Original Club Step = WOW!


I just have to say this, for anyone who is putting off the purchase of the Original Club Step. I received my OCS last week (after agonizing over spending this much $$ on yet more equipment, lol). I have owned a Reebok step for about 12 years or so, and it was height-adjustable, but wasn't as long as the OCS, so it was hard to justify the expense.

Anyway, I did PowerMax yesterday on the new step, and I cannot believe how sore my legs are!! It makes such a huge difference to the workout... I was focusing on going as long as I could with many of the moves (as Cathe does) as opposed to artifically shortening a movement out of fear of running out of room. I didn't even have it set as high as I normally do for this workout, but my inner thighs in particularly are incredibly sore.

Definitely worth the money!! :)

Just my .02.

Glad you love it Marie! I got mine used for cheap but it would have been worth it to pay the full retail price! There is no comparison! The full size step rocks! :7

I also have the Reebok step and have had it for about 10 years or so. I don't have any problem using it in place of the Club Step (maybe just because I dont' know the difference) except for when Cathe lays down on the step to do chest or triceps and she puts her feet up on the step. Mine won't fit and putting them on the ground arches my back, so I end up with my legs bent , in the air , like doing crunches for lower abs. I never thought of it making a difference in the way you described though!:eek:
Can I ask how much the club step costs?? I can't imagine DH's face when I say I want a new step now!!!!! In the past year I've bought almost every single Cathe DVD, a barbell and more weights. Now I am considering P90X, and starting to add to my step collection with Christi Taylor and Season Ziegler workouts. A new step too????? ACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!;) }( :p
When I mention this to DH, I WON'T mention your name!!!!
Marie I know what you mean. I had the adjustable Reebok step and it was a total different world with the club step. It took me a while to get ajusted to going over the step at that length. I would not trade this step in for nothing else!

Becky, I paid $85 on Amazon (free shipping). You can get it cheaper on Walmart.com (I saw them as cheap as $53), particularly if you can get it shipped to a store in your location (my area does not have that). OR if you're lucky, you can get one IN a store... again, no Walmart or sporting goods stores in my area had the full-size step, they only had the shorter one (which made no sense since I had one that worked ok).

However, some ladies here have had great deals on ebay, so if you are really patient, that might be an avenue to pursue...

It is definitely a huge difference for step workouts, and I can't wait to do some weight work and not have to rig up a bench using my step and my son's k-nex box, lol.

I use the Club Step both for stepping AND weights, so it's more than paid for itself.

Pendulums, 6-count mambos, flying angels and skip-steps across the step are so much more fun with a full-sized step, even for a short person like me.


I'm bad I don't mention what I buy to my hubby ... It just appears LOL He never cares !! Or pays attention enough LOL.}( }( }(
Hi Marie!!

I got the full-size step for myself for Christmas last year. Boy, it does make the world of difference, doesn't it. But, I just love it!!! You'll be very happy you got it!!

BTW, love your pug picture!!! Take care!
Is the Reebok step you are talking about the gray and black one? I always thought it WAS a full sized step, not like the little Denise Austion ones, or other small ones on the market.........?
How much longer is the club step than the Reebok one??
I need to get one. I have almost slipped off the shorter one. When I get the $80.00 (where I have found it the cheapest) I am going to try to get one. but as soon as you have extra money, that darn car finds out!

My Reebok step is purple and pink (yes, it is ugly, lol). So possibly we do not have the same model. I am really dating myself here, but I am fairly certain I bought the thing in 92 or 93!!!! I can't even remember what step tape it came with, only that I didn't like the workout and so never really used the thing that much. I am not lying when I say the OCS is nearly TWICE as long.

You might want to measure your step and then look up the Original Club Step online to get the dimensions.

I am so totally converted!

Edie, so great to see you!!!! I hope you are doing well & enjoying all of your hiking!

Take care,

Thanks for the idea. My step measures 35" by 13", the Club Step is 43" by.....uh I think it said 16", that probably would make a big difference in the workout!!
I guess that has to go on my wish list now too! :p
I guess I'll start researching for the best deal!!
Besides the length is there anything else you like better about the Club Step over the Reebok step? I have the Black & Grey Reebok Step. The Reebok step is VERY hard plastic and it does not 'give' at all. When watching the workouts on the Club Step it appears to give a little with higher intensity movements. Is this the case or am I totally wrong? Just wondering if I should shell out the $ for a different step? I remember paying around $100 for the Reebok step 5 or so years ago.
Thank you for confirming my suspicions, Marie! I'm adding OCS to my Wish List. I've been using a rather small one that I got at a thrift store for $5 for the past year or so, and my dislike for it is growing stronger and stronger. ;)

I noticed in the Fitness Wholesale catalog (I finally bit the bullet and got a stability ball! :eek: ) that they sell platform only OCS's for $35 + shipping. I am SO excited!! I recently bought a High Step so I already have all the risers that I'll need so this platform only will be perfect for me. :D Perhaps that will work for some of you, too... hope so! Here's a link to their website: www.fwonline.com.

Connie :D

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! That WILL work for me!!! I also have the high step, so already have the risers that will work for the OCS.
Thanks for including the website, I bet that's the best deal out there! I'm going to order one too!!:D
My Reebok step has worked for me all these years (10+), so I definitely got my money's worth....but it's time to move on!!!!
>My Reebok step is purple and pink (yes, it is ugly, lol). So
>possibly we do not have the same model. I am really dating
>myself here, but I am fairly certain I bought the thing in 92
>or 93!!!!

Maybe that's not the regular Reebok step. I've only ever seen the black and grey Reebok step. It's shorter than the Step Co step, but I thought the difference was only about 4" or so.
I have the Black &
>Grey Reebok Step. The Reebok step is VERY hard plastic and it
>does not 'give' at all. When watching the workouts on the
>Club Step it appears to give a little with higher intensity
>movements. Is this the case or am I totally wrong? Just
>wondering if I should shell out the $ for a different step?

I have the black and grey Reebok step too. I think it is relatively the same length as the Club Step, give or take a few inches. I noticed that the Club Step has a little more "give" (b/c they use them at my gym) but in my opinion, the difference is not big enough to justify getting a new step.

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