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  1. S

    Limecat's Friday Eve Question of the Day

    I haven't had much time for lurking, much less posting, here for a couple months. I'm glad that I found some time today, because this is a question that haunts me at times. While I could probably make a long list of single decisions that changed my life in a way I wish it hadn't, but there...
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    Original Club Step = WOW!

    Thank you for confirming my suspicions, Marie! I'm adding OCS to my Wish List. I've been using a rather small one that I got at a thrift store for $5 for the past year or so, and my dislike for it is growing stronger and stronger. ;) I noticed in the Fitness Wholesale catalog (I finally bit...
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    I need some help choosing a new DVD, please

    I have decided to order Cathe's new beg/int step and stability ball strength DVD. I hemmed and hawed a bit because I didn't want to admit to myself that I'm just not ready for her more advanced workouts. You all motivate and challenge me so much that I want to push myself...but I realize that I...
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    Daily check-in 31/07/2005

    Good morning! :) I read over Cathe's August 2005 rotation, and my head is still spinning. LOL NO way am I up to that level--- yet. ;) I'm interested to hear how it goes from you brave souls who accept the Boot Camp Challenge. Rock on!! }( I had SO much fun doing HSC-int. yesterday. I...
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    No sweets, salt , and water increase check-in 07/30/05

    Howdy fellow challengers! :) As I mentioned earlier in the Daily Check In, I haven't been online much this past week. I've been kid sitting this past week (and will next week, too) on top of preparing meals for 2 clients. I'd have more time if the kid sitting job wasn't in the city- 1.5 hours...
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    Daily check-in 30/07/2005

    Hello from almost long-lost checker-in! :) I haven't been able to get online very much this past week- I've taken on a kid-sitting job on top of my personal chef clients. I love the kids and am having fun with them even though it's "challenged" my energy- and my pet allergies (they have a...
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    Are you secretive?

    I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one who is secretive/private about their health and fitness! I have only a small handful of people who I'm close to that I will share a LITTLE information and/or advice once in awhile. I find that I do even that less and less, because alot of people...
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    No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 22, 2005

    Hello fellow challengers! Happy Friday! Good luck this weekend, Shelley! Although, I know that "luck" isn't what it's about, right? ;) Choices and natural consequences are the name of this "game". Why am I using so many " "s?? LOL Anyway, I'm confident in your commitment to this challenge...
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    Any Wisconsin Cathe fans out there

    Native Cheesehead here, though I live in TN now. I grew up in Racine, just south of Milwaukee. My grandpa still lives (and has for a very long time) in Milwaukee. My family and I visit at least twice a year. Perhaps I'll an extra pocket of time in a future WI visit to meet up with some WI...
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    I'm curious about The Step company...

    Thank you so much, Amy!! You're a terrific team mate! ;) Connie
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    I'm curious about The Step company...

    My reward gift of Cathe's high step is on it's way to me. I can't wait to get it!! My next equipment purchase will be a regular step. I understand (from someone else's post) that The Step company risers will work with a High Step and a regular step. That's terrific! However, I can't seem...
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    August Challenge

    Count me in, Shelley! :) I think I'm getting the hang of this...and dare I say liking life without daily sugar. }( x( :P :9 Connie
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    Daily Check-In: Wednesday, July 20, 2005

    Thank you, Becky!! :D I'm glad to meet another Reacher fan! He's such a fascinating character. I wish I would have started at the beginner of the series. It's hard to find used search continues, though. ;) Connie
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    Congrats, Dana!! That's amazing- and inspiring!! May every year of your life be filled with health and strength! Connie :D
  15. S

    Happy Birthday!

    I wish you a very happy birthday, Cathe! Thank you for creating such incredibly wonderful and effective workouts, I appreciate you every single day. :) Connie
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    No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 20, 2005

    I agree, too! WOW!! From now on whenever I have french fries on my plate (which isn't often- right? hehehe) I will think of your and your awesome willpower. Way to go! :D Connie
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    No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 20, 2005

    Welcome, Marla! :) I don't think dark chocolate should count against us since it's chock full of antioxidants. :P hehe Seriously, this challenge can be customized to meet your goals. If 1 piece of dark chocolate works for you, then go for it! ;) I wouldn't worry about yogurt. However, if you...
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    No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 20, 2005

    No, no, no Emily! You haven't failed at all. Think of all the sweets you WOULD have eaten if it wasn't for this challenge? You've succeed! :D Connie
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    No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 20, 2005

    Shelley, you've been such an inspiration to me with this no sweets challenge. Thank you so much for getting the ball rolling!! I'm definately going to do the No Sweets challenge again next month. In fact, I think I'm going to do it forever! :9 Still going strong, and thankfull not having any...
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    WaaaHOOO, I reached a long time goal!!

    Thanks everyone! :) Your support and kindness is wonderful, and very much appreciated!! I've been thinking about a reward for this particular goal for a looong time. I've changed my mind a few times, but I think I've decided. I want a High Step. I've got a question about it though- do the...