August Challenge

Hello everyone,

I'm still recovering from the Road Trip. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to meet everyone personally. However, I did enjoy the company of those that I did meet. Anyway, you can count me in for the August challenge. I've been "off balance" the last few days and I will be on vacation next week. I will do my best;) with the sweets. As you are all aware, vacations present many challenges!

I'm in!!

I think my other challenge will be to go from lifting 1 lb. weights to 3 lb. weights. I know it will make me SO hungry though!!! I'll want to eat a house! LOL!!!!!


Shelley, I just bursted out laughing a minute ago for no reason because I remembered your story about your famished friend. I almost woke up my sleeping son. :) She was so famished because she had upped her weights from 1lb. to 3lbs. OMG! I'm still laughing!!!

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