What do you notice the most....


about people when you pass/see them is stores?

1. I notice their feet. Some women wear shoes that are too small for them. Either their toes or heels are hanging over the ends.

2. I notice their heels. Some are really crusty and cracked. Don't they know they sell foot files and lotion?

Maybe I'm just weird,who knows. But that is what I notice.
I notice the same thing. Why don't people buy shoes the right size? If your toes are hanging off the end of your sandal, buy a bigger size!
My SIL says they do that because they WISH they had smaller feet. I may not be anything special to look at but at least I keep myself clean and whatever I have on fits.

I have run across 2-3 obese women in my entire life that had on sports bras and spandex shorts. THAT'S IT !!!!! And they were either coming/going from the grocery store!

IMO, if you have all that stuff please take into consideration that maybe not everyone wants to see it.;-)
Ok, with the foot thing.....

Just to let you know......I wear sandals 99.9% of the time and live in a very dry climate (AZ). My father has very dry, cracked heels that even bleed. I have carried over a genetic tendency for this and even though I scrub my feet every night and lotion them up a few times a week, my heels can look cracked and dry.

Just saying it isn't always a lack of hygiene.

I do, however, buy shoes that are the right size. Who CARES if they have small feet??? LOL. I have really pretty feet though, otherwise..;-)

I live in Arizona also. East Mesa. Signal Butte and Broadway.

My husband always makes fun of my feet. I think he says that because in the past I told him he could pick up pencils w/ his toes they are so long.:)
Okay....I wasn't going to post....but...I am a manicurist that will NOT do pedicures. Now you know why....x( ...Carole
You couldn't pay me enough to be touching some strangers feet. Unless they were hurt and needed help.

?.....do you make more doing a manicure or pedicure?
>You couldn't pay me enough to be touching some strangers
>feet. Unless they were hurt and needed help.
>?.....do you make more doing a manicure or pedicure?

Pedicures run about $25 and manicures $12 here in Calif. But most of my business is arificial nails...thankfully...:)...Carole
I have never had one done. I just keep my nails neatly clipped. My husband used to bite his toenails. THAT IS SOOOOOO NASTY!!!!! The very first day he saw my son Caleb do it at age 3, he stopped.
Biting his toenails??....http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/sign/sign0137.gif[/img]....glad he stopped....:)...Carole
I would rarely see him do it, but when I did , believe me , I let him know how gross that was. I think he was embarassed.

This thread didn't have to just be about feet. It could have been about ANYTHING you notice about other people. Feet are just something I zero in on I guess.
Hmmmmm......I never look that closely at feet, thank god!

1. I notice hair first because I am jealous. I will never have what I most desire: a head of thick chestnut locks that are so silky you can run your hands through them.

2. I notice how pulled together and elegant (or not) their personal style is. I hate frumpy, slutty, or the "I can't be bothered what I look like" state. Grotty sweat pants and a ratty t-shirt are fine for digging the garden, but not when shopping with your girlfriends.

3. I notice whether young women are flaunting their cleavage unnecessarily. I live in a universtiy town where the 20 year olds outnumber the rest of us. It is depressing how many young women I see with their boobs practically hanging out of their t-shirt in class.

4. I notice people walking along chewing gum. Nobody does this in the UK. You never see mature people chewing gum, fullstop. Never happens. I cannot get used to the sight here.

5. And I notice people over the age of 50 wearing jeans and sneakers. Again, never see this in the UK so it strikes me as totally outlandish!

I have lived in several European countries where I perfected the art of people watching from my perch in some street side cafe. People are endlessly interesting.

>5. I notice people over the age of 50 wearing jeans and
>sneakers. Again, never see this in the UK so it strikes me as
>totally outlandish!

!! What do people over 50 in the UK wear? I'm coming up on 50 and I always wear jeans and sneakers... tee shirt too. I never dreamed that would look outlandish to someone. I guess it depends on where you are and what you're used to.
I always check out what people are wearing. Today, I happened to notice that quite a few college girls wear skin-tight pants. So tight that they are creeping up, which made me think of the thong thread (funny to put those two words together--seems redundant). So if they are wearing the thong to not show the bedreaded panty-line, and because they would rather have a small piece of material heading up "the land of little light"--then why do they wear jeans that head up there? Isn't that a lot of material? How is that comfortable?

I also notice hair styles, especially when I am thinking about getting mine cut. Lately, I haven't seen many styles that I like--which might be why I am trying to grow my hair.

I wear jeans and sneakers and I'm in my thirties. I fully intend to wear them in my fifties as well. My parents are in their fifties and they wear jeans and sneakers too. Is there a fashion code of etiquette that states at such and such age you have to revert to polyester suit outfits?:9

I really am curious what people over 50 wear in the UK as well. It must be a USA thing. Jeans and sneakers are the standard mode of casual wear here.:+
I'm WAY over 50, and I'm not going to stop wearing jeans and sneakers!! Mind you, my jeans fit, and I do not have a "muffin" top hangin' over the top of my jeans. I actually look in a mirror before I go out.

I guess it's not really fair to be judged on how they dress in the UK - I've seen some examples of how they dress. One picture that comes to mind is the Queen (bless her heart!) and those awful hats!!!!! And all the other outlandish hats the women wore to Charles and Camilla's wedding.
Just Do It! :)
I notice...

1) muffin tops

2) young girls dressed inappropriately (too tight, too short, too revealing, etc.)
Well I pray no one notices my feet. I try to hide them best I can in sandals, but feel most comfortable in tennis shoes.

For myself, I notice:

(1) People who don't know how to walk (fat or skinny)Just bothers me! We are meant to move!!!!! Get going!!!!! Same way when I drive. Lets move!!!

(2) Muffin Tops

(3) I notice hairstyles and color because I am always switching up my own style.

(4) People with chipped, brown or missing teeth. Alot of that where I live. Have they ever heard of a dentist????? EGADS! Starts young here, and it is sad.

(5) Kind people. I take note of kindness because it is so rare these days.

(6) Farmers. So many men and women have very rough hard cracked skin at the back of the neck (notice this in church alot)

(7)I notice what kind of food people are buying at the grocery store if I am in line behind them. It usually is not good.

People say I don't smile...it's not that I don't smile, it's just that I just can't walk around grinning for no reason...is that wierd??

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