Daily Check in Thursday March 17, 2016 - St. Patrick's Day

Good morning!

I just finished Rippedism cellar legs + same chest/cardio (whoa!)

Have a great day friends. Although I was born in Scotland, I was raised Irish in Toronto. My name is Irish for Joan (pronounced shi-vawn). Have a green drink today, if you can.
Hey! Happy St. Paddy's everyone. :) How many of us know a Patrick who is having a birthday today? I know two! (and I am not Irish) ;)

My name is Irish for Joan (pronounced shi-vawn)
That's right. Such a pretty name!

Tried something different today with a cardio step workout on youtube. It was pretty basic so I could keep up. Added 65 calf raises.
Hi gals,

I am part Irish so I better find something green to wear in my mostly blue wardrobe.

Today was Taebo Insane Abs and the 8 Minute Taebo.

Determined to whittle away at my muffin top.

Have a great St. Patrick's Day!
Hi ladies,

Last night when I complained about all the buffering my bf suggested it could be due to the server being too busy. So today with it being Thursday, a day where I work from home I decided to have a break late morning to w/o and then work longer into the evening, and it worked! It wasn't perfect, but at least there was no buffering. ☺

I did Athletic training as that seems to be a favorite of many. A really good w/o, but perhaps due to the music maybe not super fun. All the same it was really good. Thank you!

This evening I wanted to move a bit after sitting still the rest of the day, so I just finished Shaun T's Rocking Body Party Expres. I've had those dvd's for a while, but this was only the 2nd w/o I've done so far. Reasonably simple moves and low impact, but enough to get a sweat on and time goes by quickly.

Enjoy the rest of your day... Time for some crocheting and Netflix now. ☺

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Hi everybody, no Patricks in my life!!!
Today I did disc 30 of Sts shoulders, biceps and triceps. I have to admit, I'm getting a bit bored with meso 3, since the exercises are all the same and rests too long. I will try to get to the end though. I also added chin-ups and pull-ups and did Weights and plates Abs from abs circuit, loved this one!!!

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