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  1. luckyruns

    ::Cheetahs::SATURDAYis the best day of the week!

    I'm back. I kicked some butt again in my run. I'm feeling *speedy* and strong :) except old man was weaving between three lanes. Sure enough when I select the lane he is NOT in--doesn't he dart to mine and I had to stop fast. I think he is friends with the cleaning lady :P Did 5miles in 41:09...
  2. luckyruns

    Well *sigh* I tried....

    Congrats Emily You look great running :)Excellent time :)
  3. luckyruns

    Challengers Saturday April 5

    Afternoon Girls :) I managed to get my 5miles in. Kicked some butt. This running program is working for my speed and endurance. Andrea: Congrats on the weight loss. Feels great huh? :) I use to coach DD when she was 5. I remember those days. Nice lil workout and you don't even consider it...
  4. luckyruns

    Why does this bother me???

    I hear ya Gayle. I just got a cell phone last year. I'm in the same boat with you Jess :) DH just signed us up with a family plan. Now mind you my kids are DD 23 DS 20 DD 18. They did not have cells before this. We felt it was time to get one for all of them. I have two out of the house. One...
  5. luckyruns

    Run, Emily, Run

    Hi Emily I don't really know ya but thought I would cheer you on :) Good luck in your race :) Someone tell Shelley to stop shaking her pom poms she is distracting the runners :+ Seriously good luck :)
  6. luckyruns

    Challengers Saturday April 5

    Morning Girls :) I'm gonna post quick and come back for personals. Today is a 5mile run at the gym. Becca: I have auburn hair. I'll email ya a picture laters. Who knows you could be my long lost sister. I'm adopted and I found out I have 2 bio sisters and 2 bio brothers. So ya never...
  7. luckyruns

    ::Cheetahs::SATURDAYis the best day of the week!

    Good Morning Cheetahs :) Yay it's Saturday :) I just dropped DH off at the high school. He is running an indoor soccer tourney today for boys and girls. DD's team will be playing at 1. We dropped the van off to be checked before we head out on our vacation on Thursday. So I'm driving DH's...
  8. luckyruns

    How many hours/minutes a day is your workout?

    Oh Allison I feel great about my workout :) I'm just curious as to what others think and do :) Just an open discussion :) Besides we all get busy with life and we have to squeeze in a workout when we can :)
  9. luckyruns

    How many hours/minutes a day is your workout?

    I've been reading many checkins. I'm amazed at the hours/minutes ALL of us put into our workouts. I'm also curious. Let me ask you all two questions? 1. How long do you workout in one day? 2. And how many hours/minutes should we be working out? Is it better to bang out a 30minute...
  10. luckyruns

    ::: CHEETAHS ::: yeah boyeeee, it's Friday!

    Afternoon Girls :) YAY It's friday :) This time next week I better be on the road--- maybe some where in North Carolina :) Today's workout was circuits. With GIANT sets for shoulders. Worked abs on the machines there as well. And the cleaning lady wasn't vacuuming today LOL! Cathy: Have...
  11. luckyruns

    Challengers Friday April 4th

    Afternoon girls :) YAY It's Friday :) Today's workout was circuits at the gym along iwth ab work. I also did GIANT sets for shoulders. Jean: Thank you so much for your kind words regarding my dad. That was nice of you. I think there are a few good movies out right now. We tend to wait...
  12. luckyruns

    ##Challengers Thursday April 3rd##

    Afternoon Girls :) :) Here to report workout and catch up on personals. :) I ran 8 miles this morning at the gym's track. I did it in 68 minutes. I was kinda bummed though. I had a great pace going and then all of a sudden the cleaning lady starts to vacuum the track. I kid you not. I...
  13. luckyruns

    CHEETAHS friday-eve!!!

    Afternoon Chatty Cheetahs :) :) I'm here to report workout and catch up on personals :) Today was an 8mile run at the gym. I did it in 68 minutes. I start earlier now at the gym to avoid old people walking the track :) But this morning I had to dodge the cleaning lady vacuuming the track...
  14. luckyruns

    Hump Day CHEETAHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Afternoon Girls :) :) Little late for my posting-- had a busy a.m. and I have to take DD to a dentist appt this afternoon for her wisdom teeth. I'm inhaling a salad as I type--I'm sure it is not pretty :) I did intervals--nice and sweaty. I also worked my chest to Gym Style and ME...
  15. luckyruns

    ~~~Challengers April 2~~~~~

    Afternoon--finally have a few minutes to post my workout. Today was kick ass intervals workout. I was sweating buckets. I also worked the chest to Gym style and ME. Andrea: Good job on doing the workout evn though you didn't feel like it :) Marcia: Hope you feel better I'm gonna...
  16. luckyruns

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tuesday April 1

    Pardon the interuption girls :) Debbie can I ask ya a question on your meals. I tried to message ya but I couldn't. Message me when you get a chance. Char: I like your new picture. You are looking fit as always :)