August Challenge

Can't you pick something easy, like apples or breathing? Might join you 6 days a week, but have to figure out what to add in since I seem to be losing weight & really don't want to. Does fruit yogurt count as a sweet? Maybe I could add that...
I don't have any problem with water or salt, so I am goint to continue with sugar. I have consumed so much less than I would have had I not been doing the challenge and I feel so much better, physically and mentally! I am sticking with the no sugar challenge! :7

Katie - most people tailor it, but generally speaking it means no baked goods, e.g. cookies, cakes, pie, squares, etc. (unless it's a loved one's birthday - you can have cake then!), no candy, no soda, no ice cream, etc.

Personally, I still eat my yogurt every day, even though it's sweetened.
For me, it means not eating anything that doesn't already have natural sugar. No cakes, cookies, pies, candy, candy bars, pastry type stuff etc... I still eat fruits and veggies and other things with natural sugars in it: milk, cheese, etc. That is my goal at least, someone else's may be more strict than that, though. Just choose your own personal goal and guidelines and go for it!

:) Missy
No, Missy, you pretty much nailed it. I can't imagine why anyone would be more strict than that. To be honest, the challenge started out as a "no cookies" challenge and kind of expanded:p
I'm in this time. I tried it in June without commiting here and I wasn't very successful. Maybe if I have to report here when I eat sugar I'll be more apt to abide by the guidelines.
I'm ever I will need two exceptions in August....I have a wedding to go to (my husband's consin's) and I will have to eat a tiny piece of brother is also leaving to go to bootcamp (Army) and I am going to visit him in Ohio (that is were he lives) and I think we are going out to dinner the night before he leaves and I think someone is bring a cake.
Count me in!!! So far I've managed to do it for entire month of July (a major first for me), so I will continue into August. Just as long as I can still have my protein bars and shakes.

Ugh, Shelley, you're killing me! But as long as I can have a cheat day for Sara's birthday, I guess I'm in. I had a small sliver of Oreo pie yesterday and it wasn't that good AT ALL. I would have rather had a bowl of fruit.

So, OKAY, FINE, I'LL DO IT!!!! x(

OK, OK, I'll go for it. I agree with your comment Shelley that if nothing else, it makes me think before I bake those brownies, much less eat them:D

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