No sweets, salt , and water increase check-in 07/30/05

I guess Shelley is away, so I will bring this up for her.

sweets- Well, I had a piece of choc. cake last night when company came over. I can say it tasted very good! But have to forget that now.
salt- check
water- still is difficult for me. That will be my personal goal for aug.

Hope everyone has a good day!

OOPS!! Sorry, Kim! It doesn't really have to be me who starts this check-in though. Any of us can do it;)

I'm doing good today. I've gone through more than my 64 oz of water, no salt, one cookie. Why on earth do I buy the cookies that I like when I go grocery shopping? I should buy the kind I hate, then I won't be tempted. Wait a minute - I'm not sure there is a kind I hate.:p

How's everyone today?
Shelley what are the cookies that you buy that you like so much? For me if I am going to eat a cookie I want it to be sofat and chewey:) However I do like animal cookies! Sad I know.

Water-CHECK!! I have drank a gallon already. It is almost a hundrend here today.
No Sweets-Check
No salty snacks-OOOPS I had some fat free pringles 10 to be exact:)

Hi girls!

I haven't checked in for a while, but I am doing well drinking plenty of water (I drink a ton of water anyway, as I am prone to UTI's), no sweets and no salty snacks.

I have become obsessed with not eating sweets. I feel so guilty if I cheat. The last sweets I had was on the roadtrip. Those cookies were SOOOO good, and the vanilla ice cream after lunch, AND the leftover birthday cake I ate after the high step class Sunday morning. I also munched on some oh man I love Twizzlers.

I feel so much better having revisited that sugar high!

Shelley, don't feel bad, my dh is having me to cook cinnamon rolls for him. Why does he torture me so? I'm really going to have to get in gear Mon. with the no sweets.

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Terri, the cookies are made by a company located very near my home, called Voortman's. They're called Fudge Swirls. Basically, they're a shortbread cookie with a swirl of chewy chocolate cookie through them. See why I can't resist?
Shelley, shortbreads would be impossible for me to resist.
Those, peanut butter and chocolate chip are my favorite. Come to think of it, I've never met a cookie I didn't like.:)

Did okay today on all three. Did have a few peanuts while waiting at Longhorn to be seated but those were in the shell and not salted.
Howdy fellow challengers! :) As I mentioned earlier in the Daily Check In, I haven't been online much this past week. I've been kid sitting this past week (and will next week, too) on top of preparing meals for 2 clients. I'd have more time if the kid sitting job wasn't in the city- 1.5 hours away. I really love the kids though, and they have a pool so I figure it evens out pretty well. ;)

This past week I dealt with PMS cravings, but only caved once. I'm content with that. The family that I'm sitting for has lots of junk food out in the "open". Although I haven't been trying to reduce my salty snack intake (it's pretty low 95% of the time anyway), I caught myself reaching into that potato chip bag too often the first 2 days that I was there. Since then I just pretend like they aren't there. The PMS cravings quieted down and I've been chip-free! :)

Only 1 more day left in the July challenge. I only fell off the wagon twice all month. Whoohooo! :D

Thanks for all the support and motivation this month! One more day to go...and then I start all over again. :p

Well it's 12:30 am here, but I was out and I didn't have time to post earlier. Anyway, today I can check all three! Geez! Finally!

no sweets - check
salt - check
water - check

I hope you're all having a great weekend.

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