person above you


Active Member
this is kind of a spin off of the <------ thread. We play this at an astronomy forum that I'm a member of. It goes like this

^^^^^^ loves chocolat and hates to work out (thankfully there is no-one posting above me.)

<<<<< has too many kid and watches Barney daily even though she hates Barney. (Thats me obviously)

VVVVV Loves cathe's workouts. (for the next poster. Obviously I'm making up somthing fun cause I have no Idea who would post next)

I'll post again just so you all have a better idea what I'm getting at.
^^^^^ sings Barney songs while she cleans the house

<<<< Wants to have the same muscle tone as Cathe

VVVV Talks to Cathe on the TV while working out.

got the idea? Who's next?
^^^^ has some kind of strange Barney fixation

<<<< has a crazy day at work ahead of her

VVVV is a fellow crazed Catheite
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ is a nut! :)

<<<<<< loves her coffee!:9

VVVVVVVV loves the feeling of DOMS the day after a tough w/o!:)
^^^^^^ Is Mother to beautiful Joey and getting in shape really well!

<<<<<< Loves September for all the new beginnings; feels like a New Year. and loves DOMS

vvvvvv Is patiently waiting for Cathe's "announcement"

"Likes2bfit" since 1999
^^^^^^^ Would love to go on the next Cathe road trip.

<<<<<<< Is bored at work today and can't wait to go home and do a workout.

vvvvvvv Is browsing the forums after looking to see if there was an announcement yet.
^^^^^^^Works very hard, at home and at work

<<<<<<<Thinks this thread is much harder then <---

vvvvvvvIs hoping the announcement is about a new, really tough series
^^^^^^ is doing a fine job with this thread

<<<<< is hoping the announcement will be about a new SORT OF tough series so I can brag about getting through it the first try :p

vvvvvv Is now thinking I'm a whimp and on somedays she (or he?) would be right.:+
^^^^^^ is most definately NOT a whimp! Just a big Cathe fan with realistic expectations

<<<<<< ordered a chair yesterday and completed whole "to do" list

vvvvvv is waitng for presale to start with credit card in hand

"Likes2bfit" since 1999
^^^^^^^ Is doing fine with this thread and probably just bought some new DVDs!
<<<<<<< Just joined a gym and started lifting heavy weights in her lunch breaks, and plans to continue Cathe cardio, stretch, and core in the evenings/weekends.
vvvvvvv Is looking forward to a great weekend!
^^^^^^^^has stepped her workouts up a couple of notches}( :)
<<<<<<< thinks that is awesome!!
vvvvvvv is already debating which new w/o to do first!:)

Take Care
^^^^ is a fellow Canuck
<<<< is uber-excited about the new DVDs!
VVVV is now busy wondering when the new workouts will ship;)
^^^^^ ordered the videos, but no old ones because no free shipping to Canada (bummer!)
<<<< am totally excited about the new videos!! (who isn't?!) lol!
VVVVV is wondering where to store all these videos and wonders what her SO is going to say!

^^^^^^is very intuitive!!:)
<<<<<<was just checking out my keyboard for the arrow keys!
VVVVVVis already thinking of buying new workout clothes to go with the new workouts!
^^^^^pushes herself during workouts
<<<<<<am euphoric about the new workouts!
VVVVVVVwants new workouts similar to the August challenge!
^^^^^^^^^^^can't wait for the new workouts
<<<<<<<<<<<has had too much to drink, but still has no interest in the new workouts
VVVVVVVVVVhas something very important to say
^^^^^^^^ had a good night last night

<<<<<<<< is looking into laser eye surgery but is very scared

VVVVVVVV is planning what to do with her saturday evening
^^^^^^ Doesn't know that my mother had laser eye surgery and is very happy she did.

<<<<< is having a BBQ this Saturday night and just might have a tottie or 2, or 3.........or 4!!

VVVVV is too smart to overindulge in alcohol
^^^^^^^^works hard and plays hard}( :)

<<<<<<<<lives by the rule, no coffee after 7, no tequila before 11 (too bad it took 35 years to figure this out!)

VVVVVVVVis going to have a waaaay more exciting Saturday Night than I

Take Care

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