There is something to be said about dogs without tails, it's nice that my stuff stays on the coffee table. :eek:

For big dogs I like Bernese Mountain Dogs. Great temperament and great family dogs.
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DH grew up with Shepherds and Dobermans ~ he loves them. Whenever he sees one on the street, I can see his face break into a slow, affectionate smile.

We have Snoopy the Terrible now (a Boston Terrier), and he's taught me the importance of training, so you're smart to put that on the schedule.

Someday we hope to get both a Shepherd and a Doberman. I have to learn to be a good Dog Mommy first though. :)
Ummmh, not all smaller dogs are yappers. Just sayin' - no offense of course ;)

No offense taken ! :D I agree not all small dogs are "yappers". There are some very great small dogs.

Hear what you're saying baout the tail issue! One of our labs had the tip pf her tail cut clean off when a daycare child slammed the door on her as she was going outside! Not a pleasant experience.
Breeds that have loving personalities are: Border terriers, cocker spaniels, English setters, golden retrievers and Old English sheepdogs.

Enjoy, this will be one lucky animal.



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