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  1. R

    person above you

    ^^^^^^ Doesn't know that my mother had laser eye surgery and is very happy she did. <<<<< is having a BBQ this Saturday night and just might have a tottie or 2, or 3.........or 4!! VVVVV is too smart to overindulge in alcohol
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    person above you

    ^^^^^^ is doing a fine job with this thread <<<<< is hoping the announcement will be about a new SORT OF tough series so I can brag about getting through it the first try :P vvvvvv Is now thinking I'm a whimp and on somedays she (or he?) would be right.:+
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    What do you notice the most....

    I wear jeans and sneakers and I'm in my thirties. I fully intend to wear them in my fifties as well. My parents are in their fifties and they wear jeans and sneakers too. Is there a fashion code of etiquette that states at such and such age you have to revert to polyester suit outfits?:9...
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    person above you

    ^^^^^ sings Barney songs while she cleans the house <<<< Wants to have the same muscle tone as Cathe VVVV Talks to Cathe on the TV while working out. got the idea? Who's next?
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    person above you

    this is kind of a spin off of the <------ thread. We play this at an astronomy forum that I'm a member of. It goes like this ^^^^^^ loves chocolat and hates to work out (thankfully there is no-one posting above me.) <<<<< has too many kid and watches Barney daily even though she...
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    I'm biting the bullet and doing Atkins

    Dr Atkins was not obese at the time of his accident nor did his heart condition have anything to do with his diet. When he was admitted to the hospital he weighed 195lbs which is a very healthy weight for his size and age. At the time of his death some two weeks later he had retained massive...
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    I'm biting the bullet and doing Atkins

    Cbelle, I wish you all the best of luck. I've been doing Atkins for a year now and I've lost 45lbs. I firmly believe it is the healthiest of eating styles and closer to what would have originally been eaten before the invention of wheat products. My word of advice would be to read Atkins...
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    Doctor in trouble for calling patient obese

    >I believe that things are going to change though. Baby >boomers are too self-orientated to accept this kind of care, >or lack of it. I already see a lot of baby boomers going >outside their health care plans and just paying for good >health care out of their own pockets. I've done it a...
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    my most humiliating moment in history

    When I was about 12yrs old my school was having those famous “Worlds Greatest Chocolate” sales. Well this particular day, my mother had taken me to the dentist to get a cavity filled, then immediately after we went to the grocery store where my mother went in to shop, and I was left out front...
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    Kid's Lunches

    I freeze their juice boxes and it acts as a little ice cooler. This way I can pack anything I want in the lunch and not have to worry about it spoiling in the hot weather. I usually have the standard sandwich, but ham and cheese is ok, with the frozen juice box. I can also pack yogurt or...
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    Financial Question

    The standard calculation would be the principle x the rate x the time / 365 (days of the year) In this case it looks like they took the principle (320.52) x the rate (.1524) x the time (29 days) then dividing by 365 for example 320.52 x .1524 x 29 / 365 = 3.88101........... HTH, Laura
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    Opinion from mothers of daughters.

    Personally, I wouldn't have any problem if my daughter (She's 12) wanted a belly button piercing. Only because I think it's one of those pick your battles issues. I mean really, there could be much bigger issues than a body piercing, such as drugs or inappropriate boyfriends, or any boyfriend...
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    For those with kids

    Things I've Learned From My Kids For those who already have children past this age, this is hilarious. For those who have children nearing this age, this is a warning. For those who have not yet had children, this is birth control. The following came from an anonymous mother in Austin, TX...
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    Words Women Use

    My word is "Yes Dear" This usually comes out when he is telling me something he thinks I should be doing and I have no intention of doing it.
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    Am I a sentimental crackpot?

    I bought a 2000 Dodge Ram. It was my dream truck and I saved for two years to get a large enough down payment on it, so that I could have affordable monthly payments. Two years later I got pregnant with twins and I was really struggling to pay for childcare so I could continue to work...
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    Cathe...please respond to the NYT article RE: Strength ...

    >One more thing, Cathe, you are more motivating than a string >bikini. Thank you for helping me re-capture my buttkicking >glory days! I second that, WTG Cathe
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    What's the most useful invention for you

    disposable diapers. I have twins and without them I would have my hands in the laundry basket all day. Not so good for the environment but oh what a sanity saver for mom.
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    Imax 2 new mantra

    It took me many many tries to get through all of Imax2. If you got through to the fifth routine on only the second try I think you did an amazing job and I'm way impressed.
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    Amazing Abs

    Not Cathe obviously but I do know the key to defined abs is in a lower body fat percentage. I would be willing to guess (and I don’t know for sure, this is merely speculation) that Cathe’s body fat % is in the lower teens. I’m not calling you or anyone here fat by any means. I don’t know you...
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    "Clicking" triceps

    RE: I have this clicking problem in my hip joints while I'm doing the bicycle manuver during ab workouts. I cant extend my legs out too far or else the clicking becomes uncomfortable. I always feel like I'm not getting a good lower abdominal workout due to less range of motion during this...