What do you notice the most....

>People's faces. Whether or not they make eye contact and
>have the courtesy to acknowledge me even though I'm a
>stranger. I grew up in small town Iowa where everyone greets
>everyone whether they know you or not. Here in Ohio it's
>different. People look the other way. That bothers me so

Oh Darli Ann--I'm so sorry that you have had reason to take a dim view of Ohio. As a life long Ohioan who has lived in nearly every corner of the state, I would have to say that I find the small towns to be friendly, but the cities can be a little overwhelming.

I've lived in Columbus, Dayton, and Cincinnati and I found the later to be the least friendly. Columbus has a distinct "party" atmosphere, helped along, I'm sure, by OSU, and also because it's full of young, white collar, business types. Dayton is largely blue collar, people that work hard and play hard. Actually, Dayton is my favorite of the three. Never lived in Cleveland ( aka Cleveburg, the mistake on the lake, etc). I grew up in a small town near Toledo--they've gone through a lot of tough economic times but I think it's a pretty friendly place. Hopefully, you'll make some good friends soon. :+ ;) I'll be your friend :+


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