No sweets, salt, more water check-in - July 20, 2005


Wow, ladies, this month is almost over! We're all doing great!

Yesterday, I was a wee bit short on water, but everything else was good.

I think next month I might do the no sugar thing again.
Next month I DEFINITELY need the no sugar thing again! I've been a failure this month, what with all the cookies and all. :p
LOL! You are playing tug-of-war with your will about sugar? I am right there with you! This challege has been so great for me! I haven't had anything with unnatural sugar in it for five or six days now. I have said no to ice cream, cake, pie, and CHOCOLATE! I never thought that I could do it. I feel so good, and thank you so much for your encouragement! You have been a real driving force in my success. :D I will do it again next month with you! :)

I was short on water, but everything else was great! Kids were great yesterday (they did their chores without any prompting at all!) so DH brought home some cookie dough ice cream and I resisted! WAHOO! Any ways, have a healthy day everyone!

Okay, can I join this thread? I ate a handful of sour jacks last night and a few twizzlers! :eek:

So, starting today...cleaner eating for me! :D
Shelley that is awesome having this again this summer. I was going to ask, since I screwed up the first part of this challenge.I am just getting on track now.

Sweets - check
salt - check (went to eat at Ruby Tuesdays, and skipped the fries on my plate. Yahoo!
water intake - check (Not quite my 64oz but was close)

Yeepee! I said this would be a new week and by gosh I am going to do it!

Have a good day!!

Water-check it was a 101 here in Denver and I drank a gallon!
Salty Snacks-Check
No Sweets-No check :( I ate some twizzlers too. If I was going to consume such crap I should have had hot tamales! Right Angie :)

I was a little short on the water yesterday, but have been doing great with the no added salt. Portion sizes were good, except for the first time in several months (maybe a year) I ate small steamed white potatoes with BUTTER. I really enjoyed them!

I think next month I'll try the no sweets.

Enjoy your day!

I haven't checked in here before, but I'd like to. I've actually been eating very clean for a few months. Once I signed up for Cathe's Road Trip I found it easier to be good. :)

At Cathe's Road Trip I ate 2 cookies -- the first I've had in a LOOOOONG time. I also searched out Hot Tamales and ate a package of those. That's it. :)

I do allow myself yogurt and a teeny tiny Dove dark chocolate every day. But the fat still melted off my middle because I cut out everything else. :D :D :D

Kim - you had fries ON your plate and you didn't eat them. I bow before you. That's some amazing willpower, girl!
>Kim - you had fries ON your plate and you didn't eat them. I
>bow before you. That's some amazing willpower, girl!

I agree! I would have had to at least eaten half of them. :p
Thanks,Dani, Missy, and shelley.

It was so funny that when I took a bite of my grilled chicken sandwich my fingers automatically reached for my fries. My SIL just laughed. I told her to kiss my butt!! No, if I saw her do that I would laugh too. But I was proud of myself.

Also you will find out why when you read my post that I just put up.

Well I've been doing pretty good on this challenge. No salt and plenty of water.:) I must fess up that I had 2 bite size reese's yesterday:( and I enjoyed them very much!

This check-in has changed my life and I'm definitely doing it again next month. I hope a lot more people join us. I can't tell you all the changes I've experienced combining this check-in with exercise. I was even considering liposuction on my saddle bags a couple of months ago and after all these years working out I'm finally seeing my saddle bags diminish!

Well at the moment I can say I've been doing great with the sugar and the salt, but not with the water. I still have the afternoon and evening to make up for it :).
Shelley, you've been such an inspiration to me with this no sweets challenge. Thank you so much for getting the ball rolling!! I'm definately going to do the No Sweets challenge again next month. In fact, I think I'm going to do it forever! :9

Still going strong, and thankfull not having any cravings for sweets. That makes this so much easier!

No, no, no Emily! You haven't failed at all. Think of all the sweets you WOULD have eaten if it wasn't for this challenge? You've succeed! :D

Welcome, Marla! :)

I don't think dark chocolate should count against us since it's chock full of antioxidants. :p hehe Seriously, this challenge can be customized to meet your goals. If 1 piece of dark chocolate works for you, then go for it! ;) I wouldn't worry about yogurt. However, if you want to you could switch to plain fat free or low fat yogurt and add in your own sweetener. That's what I do, and it works well for me.

I agree, too! WOW!! From now on whenever I have french fries on my plate (which isn't often- right? hehehe) I will think of your and your awesome willpower. Way to go! :D


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