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  1. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Monday March 21, 2016

    Hi ladies, rest day for me. Henriette I love your hair cut and colour! Elsie, I used to attend pilates classes some years ago with a trainer who made me fall in love with this discipline.
  2. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Weekend of March 19 & 20th, 2016

    Good day ladies! This morning I decided to challenge myself with Afterburn. It was not easy after yesterday's Maximum Intensity Cardio but I did it. This one alway gets my heart rate up to the sky
  3. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Weekend of March 19 & 20th, 2016

    Hi everybody! This Saturday morning I did Maximim Intensity Cardio, an oldie but goody! Added chin-ups and pull-ups of my own. These never get easier. This afternoon I will go out with the dogs and do some shopping maybe. This morning I also purchased a new pair of fitness shoes fro Reebok web...
  4. Sandy Greek

    @ Daily Check-in Mar 18th, 2016 @

    Hi ladies, rest day for me. Managed to sleep until 7 a.m this morning, but I am always short of sleep. Bells ringing right now at 8.45 p.m.. Mild temperatures outside but you still need the heat on during the night, Hope you have a relaxing week end.
  5. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Thursday March 17, 2016 - St. Patrick's Day

    Hi everybody, no Patricks in my life!!! Today I did disc 30 of Sts shoulders, biceps and triceps. I have to admit, I'm getting a bit bored with meso 3, since the exercises are all the same and rests too long. I will try to get to the end though. I also added chin-ups and pull-ups and did...
  6. Sandy Greek


    Sorry Athletic Training...
  7. Sandy Greek


    Such a difficult question HenrietteI would say Intensity, Body Max2 as it gives you everything from step to weight training, Step, Jump and Pump (fun fun fun), Afterburn and Cross Training drom the low impact series, To the Max and Cross Fire. That's more than five, really....
  8. Sandy Greek


    Hi ladies, so nice to hear from you. Elsie, very sorry you cannot go out after 5.30pm and concerned as well, stay safe! Today I completed my learning session of Rythmic Step, I have managed to do it all with some difficulties and errore here and there but I'm sure next time will be much...
  9. Sandy Greek


    Hi ladies meso3 plyo legs disc 29 today! Lots of jumps and plyo moves and lots of lunges as well. A tough one!!! How is everyone doing?
  10. Sandy Greek

    ~Daily Check IN March 14, 2016

    Hi everybody. Difficult Monday, as always. I haven't got used to going back and forth to and from work for my daily 3 and a half hours (total). So when I get at home to do my workout is all that I want. Today was STS MESO 3 disc 28 back and chest. Nothing fancy, the exercises just repeat...
  11. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Weekend of March 12 & 13, 2016

    Happy birthday Annette, hope you spent this day well. Today I did Body Max2, not all of it but just the step combos and three out of the power circuits with the weight leg work. That was about an hour, enough for me today.
  12. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Weekend of March 12 & 13, 2016

    Hi ladies, today it was MMA KICKBOX. 3 kickbox combos followed by Mma drills and a final core conditioning. It was just perfect for how I felt today, that is to say a bit tired after 2 hours walk with my two dogs. But they deserved it after lots of raining week ends! Next week will be my 2nd...
  13. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Friday March 11, 2016

    Hi ladies, yesterday was rwst day for me. Today was STS DISC 27 meso 3 week 1' shoulders, biceps and triceps and 20 min core max workout 3 with stability ball and medicine ball. Glad it's Friday!
  14. Sandy Greek

    @DAILY CHECK IN Wednesday March 9th@

    Hi everybody today I did All out low impact hiit + a little abs. Henriette, you worked out hard today! Cecififi maybe I should try to alternate between STS pyho legs and squat rags legs every other week, what do you think? Cathe suggests we stick to one option throughout meso 3. Will see...
  15. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Tuesday March 8, 2016

    Hi evrybody! Today I did Meso 3 plyho legs disc 26. I chose not to do the squat rack option this time, because I haven't got a squat rack and prefer to workout safely. I also prefer a bit more variety in the exercises and this one is perfect. Cecififi, yesterday I googled Xfa and had a look at...
  16. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Monday March 7, 2016

    Hi ladies, today I stared Sts meso 3 Back and chest. I loved it. I thought the breaks would be too long but time went by quickly. For sure the w/o wasn't short, about 68 mins but I loved it
  17. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Weekend of March 5 & 6th, 2016

    Hi ladies, yesterday was Hardcore Extreme workout 3: a tough one but so fun. Time went by so quickly. This morning I did Hiit 40/20 with some modifications and the warm up and first two combos of Rythmic step. I was a bit tired this morning but I am glad I did my w/o. This should be my recovery...
  18. Sandy Greek

    @DAILY CHECK IN Friday March 4th@

    Hi ladies, today I had to rest. After three days of Sts w/s I was really tired. Apart from that I took a virus just like Henriette. It doesn't seem so bad but it is a bit disturbing.... Ouch.... Tomorrow we are in for another raining Saturday. Henriette, yes I am Italian and live in a small...
  19. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Thursday March 3, 2016

    Annette, what a pity the dvd does not function well. I am sure it will be replaced soon. Cecififi, it is perfectky normally to have days when you don't feel like working out. You did something, so be proud! Today I did disc 24 Of STS meso 2, that was back and biceps. I see results in my...
  20. Sandy Greek

    Daily Check in Wednesday March 2, 2016

    So sorry for you Henriette. Those viruses really hit hard and are so annoying. Monday was an unwanted rest day due to a car accident my partner and I were involvedin. Luckily only the car was seriuosly damaged but we are safe. We were hit by a 90 years old man who certainly ought not to own his...