No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 22, 2005


Morning everyone!

Well, this weekend will be a big test for me. I'm off to a friend's cottage and that usually means eating all sorts of things that are NOT clean! Wish me luck!

What's everyone else up to this weekend?
Good luck Shelley! I hope you and Sophie have lots of fun.

No sweets 1/2 check I took a bite of my nieces bd cake

By the way SHelley I am up for the Continuation of no sweets in august! It is the harder of the 3 for me. Water is the easiest and salty snaks I haven't really missed. I therefore need the No sweets with an occasional cheat day!

RE: No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 22, 200...

Have a great time Shelley! I'm in too for the no sweets in Aug. Checking in w/ you guys is definatley making the difference for me.

No Sweets
No Salty Junk
More than enough Water

Have a great day everyone! Hang in there!
RE: No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 22, 200...

Hey shelley, you can do it this weekend!

no sweets, no salt, and drank water, but not to the quantity I am striving for.

So far I am a winner this week!!!!!

Yeah count me in on the sweet challenge for next month.

RE: No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 22, 200...

So far I'm doing great. But we're going out to dinner tonight, so I'll have to watch my portion sizes.

No salt - check
water - a little behind so far today
portion sizes - doing great

No sweets for the month of August sounds like a real challenge. I'm in!

Hello fellow challengers! Happy Friday!

Good luck this weekend, Shelley! Although, I know that "luck" isn't what it's about, right? ;) Choices and natural consequences are the name of this "game". Why am I using so many " "s?? LOL Anyway, I'm confident in your commitment to this challenge. ;) Enjoy your weekend with your friends!

Yesterday I was seriously tempted to eat some ice cream. I was out all day shopping, and it was extremely hot and humid. I kept daydreaming about a nice cold and creamy cone....but then thought of my streak and all the nasty sugar. After that, I just let go of the temptation. Why doesn't this work all the time? I wish I knew. :p

This morning I was tending to some fresh tomatoes at my mom's house, and kept hearing those damn homemade peanut butter cookies calling to me. I moved them out of my line of sight, and forgot about them. Another close call....

Hmmmm, PMS may be comin' around again. x(

Stay strong, everyone! We've got each other's strength to pull from- remember that! :)


Edited for spelling.
RE: No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 22, 200...

Good luck Shelley!

Well today I've been failing on my salt intake (PMS is approaching so it's hard to eat 100% clean). I had some Lays stax and some pumpernickel bread (healthy, but it has more sodium than my whole grain whole wheat bread), but I've been doing well on the sugar and the water. I have noticed that if I cheat on the sugar I do well on the salt and if I cheat on the salt I do well on the sugar. Hmm why can't I do well on both at the same time? x(

I hope you all have a great weekend. Not much for me. I gotta do some shopping, some cleaning, and some reading. And I have to exercise too! And be careful with my diet! LOL

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