Limecat's Friday Eve Question of the Day

Shelley, many thanks for the promise of an alliterative question tomarrow. Dear friends, many thanks for not flaming me for my honesty. I agree with many of you who said that you are WHO you are from the stuggles and pitfalls along the way, and I guess that is true for me too. One thing I've never regreted is marrying my DH, who has been on this "wonderful cruise" with me every step of the way. Thanks so much for all of your kind and caring remarks. You are a wonderful bunch of woman.
If I could change one thing it would definitely have to be school. I wish I would've went directly to college when I was younger so I could be more settled now. I am very happily married but going through college now. My husband and I have so many dreams and goals but they are all having to be put off until I finish school. If I had finished when I was supposed to it seems we would have had a lot more accomplished. I'm so ready to have kids but I have to wait until school's done. I'm 29 and I swear I feel that biological clock ticking. But you know, everything does happen for a reason. I may not have met the love of my life if I had finished school and started working.

Wow - that's a good one and I'm not sure I would change anything. Don't get me wrong, I've done plenty of stupid things that I'm not proud of but I was lucky enough to not have them negatively impact my life or future. And now, a couple of them make for good laughs at the family gatherings!

I do wish I had spent more time with my grandpa when he was dying, but because I had that experience, it reminds me to call and visit my dad more during his illness. No matter how hard it is....

Thanks for sharing - looking forward to tomorrow's FUN question!
I would have gone to college immediately after high school, rather than trying to take an "easier" route. And don't get me wrong, the job I have now (I'm a court reporter) helps to provide my family with a nice life, but there's something about feeling trapped in a profession that gnaws at me! I could not just decide to do something or anything else on a professional level without having to go to college and start from scratch.

I don't know how it would impact me now. Had I gone to college after HS, my plan was to major in secondary ed with a minor in US history, and then go on to law school. I have to say, I'm usually glad the days that I work that I'm not a lawyer, and don't know if I would've liked being a teacher on a HS level!!! So maybe it all worked out for the best????:eek:
Along the lines of Robin's answer.

My children! GOD I LOVE THEM, but before I had my first, I had two miscarriages. Not sure if God was trying to tell me that I shouldn't have them.

I just don't think I'm the mother that they deserve. I do not fit into that whole "soccer, PTA, etc." mother category that so many childrens' mothers do today. I'm not comfortable with that whole scene. Don't get me wrong - my children are all active in sports, cheerleading and that sort of stuff. I don't hold them back and they are truly encouraged to pursue whatever they like, but I'm just not at EVERY event and EVERY practice like most mothers.

I'm raising my children like my parents raised me. Hopefully that will give them strength in life and make them more independent as adults.

Great question Limecat!
I wish I would have believed in myself more when I was in my teens and early twenties. I would not have married so young and I would have made more of my dreams come true. I truly had the talent to be a successful singing artist and musician and I did not have the confidence to make it happen. But, with that said I love my life now and where I am at.

Oh Robin! I am SO sorry for all you've been through & you definitely seem like one of the most giving, caring, compassionate, & loving people I've ever known. I am impressed & I applaud you for your honesty. I certainly don't think you're selfish at all. In fact, a lot of my friends who have kids tell me that if they had it to do over, they wouldn't have had chilren at all. Of course, they love them & wouldn't take a thing in the world for them now that they're here but if they had it to do all over, it would be a totally different story.

Amy... oh my goodness, that's really heavy too. I'm also impressed with your honestly & feel for all that you've been through too.

As for me, I guess I'd probably have to agree with Lisa (cecil) & all others who have said they wouldn't change anything. But most certainly not because everything has been great & wonderful at all! It's because everything from my past has brought me to where I am today. It's sort of like that movie "The Butterfly Effect" where just one tiny little thing could change literally everything. So although there are definitely things I'm not proud of, I guess I'd leave everything the way it was in order for everything to be the way it is.

Great, thought-provoking question & I look forward to tomorrow's more fun question too!

If I knew that perimenopause was going to make my libido unpredictable, DH and I would have had a lot more sex on our honeymoon. Well, I don't know if that would have been possible :+

Other than that, I agree, everything I have experienced has made me who I am today and I'm pretty happy with me :)
>If I knew that perimenopause was going to make my libido
>unpredictable, DH and I would have had a lot more sex on our
>honeymoon. Well, I don't know if that would have been
>possible :+

Good question, Limecat! What's *your* answer?

I've sat and reflected. My regrets are the same as many people here in terms of when I chose to make the big decisions in my life. I feel like I made a few decisions due to insecurity and a lack of information that I wish could change. I feel like I had a lot of potential that didn't get achieved because I didn't have anyone at the time to encourage me to strive and get outside my comfort zone. It's all my parents fault :p

I haven't had much time for lurking, much less posting, here for a couple months. I'm glad that I found some time today, because this is a question that haunts me at times.

While I could probably make a long list of single decisions that changed my life in a way I wish it hadn't, but there is only one that stands out and screams at me.

In 1997 while I was on the phone with a very good friend I told a white lie which like no big deal at the time. That white lie snowballed into some other lies that still haunt me today. It's too complex to explain, and even if I felt that I could I'd be too embarressed. I've never told anyone about this lie. I could not regret that lie more.

If I hadn't told that lie, I truly don't know where I'd be right now. I was in a bad place in my life- mentally, emotionally and physically at that time. That lie has brought some goodness to my life, but I know that goodness is based on a lie. It caused me great shame and pain that never really goes away. I don't like to face this, but I think if I hadn't told that lie I would have been on a horrible path of self-destruction. I suppose, in a way, that lie was a cry for help. I just wish it hadn't spiraled so far out of control.

Thank you for this question, LimeCat. I've wanted to get this out for a long time.
I would have went to acting school to have been an actress.

"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich
>That wasn't an intern job at the Clinton White House, was it?

Candi, that's twice you made me laugh. I must have read this 3 or 4 times till I got it.
I would have stayed a communications major in college instead of switching to business.

If I had, I would be doing something I love instead of pushing paper for a living. ;)

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