What do you notice the most....


I am the same way. I don't smile much unless someone or something makes me laugh. I tend to always look serious or mad even though I usually am not mad.

I notice fitness level (or lack of it), obesity, etc. Amazing how many people just don't care whether they die of a heart attack, diabetes, or whatever.

I also notice women's clothes. I despise the styles lately - all this tight, clinging, revealing stuff. The main reason I don't like it is the reason above.

I notice courtesy. Yes, there's not much of it, and it's like a breath of fresh air when I see it.
I always notice muscle tone and or definition..esp on women!

I notice if people are rude to the sales person, and that makes me angry..so I always try to be super extra nice when they wait on me, to make up for the jerk..LOL!

I am terrible at the grocery store. I am constantly looking into other peoples carts to see what they are buying. :) Sometimes, though, I get some good ideas :) ;-) :) ;-)

I notice how "put together" they are or not. Some people look like they have the world in the palm of their hands and others you can tell immediately that they are not happy with life. I really try hard to get those people to smile. I'll say "HI" at least to them and see if it helps.

I used to get this all the time, too. As a matter of fact, I quit a job when I was very young because my co-workers harassed me to the point where I couldn't take it any longer. Of course, back then I did not have the backbone to tell them to pound salt!

My favorite come-back became, "I don't smile because I have bad teeth."
Just Do It! :)
It's true the Royal Family usually gets dressed so apallingly badly. Who is their stylist?!?! Get Trinny and Susannah in! Even we cringe at the sight!

It's totally a cultural thing, re: jeans and sneakers. You guys are within this culture where that code of dress is the norm, so of course, you will carry on and wear your jeans all you want!

My comment was not to proscribe what you wear, only to note the cultural difference. It is useful and interesting to learn how others see us. So, no, I was not judging you.

The question asked :"what do you notice?" and since I come from a different culture, that's what I notice. I don't know why you interpreted that as "judging you". And no, you can't judge the UK population based on how the Royal Family dresses either, but maybe that was a knee jerk reaction? Oh well....

A far as "judging" goes: my kids get teased and criticized at school regularly for the "weird" food they have in their lunch boxes. Here "weird" means both British flavoured and healthy, because I don't pack candy bars and the corn chips, etc, that the other kids receive.

Hi Clare,

I've made several trips to the UK, and you are absolutely right. My observation is that the people of London especially, are very stylish. I will never forget how dorky I felt in jeans and sneakers when all the women there were wearing classic trousers and jackets with flowing scarves. Of course, I saw all manner of dress when riding the tube!!

I love the UK--we go every couple of years. It's a wonderful place--beautiful and so full of history. I've seen alot but there's still so much more to take in. I can't wait to go back!!

I notice politeness in people and make sure that I tell them I appreciate it.

I do notice people who are overweight when they wear clothes that make it look so much worse (jeans too low on the hips or tight). Then again, I have seen some students wear pajamas to class (college and, according to my DH, high school)!

I like smiling myself and do it often without reason just because. I also feel uncomfortable when people think someone is foolish for doing so. It is okay not to smile - just don't growl (happened)!
yeah I also look at what people buy at the grocery store.
I notice hair - esp bad roots
clothes - too tight, too much cleavage,hoochy outfits, wrong time period (ie bad 80s flashback LOL)
muscle tone or lack thereof
extra stuff spilling over in clothes
crazy jewelry

geez, I really pay too much attention ;)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

The first thing I notice is whether the clothes someone is wearing (including shoes and jewelry) look good on them and are right for their body type. I watch What Not To Wear WAY too much! :+

I never miss WNTW. Did you know that Stacy and Clinton wrote a book? It's out on the stands now and I got a copy yesterday. I love it!! It's very well done and the chemistry they have really comes through.

I've also been influenced by the show and I can't help but look at the way people dress with a more critical eye (not that I'm some kind of a fashion plate--LOL!). I've decided that way too many women wear low rise--ICK!!

My husband used to bite his toenails. THAT IS SOOOOOO

I used to do it when I was a kid. Ah...for the days of that kind of flexibility!!

And clean kids toes are not as nasty as adult toes. (Your hubby did this as an ADULT? That IS gross!)
Some things I notice because it's hard not to (muffin tops---still think that's too 'cute' a name for a very "uncute" thing, more like "lard rolls"--men's guts that make them look 9 months pregnant..with twins!--this summer, there must have been a "pregnant men" meeting in town, because I saw a half-dozen of them walking together at one point...actually, might have been some parents of potential students, but disgusting to me that to a person they had that big, unhealthy, heart-attack-and-diabetes-in-the-making gut on them!).

But when I think about it, I guess what I notice first about people is their @$$es ! The bad ones: lumpy, fat, too skinny, showing major pantyline or even cellulite that is pushing it's way through a pair of white (!) knit shorts (I go to Walmart too often for my own good! But I feel like a buff babe when I do!!). The good ones: only because it's sign of good overall muscle tone, mind you. (Seems I notice the "bad" ones on women, and the 'good" ones on men. Hmm...)
>But when I think about it, I guess what I notice first about
>people is their @$$es ! The bad ones: lumpy, fat, too skinny,
>showing major pantyline or even cellulite that is pushing it's
>way through a pair of white (!) knit shorts (I go to Walmart
>too often for my own good! But I feel like a buff babe when I

Frankly, I think white knit shorts should be banned. LOL!! Kathryn, try Target--they may have a slightly more fit customer base. :D :D

I'm a face person. I notice people's facial features, and on women, I look at their makeup. I also notice teeth a lot.

The pregnant men comment was funny!! That's what I work with. Flat chested, stability ball size stomachs (bloated), with skinny arms. I'm pregnant and will never get half their size. Disgusting!
Susan C.M.
>Kathryn, try Target--they may have a slightly more fit
>customer base. :D :D

But, Michele, then I wouldn't feel quite so "buff and fit" in comparison! There are advantages!
>I'm a face person. I notice people's facial features, and on
>women, I look at their makeup. I also notice teeth a lot.
If I'm face-to-face with someone, like a check-out person or a cashier at the bank, I definitely notice their teeth (especially if they have missing ones! or brown ones!).

I guess I notice whatever sticks out the most!: faces if that's most of what I see. Hands (I LOVE big, firm man hands à la Scott Bakula...little tiny man hands like Dennis Miller's, or, EGAD, men with LONG FINGERNAILS!--unless they are vamipires, there's no excuse for that--are definitely "yuk" in my book).

If I'm walking behind someone, well, you already know what I notice.
People's faces. Whether or not they make eye contact and have the courtesy to acknowledge me even though I'm a stranger. I grew up in small town Iowa where everyone greets everyone whether they know you or not. Here in Ohio it's different. People look the other way. That bothers me so much!
I agree that some people buy too-small shoes because they want to be a smaller size. As if having your foot bulging out of your shoe gives the impression of a smaller foot?

Some people also seem to have the same idea about clothing size, and refuse to accept the fact that they should wear a size 12 and not an 8, or a size 20 and not a 14, or whatever. Again, as if they really look smaller wearing smaller clothes!

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