Any Wisconsin Cathe fans out there

Yep, another Wisconsin Cathe fan! I'm from Hudson (right on the MN/WI border), so I guess I can almost consider myself a Minnesota Cathe fan!
I had no idea that there was so many of us out there! This is so fun! I'm so glad you started this thread. Ok, we definately need to come up with a name. I do have one request, lets stay away from cows and cheese! Neither of them seem very appealing for a name for our Cathe fitness group! Hopefully something will come to me in my sleep tonight! LOL!!!
THANKS SUE for speaking up. Today was a zinger of a day...I didn't get a chance to hover around the forums until tonight! :-(

Anyway, YES...Meecher (Michelle) from Brookfield and Sue from Waukesha. We were the only two from WI at the road trip AND our last names were EXACTLY the SAME...SPOOKY!!!

So, fitness jedi...

Are you a STAR WARS NUT like my husband? (We've got a Toys'R'Us branch location right here in our basement...YIKES!)

Hey Fitness Jedi!

I was wondering if that was you! Awesome....great idea for starting this group. I will try to think of a few ideas for a name too.

I was just thinking that I really want to go on the next road trip, if they have another. We should all go, that would be so much fun.

So, do you guys want to try and check in each day? What kind of rotations is everyone doing?


p.s. Laura...did you get a new email yet? It's awesome I "saw" you on here!
I think that is a good name! Any other suggestions out there? I didn't come up with any that were fun. I like the Buff Badgers, what do you all think???
Native Cheesehead here, though I live in TN now. I grew up in Racine, just south of Milwaukee. My grandpa still lives (and has for a very long time) in Milwaukee. My family and I visit at least twice a year. Perhaps I'll an extra pocket of time in a future WI visit to meet up with some WI Catheites...? That would awesome!! :D

I love the name buff badgers. What does everyone else think?
Thea-thanks for getting me stared on Cathe...I love here DVD's.
Fellow Buff Badgers-how often should we have check in?
I'm a Wisconsinite as well and live in Brookfield. I think Meecher and I are neighbors. However, as of August 12th I will become an Arizonian after living in this state all my life. :( (I hope I can change this to a smiley face soon). I am still in denial that I am leaving my home state. I'm trying to be positive and looking forward to a new adventure, but I am scared and now that the date is nearing, I'm starting to get sad. On a positive note though, I could care less if I see snow ever again. But I am a die hard Packer fan and will miss the Packer atmosphere around here. Oh well, Scottsdale, here I come.!

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