Daily check-in 30/07/2005

Hi! Very late checkin for me today. I was exhausted by yesterday and went to bed early, and got up late. Total amount of sleep: 11.5 hours!!!

Midmorning today I did Christie Taylor's Totally Hot Cardio. I've finally got the choreography down on this one. Time to try another one; maybe Hi/Lo Heaven.

Carole - he got his veins stripped?? That is one of my most dreaded of surgeries. I have this primal repulsion and fear of varicose veins. It's completely unrational. Eyeball surgery gives me the same reaction. But since this post isn't All About Me, let me say that I hope he recovers okay. This must be a painful surgery.

This is a three-day weekend in Canda. Does the US get Monday off, too?

Got an afternoon's work ahead of me, so I'd best get started.

Hi Carole I hope your DH will have a speed recovery. Finally I have done the hardcore extreme workout 2 (high and low intervals): segments of IMAX 3, Low Max and the Kickmax blast challenge. What a workout. I must be out of my mind because tomorrow I have to do PLYO X.I feel so great now.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Hello from almost long-lost checker-in! :)

I haven't been able to get online very much this past week- I've taken on a kid-sitting job on top of my personal chef clients. I love the kids and am having fun with them even though it's "challenged" my energy- and my pet allergies (they have a cat and a dog). Wednesday I had a terribly flare-up, and I'm still working on getting 100% over it. The icing on the cake is that AF came this morning, and next week looks identical to this last one. x( :p

Here's what my workout have looked like the past several days:

Took 3 day completely off on the 21st- 23rd for my knee. It worked very nicely, and has been feeling strong ever since.

Sunday- 2 mile walk + stretch
Monday- swimming for at least 30 minutes (an added benefit of my kid-sitting = the pool! :))
Tuesday- Body Fusion + Abs
Wednesday- no swimming and allergy flare-up switch amounted to an Off day
Thursday- slept just about all day due to the allergy medicine x(
Friday- swimming- at least 45 minutes
Saturday (today)- HSC-intermediate

I've missed checking in all week, hope no one forgot about me! :p

All of your workouts continue to inspire and motivate me! Awesome work, ladies! :)

Hey Connie - I've wondered where you were quite a few times. I remembered you were having problems with your knee so I figured you were just sidelined until that got better. Great to see you doing so well all except those nasty allergies that is.

Mariangeles!!!! I did that w/o on HCX yesterday. Isn't that an amazing w/o?? I kept thinking I was going to die doing it but afterwards you are looking for a car to lift!!

Just finished the upper and lower body premix on BC with the w/u and stretch with it. Run time right at 35 minutes or so. Had to work today, so needed a quick w/o as DH is taking me out to dinner tonight for my birthday. He was out of town all week. Going to Longhorn so being good won't be a problem there. I have that resturant down to a science.

Have wonderful Saturday evening all.

Connie - glad to have you back posting. Don't stay gone so long next time!! You worry us.:)
All right, I'm done for the day. Just finished ME. I feel pretty accomplished - ran 4 miles, including the stairs, did ME, mowed the lawn, cleaned two floors of my house, did umpteen loads of laundry...:)
Darnit! I have family over again tonight. I have my brothers who just call up and say what's up for dinner. I can't complain, it is good to see them. I have three more I don't see as often.

So I completed the upperbody of MIS and I don't know if I can get in the abs and KM leg drills. I will definitely put it in tomorrow.


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