Daily check-in 31/07/2005


Hi good morning, today is PLYO X. I have seen the Cathe's august rotation and I can't wait to try it. I will finish the P90X rotation first. Carole how is your DH? Annette I hope your back will be OK today.Jane I have seen your post about the H Extreme workout . Yes it is awesome.This KM blast challenge is a killer. Have a great Sunday everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Good morning Mariangeles and all that follow.

Yesterday was upper/lower body premix on BC.

Today is steady state cardio day. Haven't decided yet. Have to work, then go to the grocery store so it will be a later w/o today. Have a great day everybody.
Morning ladies.

Mariangeles - Cathe's August rotation looks like it's perfect for you!

Jane - Sorry you have to work today. Try to make the best of it.

I haven't actually been to bed yet. Stupid insomniax( I'm not sure if I'll have the energy to work out later. If I do, it will be something light.

Have a great day!
Good morning Mariangeles, Jane, Shelley and the other fine fitness ladies that follow,

Yesterday: CleanMax, ErrandMax and then GymStyle Legs (standing and floor work) StretchMax#3 followed by a long soak in a lavendar scented bubblebath ahhhhh

Today: Finish cleanmax, then go to work. Hope to get GymStyle Chest in before work and GymStyle Back and StretchMax #2 in after work this evening.

Have a good day everyone
Hello, Ladies!

Great workouts!

Today LowMax.

We are going to work on getting our patio done today! YAY!

Shelley-I saw you are planning to do Cathe's Aug. Rotation in Sept. I am also planning on it. I would love to do a check in with you if you are planning to do one. I will definitely need some support to get through it!:eek:

Have a fantastic day!
Good morning everyone,

I hope your weekend is going well. I came online to see the August Rotation before going to church this morning and now I am going to have to put in for some extra prayers to get through this one! Yikes!
I only have a max of 90 minutes a day to workout, so I will be modifying somewhat, but wow!

Saturday - Kickmax in it's entirety.
Sunday - Coremax 2, Stretchmax 2.

See you all tomorrow after Bodymax!}(
Good morning All! Happy Sunday.

Mariangeles the word PLYO just plain makes me shudder!

Jane hope your work day goes by quick!

Hope you get some energy Shelley. No sleep sucks.

Cathy I've got CleanMax today too. Hope your day goes by quick too so you can get home and workout again!

Carla have fun w/ Lowmax. I'm doing the rotation too. Maybe we should have a check in? That would probably help us A LOT!

Conni, pray hard! I know I'm going to! I think we're going to need a divine intervention to get thru this! :7

I'm going to walk and do some StretchMax. I think I will actually REST since it's my rest day especially because tomorrow starts Hell Month!}( }( }( !! EGADS this is gonna be tough! But we CAN DO IT!!

Good morning ladies...

Annette....wow...I hope your back gets better..

Sandra...yes he had a cluster of varicose veins protruding under his skin. He had it for a long time but lately it had started to bother him. Its a genetic thing too...I'd have to say any thought of any surgery would bother me!! But he did really well. Yes the Dr did say it would be painful but so far he has not had alot of pain...could be the painkillers???...:)

Shelley...I forgot to thank you yesterday for the link to trail runs in Canada...I might have to get some running friends together and invade your country!! Thanks!!

Connie...nice to see you back..

Mariángeles..thank you for asking...:)... DH is doing well. He even walked around outside a bit yesterday. By the way I did PlyoX last week...WOW...it kicked my butt!

Good Luck for those of you doing the Aug rotation!!! Holy Moly that one looks very tough...BC twice in one day!!! YEOW

I am doing a 12-14 mile trail run today. Ended up doing the Viper yesterday. It was a bit more humid here and my running shorts looked like spandex when I got done...

Have a great Sunday....:)...Carole
Hi All! The boards will be buzzing about August's rotation!! I had to pick my jaw up off of the desk after reading it! I don't usually follow rotations but will print this one off, it looks like a keeper.

Mariangeles, are you getting the results you want with P90X? You've been working very hard. I've been intrigued by this series for a while. :)

Jane, enjoy your workout, I always look forward to straight up cardio days.

Shelley, that's a long night Girl! Hope you get some rest today, it's a great day for lying on a beach or a piece of grass by the water.

Cathy, the lavendar bath sounds heavenly, nice reward after hard work :)

Carla, working on a patio sounds like a wonderful way to spend a Sunday. Make sure to enjoy a beverage (or 2;-) ) on it ASAP!:)

Conni, God Bless any and all participating in the August rotation, you have my prayers and utmost respect:)

Kali enjoy your rest day, your gonna neeeeeed it!:p :p

ETA: Carole glad your hubby is on the mend and comfortable.

Today I'm thinking HSC and some standing/floor leg work. I'll finish my coffee and decide. The rest of the day is BeachMax!! I'll bring my ball gloves and maybe do some yoga on the dunes.

Enjoy your Sunday Everyone!

Take Care
Hi again, Carole glad to know your DH is doing well. Laurie yes, I am seeing results. I have lost weight and I see more definition in my abs and legs.But I can tell you that diet is an absolutely CRITICAL component to getting really ripped.I will love to look like Cathe. I got discouraged, but have come to accept my body for what it is, because I know my diet is far from perfect. I still indulge in junk food occasionally,so I know that these things are limiting my success.I have come to learn that looking like a fitness magazine cover model requires a SERIOUS commitment to BOTH exercise and diet. To get that ripped, I think you have to be an absolute NAZI about your diet.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Good Morning Fit Ladies!

Today I will be doing HCXtreme Hi/Lo workout and then I'll add on some ab work.

I've got some DOMS from GS Leg floorwork I did yesterday. That surprised me, as I did the same workout last week and felt fine. Go figure!

Hello to all that follow...have a great Sunday!

Good morning all you ladies,

Wow! how about cathes Aug. rotation? It looks brutal! I want to maybe somehow do some of the workout she has on there that I can do. I would like to try 400 situps. That would kill me! But I'm up for the challenge! So I am going to make me out a rotation put some of this work in it.

Yesterday I did MIS upper, but didn't get to do abs and KM legs, so I'm not sure if I will put it in today. I am going to be putting my routine together. After my friend takes me out to lunch today. She's paying! WhooHoo! The food always taste better when you're not paying!

If anyone has any suggestions on a workout using some of cathes workouts in the rotation, feel free to give input. Any thing but cardio. I need a change here folks! I got very down after reading the rotation because I Knew I could not do it. This is one I would love to do. I like a challenge! My dh tells me everything will be okay soon. I have put him through he!! with my foot. And thanks for all of you for putting up with too!

Well I'm going for now, hope all of you ladies have a wonderful day!

Good morning everyone:

I'm off to a stay overnight in a nearby hotel with my DH's family. So, I'm afraid today will be a relaxing one, but probably OK after my stupidity in overdoing it with my running yesterday.

I am definitely going to give Cathe's August Rotation a try. It looks a bit more advanced than I think I am, but maybe I'll surprise myself. Anyway, I feel up to the challenge and can't wait to see what awesome results could come out of that rotation.

Have a great day everybody!

Good Morning everyone!

I will be resting again today....maybe some pilates later but that's the extent of it and then tmrw I start my first Cathe rotation! :eek: }( :eek:

So we painted our kitchen yesterday! It looks really pretty. I'm glad we did it. Next is our living room! I am having a hard time choosing a color for that room though. I'd also like to pain out bathroom...I think I want a lavander color for that when it comes time.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

Hi guys, you all are an inspiration with your awesome workouts. Today was GS legs timesaver 1 and Rael 27 system pilates.
Mariangeles, that's awesome that you are seeing results! I'm so tempted to buy this series but I'll hold off some more. I agree about the diet. I too love to eat and have bouts of great discipline and then I lose it, diet makes a huge difference in showing off these strong muscles:)

I had fun this a.m. with HSC followed by IMAX3 step only and PUB floorwork and stretch. It got the cobwebs out, that's for sure}( :)

Take Care
Kali are you doing the august 2004 rotation or this years rotation? I know that the plan before this was the weight loss lower body from 04. I am just wondering what your plan is as I would be with you on the 04. I am not sure if I wan to start this new one until september as I will be gone for 5 days in august on vacation and I don't think I could do this one while on vacation. I could do the 04 one while on vacation though. Let me know.

Good Morning Ladies,

How many of us are still in shock over the new rotation cathe posted :) I want to try it but may wait until september since I will be out of town for 5 days in august.

Wendy- so what did you decide to do about Dear Joey yesterday while painting?
Carole- So glad to hear your husband is ok.
Kim-any idea of how long until your foot is better? I feel for you as I know how frustrated I would be if I couldn't do my full workouts. I wish you a speedy recovery.
Shelley-I was up late last night too. I had been out with friends and couldnt sleep when I got home. I hope you finally got some sleep.

Ok today is treadmill day, then I really need to abs as I slacked on those yesterday. Later will be a weight workout I just have to decide which one. I did plb yesterday so today maybe ME. It is so frigginf hot here. Hope everyone has a nice day and great workouts!

Good morning! :)

I read over Cathe's August 2005 rotation, and my head is still spinning. LOL NO way am I up to that level--- yet. ;) I'm interested to hear how it goes from you brave souls who accept the Boot Camp Challenge. Rock on!! }(

I had SO much fun doing HSC-int. yesterday. I didn't realize how much I was missing my Cathe workouts. :eek:

Today will be Step Jam + StretchMax. Whoohooo! I've only done SJ once, but I really liked it.

Thanks for the welcome back, Carole and Jane! :D


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