~~~Challengers April 2~~~~~


Morning everyone,

Todays workout was slow and heavy chest and back and body max chest and back, followed by abs from slow and heavy and abs from CTX. Then this afternoon I completed pilates using a band. And I am very happy to report that this is my third day in a row, of fairly good eating. Its not brilliant eating but for me, heaps of improvment and I've not been able to do consecutive days!! yay for moi!!

Thanks Amelia for the abbreviations link, it was very helpful.

Im hoping everyone has a great day and enjoys their workouts.

Good Morning!

The cold is starting to leave! Woo Hoo!! Im tired of snotty noses!:+
Yesterdays workout was as planned. Not sure if I reported it. I did GS &PUB back, a 3 mile run and 4DSBC.A good workout! Todays workout will probably be shoulders, using the same workouts and Im not sure about cardio yet. The last 2 days though DS has shortened his naps. Normally he naps from 1-4 but he as been up again by 2:30 or so. Im just ending my workout when he is waking up.
I can see why working one body part a day can be effective though. Im usually sore in other body parts as well. I guess when I lift heavy, for that long,other muscles groups have to assist whats going on.My chest is still sore from 2 days ago and my back and bics are sore, even though I only worked back yesterday.
Call me crazy but Im gathering up things to have a yard sale this summer and I am thinking about selling the Body Blast that I don't use. They are all VHS and will probably have to let them go for $2 or so but I never ever had any DOMS from them. PP and SS, Ive never really been fond of. I will probably keep L&G and step blast, even though I don't use them...but I may.

Roxie** You asked me about adding in more cardio the other day and I never got a chance to respond. How much cardio do you do now? I know some people think that weight training helps with weightloss but I think cardio is more important at first, then work on building muscle after. I think you should aim for 40-60 mins atleast 4 x's a week.If you are already doing that, then up it to 5-6 days a week...

Alright, have a good day everyone! I am back to work tonight so I will definitly be checking in then, if not before:)
Quick Check In

Easy cardio day - Kimberly Spreen's Cardio Camp minus the leg section. The sun is shining here and I am loving it! Hope everyone has a great day! BBL :)

A friend in fitness,
Good morning girls

Todays workout is PLB and abbs.abbs will be first though so i can't put them off,LOL. DH and I are thinking about taking the kids to a local park for a picnic!

Andrea-YAY on the third day of good eating! Great workouts too;-) High fives!!! And your welcome for the link! I have it in my bookmarks because i don't know all the abbreviations!

shirl-The sun is shinning here too:) yay,no more clouds! Have a great day:)

Lori-Sounds like your feeling a little better! Thats good! Man,your like a machine girl...sick or now sick,your gonna workout reguardless! I admire that! Are you a scorpio by chance? Is it you whos B-day is around mine? Nov.14

Hey to everybody!
God Morning Girls,

On ap for tonite is total body sculpt. Eating was better yesterday.

Lori-glad to here you are feeling better. Monday I came up with a rotation for you to look at, instead of the TM I meant to put KM. Take a look an tell me what you think, I believe it fits what you are saying.

Andrea-have a good nite and congrats on eating.

Shirl and Amelia the sun is shinging here today for the second day in a row.

Brkst-boiled egg toast and grapefruit
AM snack-yogurt and banana
Lunch-chicken noodles
PM snack-cheese and crackers apple
Supper-grilled hamb, onion and salad

Have a good day everyone.
Hey everyone,

Just popping in to say hi!

I overslept and didn't work out yet.:-(
I got my kids off to school and started some Tomato fish stew in the crock pot. I am going to go do 4DS KB & Bootcamp premix.

Good morning everyone. Amelia, I have a bookmark to an abbreviations site too :). Lori, I'm glad your cold is leaving. Andrea - great job on the food (mine is doing better too!). Hi Shirl, Elaine, Roxie, Kath and everyone else.

Tried to wuss out of a WO this morning, but got up and did a 20min iClimb (all I could manage since I was running WAY late for work). May try to get in an additional 20min on the elliptical tonight. BUT, that 20min this morning did NOT feel good, so we'll see.

Tomorrow is scheduled for lower body - probably L&G for me, but maybe 4DS legs. Not sure. Cardio should be fun (NOT!) on Friday since I'm SURE I will be VERY sore :)

OK, time for this girl to get to work! TTYL!
Just a quick note, I'm not feeling well and haven't for a few days. I'll be back when I get over this, right now I'm off to rest.

;( Marcia.
Afternoon--finally have a few minutes to post my workout.

Today was kick ass intervals workout. I was sweating buckets. I also worked the chest to Gym style and ME.

Andrea: Good job on doing the workout evn though you didn't feel like it :)

Marcia: Hope you feel better

I'm gonna inhale my salad and be back after my DD's dentist appt for her wisdom teeth. I promise to add more personals then :) :)
Hello all!

DH kicked me out of bed this morning and asked if I was going to go downstairs and "hop around"! LOL! So I did B&G this am, I ff'd through some of the floor work (I HATE floor work) and did most of the abs, not all. Still a pretty good wo I think. I am planning on following the April rotation. It looks like a good one and I have most of the wo's and the ones I don't have I can sub easily.

Andrea, WTG on the 3 days in a row of solid eating! I thought of you last night as I was watching the Biggest Loser. They all went to Sydney and they had the Australian biggest loser guy on as well.

Lori, WOW! Great wo! Sorry to hear that DS is taking shorter naps. That's no good! Hopefully it's not permanent.

Shirl, enjoy your sunshine! Great WO!

Amelia, sorry I hugged you twice on facebook. I was trying to super poke and goofed!:p Great WO! Enjoy your picnic in the park. Sounds fun!

Roxie, enjoy your WO tonight! Glad to hear that your eating is going well.

Elaine, sorry to hear you overslept. I hate that. I always feel like I am rushing all day long. I hope your WO goes well.

Andrea, way to go getting the WO in when you didn't feel like it. I think that is a huge accomplishment!:)

Marcia, I hope that you feel better soon!

Kath, i love those good, sweaty WO's! Yesterday after C&W I was soaked and giddy! I felt like I really worked hard. I hope things go well with dd at the dentist.

I think that is everyone! Have a great day all!
Just reporting in my WO.
I did 4DS Bootcamp and the arm drills to the cool down of 4DS KB.
I also did #3 of Coremax. All the med ball pic on the blog had me craving to use my med ball.

Marcia: hope you feel better.

becca: that's funny about DH asking if you are going to hop around. My Dh calls it bouncing around. He has no clue what I do!:p

AndreaH: Yeah I have days I need where I need to kick myself in the butt to get moving.Great job on the WO!

Lori: Sending vibes for DS to taking a longer nap.

Kath: how many days to your suny vacation?

Shirl,Andrea, Roxie Great eating and WO!

Hey girls,just popping in right quick to report my workout!

Did bm2 step combos and abbs,then did gs legs squats,plea's,lunges,deadlifts. Im glad im done!

becca,LOL I too screw up on facebook. Thanks for the hugs;-)

Hey to everybody:)
Hey GIrls!

I know its later in the evening but I am at work and thought I would catch up on personnals!

Ameila** I am a Leo..Aug 2nd I will be 30!:eek:

Becca** DH can't beleive it when I get up at 5 to workout before work. So I doubt he would ever ask me! hehe You know, I can't find B&G anywhere! Its the weirdest thing, I have checked everywhere!

Kath** Thought you said you were gonna come back for personnals!;) Liar,liar..pants on fire:7

Shirl** Good job with the workout!

Elaine** I don't know if your vibes will do any good. Although, he did nap longer today, I think he is starting to make them a little shorter b/c he is getting older. The good thing is that he goes to bed at 7:30 now though, so its not all bad:)

Roxie** That rotation looks pretty good. What is the total body scuplt like? So your working LB 2x's and Ub once?

Marcia** HOpe you feel better soon!!

Andrea** 20 mins is better then nothing right? I wouldn't be happy about that either though. I think I am going to do L&G sometime this week as well!

I ended up doing shoulders (heavy) and CF! Good workout and I was pooped! I haven't been real hungry though. I thought I would be hungier with all this lifting...oh well!:)

Total body sculpt is on low impact step it is a total body workout. I am doing 2 total body workouts a week, is this not enough?
I also have high step circut and a high step haven't figured out how to incorporate that yet.
Roxie** I don't think that registered to my brain right! hehe For some reason I thought I read "lower body scuplt" Im so weird. I think 2 full body workouts are fine. Do you have a TM?
Good evening everyone. I've been going all day and haven't had a chance to post. I took the dog for a 40 min steady jog. I forgot to charge my ipod so no itread this morning. And yes, Andrea H the itread 10 is an outdoor one. I also have the itread 6 outdoors. I have some of the treadmill ones, but I seem to avoid the TM as much as possible lately. Not sure why, because I used to use it.

DH and I went to the movies tonight. We saw "Stop Loss". It really makes you appreciate what our soldiers are doing for us.

Hope everyone has a nice evening.


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