Daily check-in 31/07/2005

Hi everybody!!!

I just got done with Boot Camp and I was imagining how it is to do it twice. I think it is doable, but doing everyday a 2 hour workout, I don't know.... :eek:
I would like to try the August rotation, but there is no way I have the time to it. :-(
Can't wait to hear about the results though from anyone who is trying it. :7

Have a great rest of the day
Kristine :)
Hello ladies. Late check in for me. Yesterday I did SJP. Today was supposed to be my rest day, but since we went to my parents for dinner last night and I had lasagna and garlic bread AND pie I did IMAX 2 this morning followed by the SB challenge. I will be doing abs tonight as well. Have to work all that food off, but boy did it all taste GREAT!!!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Thought I'd check back in after my run. I did think my 14 mile trail run would be easy....:)...so I decided to take a fall in the first half mile...http://bestsmileys.com/falling/5.gif[/img]...actually a trip, fall and slide. So my right knee was bleeding...and I had a nice long rasberry on my right thigh...x( Also my water bottle flew right into the lake...http://bestsmileys.com/falling/3.gif[/img] so in I go to get it. Mind you the bank was over 4 feet high. Thank god for Cathe workouts as I hoisted my lower half up and over the bank...as I am nuts I did finish the run. I do feel like a true trail runner now...http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/5.gif[/img]....:)...Carole
Oh Carole...you poor thing! I hope you are okay and you don't wake up with any injuries. Take care girl!

HI Laurie, I see you're from Canada, as am I. I am new to this forum - I watched Cathe for two weeks while on a biztrip to Nassau, but where do you catch her in Canada? I wrote down some of her moves, but in logging on here, I see there's so much more involved.

I workout a couple hours a day (split) by walking 5km to (and mostly from) work, I rotate running, cycling and elliptical, and I teach two muscle-conditioning classes a week that the members tear me up about (so it's working), so I would love to include Cathe in my regime. Any suggestions on how I can get started and where I can pick up her videos?

All the posts I have read are so welcoming and kind - everyone's great!
I just finished my w/o at 8:40. I knew I'd run late today. So much to do with working on top of it all.

Steady state cardio day for me so I put together some of the step combos on the TimeSaver with warm up and cool down for a total of 70 minutes. Great w/o. The combos were from Step Blast and Step Jump Pump. The TimeSaver is the only DVD I have from the Body Blast Series. I really like those step routines.

AHR 132 MHR 158 Calories burned 460

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