Am I a sentimental crackpot?


I bought a new car this weekend, a 2006 Subaru Forester. When I picked it up last night and left my 1997 Honda Civic with the dealer, my daughter started crying and cried all the way home, and for probably 10 minutes after. She didn't want to leave the Civic. Funny thing is...I kind of feel the same way! I was very sad to say goodbye to the Civic. I'm very hopeful that they don't dismantle it for parts, because I'm sure it's got a good 100,000 or more miles left on it (I had 112,000). I felt guilty, like I was abandoning it while it still had a lot of life!

Does anyone else ever get sentimental over an inanimate object? There's a lot of history with that Civic and it was such a wonderful car!

I love my Forester, though. I went out to the parking garage at lunchtime today and ate in it.
You're not a sentimental crackpot! I felt the same way when my parents traded in the old Chevy Blazer that I used to drive in high school - it was my first car, even though it wasn't really mine, and I had a lot of memories associated with it. It was sad to know it was gone.

I can totally relate! I am very attached to my 1994 tercel ... affectionately (sp?!) referred to as the "terk-uhl"!

She's my first car that I bought and paid for by myself, on her second engine, and is now over in Italy with me! So many many memories are attached to this car! It will be a sad day when I have to say goodbye!

I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying your Forester! I have heard that they are great cars! My in-laws have a subaru and love it!

Enjoy your new car!

Cath :)
Oh my God Donna, a year ago I traded in my old blue '97 Honda Civic for a Subaru Forester. They are both *great* cars but I felt sooooo bad leaving my little "blueberry" with the dealer. :(

Love the Forester though. :)


Hey, I actually gave my old Ford Escort a name - "Harrison," as in "Harrison Ford." I loved that car. I'd probably still have it if I hadn't wrecked the poor thing. No car has ever been the same since. My current Ranger pickup and I are not compatible at all.
That's so funny, Donna. I was driving a loaner 2006 Subaru Forester yesterday while my car was in the shop for scheduled maintenance. It was a really nice car but I missed my own! My girls cried when I traded in my Ford Escort for my Toyota Celica years ago. I felt pretty sad, too. When something is such a huge part of your life like that it's hard to let it go.

My MIL cried when she had to replace her refrigerator. I didn't get that at all. She cried in the appliance store while she was picking out a new one.

I feel sentimental over vehicles because of their history. Years ago, I got into a minor accident and one of my sons cried every time he looked at our van because of the damage. He was so upset that the van got banged up. It was cute, but actually heartbreaking to hear him cry like that over a few dents.


My first new car was a 1986 Civic and I loved it! We had to sell when we were in grad school, could only afford one car and had 3 babies. I couldn't fit the car seats in the Civic so we kept my DH's bigger car.

So now that one of those babies is 16 and we needed a car for her I went out and got her a, you guessed it, Honda Civic! I like to think it's my old one in a new life!

You are totally human to feel loyal to that car!

Well, I didn't cry, but when I came out of the car dealership after ordering my Prius, I felt like "Thelma" (my 1988 Dodge Shadow: very strong and plain, but a hard worker!) was looking at me. And I missed that car already.

But by the time "Madeleine" (my Prius) showed up---9 months later--I was over most of that (as I think I had run Thelma to the ground). I tried not to think of what would happen to that car. It was reliable for me for almost 15 years, thought not to pretty to look at at the end with the paint on the trip coming off and the plastic bumper showing through the worn-off black paint!)
I'm glad to see other people name their cars, too! Mine are Ned the Neon and Carl the Cavilier:) I've even got my husband doing it-- lol!

I once had a Ford Escort with 137,000 miles on it. It was such a good car, so reliable. I felt kind of bad when I traded it in as there was nothing wrong with it. It would've still kept going, I'm sure. But I wanted a Mustang, which I got, a strawberry red one. Again, it's been a great car. Now, I really don't want to get rid of that one (unless I trade it for a new Mustang!). Now that I'm married and have a baby, it's not my primary car anymore. It's our fun car. Now I drive an Escape, which I also have gotten attached to!
I know I will cry when I get my new car. I have a 97 grandprix and totally love it! But after christmas I plan on getting a newer model. I don't want any other kind of car. the one I have has got over 100,000 miles on it, although it has been a great car. So yes I am going to hate getting rid of it! Hey! maybe I will keep it as a extra car!

When my daughter was 5, (she turned 14 today:) ), she cried when we left our old minivan at the dealers and came home in a new one. We got a new blender a short time later, and she cried that she missed the old one. (There wasn't anything wrong w/ it, I just got one w/ more bells and whistles, so put the old one in the basement 'just in case'). One day, while cleaning her closet, I found the old blender! She rescued it, afraid I'd throw it out!
Nope your not a sentimental crackpot, though I don't get sentimental over cars, my father loved to trade and buy cars, it was a royal pain in the bottom when I was growing up. I never knew what to look for in the parking lot after school as to what car that day I'd be pick up in. I think we exchanged cars about every 3 to 6 months, you'd just start to get use to looking for it and the darn thing would be traded.

But I did get sentimental over items I’ve had for a long time and have certain memories with.

I bought a 2000 Dodge Ram. It was my dream truck and I saved for two years to get a large enough down payment on it, so that I could have affordable monthly payments. Two years later I got pregnant with twins and I was really struggling to pay for childcare so I could continue to work. Eventually I decided to become a stay at home mom. After all, after the expense of child care and my truck I was left with about $100 a month. What was the point of that? Thankfully I have a wonderful and supportive husband who patiently waited for me to realize I was just beating my head against the wall trying to hold on to a job and a truck I didn't need. He loves supporting us, financially and emotionally. So I quit working and watched my Dodge almost literally sit in the drive way for awhile without use. It takes an act of God to get two infants out of the house and then try to keep them happy while you're out. So I didn't get out much after I quit working. After a while it seemed silly to continue to pay for a truck I didn't use and no longer needed. So I let it go. It was very sad to see the Repo guy come and pick it up. I cried like a baby. But I'm happy to say that I now have a very tiny car that I don't have to make payments on and don't care if the girls spill juice, dump crackers, throw-up, etc, etc,
You're not alone.

When DH sold my 1992 Mitsubishi Eclipse for me after I upgraded to a newer car, he tried to make sure it went to a good home. It had been a great dependable car for me that we didn't want to see some "kid" buy it and beat the hell out of it (as some "kids" do). A local couple bought it as their second car, and I see it once in a while tooling around town. It's still in great shape!

I love happy endings...:)

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