Daily Check in Thursday March 3, 2016


Good morning everyone,

Today I didn't feel like working out. I hummed and hawed and finally did 30 minutes of Michael Olajide's Killers Abs and Back. It was just right. Lungs still struggling.

Sandy - sorry to read about your car accident. Thank goodness you and your partner are all right.

Henrietta - Feel better. Maybe your friends are right - maybe you are juggling too much. It might be worth it to really think about that. You will figure it out.

Have a good day everyone.
Hi gals,

Today I tried the Hard Strikes premix without the conditioning but with the Core #1 but during the core work it glitched so badly I couldn't finish it. I emailed Cathe.com and will await a response. :(

Have a great day!
Annette, what a pity the dvd does not function well. I am sure it will be replaced soon. Cecififi, it is perfectky normally to have days when you don't feel like working out. You did something, so be proud! Today I did disc 24 Of STS meso 2, that was back and biceps. I see results in my shoulders, chest and legs more than on my back and triceps. That will take more time I guess. I prefer to do the weight workouts during the week, and reserve the cardio or longer workouts for the end of the week. Wish you all a fantastic day or evening.
Thanks Sandy. I got a response and my middle son was able to get it to work so next time I will be able to complete the whole premix.
Hi ladies!
I am checking in even though I have no workout to report. My stomach is slowly getting better. Mornings are the worst so it was real bad timing that I had a dentist aptmnt right after the school run this morning. The receptionist there may have thought I was terrified of the dentist when I desperately asked for the key to the bathroom.

Today was a busy day of work and errands and I wish I could have finished it off with a w/o, but maybe most of this week I will just stick to work and then lots of reading and crocheting while watching Netflix at night. It's nice to have more time for these things but I can't wait to get back to my w/o.

Sandy - so sorry to hear about your accident. Good thing you are both ok. Are you Italian, if not how long have u been in Italy?
Hope u don't mind me asking.

Siobhan - was it true what they say... After 5min you are happy u started the w/o, or were u also not in the mood during?

Annette - I was meant to have done Hardstrikes this Monday. It's so much fun and it's been too long. Looks like Cathe Live also has several like it, judging by Youtube.

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Hey everyone. Excellent workouts. So glad you are on your way up Henriette. :)
Annette, I really like that workout! Have fun next time!

Hip and tailbone pain kept me awake most of the night, may get in some kind of workout today but as of now haven't been feeling up to it at all. Will post it with my workout tomorrow if I do get a workout in.
Yay, tomorrow is FRIday!

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