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  1. luvtorun

    Daily Check in TGIF Aug 14

    MIA for a while.... My workouts this week - Sunday - B&G - this crippled me with DOMS for days! I don't know about overkill but is sure killed my legs! Monday - Disc #1 chest/shoulders/biceps Tuesday - Step Blast Wednesday - rest Thursday - Disc #3 - legs - finally legs were able...
  2. luvtorun

    Daily Check-In Tuesday, 7/28

    Thanks for the birthday wish Tammy! Good morning everyone! I did IMAX2 yday trying to jump start my routine again! It felt great. Love that workout. Going to look at my calendar to see what I'm going to do today. I was halfway through meso 3 when the week of the wedding derailed me...
  3. luvtorun

    Daily Check In, Saturday July 25

    Good morning everyone and HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKY!!!
  4. luvtorun

    Daily Check-In Thursday 7/23

    Good morning all! Happy Anniversary Becky!!! Somebody has a birthday this weekend too!!! LIC step premix (30 minutes of it) yday.... slowly easing back in Not sure what it will be today.
  5. luvtorun

    Daily Check-In Wednesday 7/22

    Okay, I got some pictures up. Conni - I requested you "friend" me. You'll need to "friend" me. Everyone else is on my friend list from the check-in. I made it a private album.
  6. luvtorun

    Daily Check-In Wednesday 7/22

    Tammy/Conni - I'll upload the pics on here. Tammy I saw your post where you disabled FB. I'll get them up as soon as I can.
  7. luvtorun

    Daily Check-In Tuesday, 7/21

    Conni - you have to be signed up on FB to see the pictures. For those that aren't on FB, I can upload the pics on Cathe.... didn't even think about that but now with her expanded website, that shouldn't be hard to do. I can copy pics from others who are posting theirs on FB and then upload...
  8. luvtorun

    Daily Check-In Tuesday, 7/21

    Hey there! I have some pics up on Facebook. My camera died so I just have the getting ready part. I'm relying on others to get some later shots to me.
  9. luvtorun

    Daily Check-In TGIFriday, 7/10

    Good morning Becky and Tammy..... Sorry for the short night Becky... get a nap today if you can. Today is cardio. Not sure if I'm going to do a run or something from the rotation. I may do MIC Hi/Lo and tack on SJP hi/lo... we'll see. It needs to be short, I have plans this evening.
  10. luvtorun

    Daily Check-In Thursday 7/9

    Evening everyone.... Today was Disc 31 chest and back. DH wasn't here to spot me but I wrestled that HEAVY BB up for four sets of flat bench chest presses. I really could use that tower right now!! I also did STS weights-and-plates abs.
  11. luvtorun

    Daily Check-In Wednesday 7/8

    Good morning Tammy and Becky! Becky - I emailed you. Today is a rest day. I have some running to do after work, then Bible study tonight so won't be home until about 8:30. Yes, you guessed it, the running is wedding stuff!! The Bridal luncheon is Saturday, then her lingerie shower that...
  12. luvtorun

    Daily check in Tues July 7

    Hey everybody! Late checkin for me today. I was off today and DH and I hit the road early on the bike, went to see the grandkids, then went for lunch and some riding. I did a 4 mile run with some short periods of fasting walking ..... 50 minutes..... I have a Blackberry now and I love...
  13. luvtorun

    Daily Check in Mon July 6

    Good morning Phyllis and all that follow.... Phyllis ~ oh yes, running can make you sore in places you didn't know existed LOL.... Especially if you are not use to it. I reconnected with Carole on Facebook yday and she had just finished a 16 mile run, she is training for a marathon in...
  14. luvtorun

    Daily Check in Sun July5

    Yum... that sauce does sound good Conni! I did HIS/LIS double cardio premix and STS abs - pilate style.... I feel a lot better!
  15. luvtorun

    Daily Check in Sun July5

    Good morning! Phyllis - I'm loving FB. Good going on the run. I commented on your FB wall about it. Becky - I'm glad you got the fireworks in. I am getting off track again with the workouts. With all the running, stress, then working this weekend and getting behind on EVERYTHING... I...
  16. luvtorun

    Daily Check in Mon June 29

    Good morning Phyllis and Tammy and all that follow... I got in STS chest and back Saturday. Yday no workout, after church DH and I rode the bike with some friends. Today is PowerMax for sure and maybe STS, shoulders, bis and tris if I have enough time and enough umph.... Have a good...
  17. luvtorun

    Daily Check-In TGIFriday 6/26

    Good morning Tammy and all that follow..... Today is an ambitious workout. I have time today (unless I have Joseph this evening but will have to wait and see if DIL and DS go to the movies). I'm going to attempt STS disc 28 chest and back, then disc 38 squat rack legs.... trying to catch up.
  18. luvtorun

    Daily Check-In Thursday, 625

    I did LIC cardio premix and have yet to do abs... will get those in a little while. Thanks Vilma.... I'm holding my new little grandson, Hunter. Annette - I use running shoes on my TM and when running outside.
  19. luvtorun

    Daily Check-In Thursday, 625

    Wait a minute... I'm still working on last week's workouts... geezzzzzz. I think I do have LIC cardio time saver premix and yoga abs today... I'll do something... I think I'm losing my mind!
  20. luvtorun

    Daily Check-In Thursday, 625

    Good morning! Today is MIC warm up, hi/lo and then Cardio Quick Fix but I believe I'll sub the CQF with a run. Also STS yoga abs. Becky - I told you the wrong workout on email, that was last week... can you tell I'm a little scattered!