Daily Check in Mon July 6


I can't complain about today as I am on vacation after it's over! Yea!

Plyo legs(D32)await me today. My inner thighs are still store from my run the other day. Does anyone else encounter that soreness after a run?

Have a good day all!
Good morning Phyllis and all that follow....

Phyllis ~ oh yes, running can make you sore in places you didn't know existed LOL.... Especially if you are not use to it. I reconnected with Carole on Facebook yday and she had just finished a 16 mile run, she is training for a marathon in October. With all this talk of running, it is calling me again. I think I'll sub my cardio on the rotation with a good run tomorrow.

Today, however, is STS disc 28 chest and back. I hope I haven't lost too much by getting sidetracked.

Tammy ~ I searched you on FB but couldn't find you.

Have a good day everybody! I work today but tomorrow I'm off.

Good Morning,


I believe that says it all .:mad:

Phyllis, are you going anywhere on vaca ???
Jane, do you have plans for your day off ?

I have something pulled or a muscle spasm in my neck , but I am HOPING to get to do LL & abs this morning.
Mowing the grass was also on today's schedule, but we'll see if I can do that .

Good Morning Glories!

Monday already??? :confused::( Today is my rest day :D

Jane~ I'll look you up next time I'm on FB. Enjoy your day off tomorrow.

Becky~ I hope your neck feels better..OUCH!

Phyllis~ YAY for vacation!!!
Hi everyone,

Yeah, it's Monday, I am on Layoff this week, so I guess it is a vacation of sorts..

Becky - Take some Advil immediately. I have done that before and it is annoying!!

Phyllis - Any fun plans this week?????

Today is going to be a step workout, maybe Patrick's CIA, or his Step my Way, and then some ab work.

Have a good day.
Leaner legs and SB abs (from butts & gutts) is done !

I had forgotten that while LL is very intense,(THAT part I remembered;)) it is also shorter, so that was a nice suprise when it wrapped up in only 30 minutes.

Connie, I did take Aleve and also sprayed with a bengay-like product and my neck IS feeling a little better. At least it loosened up some.

I wish I was at the BEACH!!! (random thought, but just thought I'd share.:p:D)

Hi again,

Glad the neck is improving, Becky, be careful though, I end up sleeping funny and messing it up again. Go figure:eek:!

Today was Patricks Step My Way, I upped the intensity by doing the bonus combo on my rebounder. Then I did Ab hits.

Doing chores before pool today, it is a beautiful day.
No plans to go anywhere, but a bunch of little things to do - get the dog groomed, DD to the eye Dr, DD's college orientation,clean and prepare for Saturday's party, etc

Ouch Becky, I hope your neck muscle relaxes. I agree with Conni - use Advil.

Tammy, did you sleep in a little this morning?

Conni, I'm guessing that you don't get paid during your layoff. That's tough. I always spend too much money when I am home.
Hi gals,

I did a 45 min. Fat Blasting Cardio Taebo workout with weighted gloves on for my workout.

I also had a GYN appointment today so I had to deal with that too.

Have a great day!!:D
Phyllis ~ Your vacation sounds fabulous to me!! Yes, I got to sleep in an extra hour this morning :D Love my sleeps ;)

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