Hump Day CHEETAHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good morning Cheetah babes!

I banged out Low Max this morning. I was supposed to do Pinky's version (holding weights for the blasts) but my outer pecs and tris are sooooo sore from MM yesterday that that would have been pure torture...and not the good kind }(.

Dallas - Wouldn't you know that I was cleaning out my email just now and saw the VS promo for free shipping on the Intimissimi bras...expired yesterday x( x(. I just received an order from them last night and I LOVED the two bras and was going back to order more...DRAT!!!!

Lorie - Good morning! What's on your agenda for the day?

Okay, gonna scoot and get ready for work. I think I've got a long one today so I probably won't be back until late. Ciao!
Good Morning Girls!:)

Well it's safe to say that I am quite disgusted with myself. I have some weight/bloat/fat...who knows what it is hanging on me. When I weighed myself this morning I almost threw up. x( I have really been letting things go lately. I need to pull back on the reigns a bit. My diet isn't bad I don't think but I'm drinking CABS far too frequently these days and I don't think the combo of endurance lifting with lots of fun but not as intense cardio is doing me any good. Maybe simply cutting out the CABS would do the trick but DH and I are on a roll with GH right now so I can't do that!!! I can't play GH worth a darn totally sober!:p :7

All that being said, I am going to start a mini 4DS rotation to get myself back into lifting heavy for a couple of weeks. I'm really not in the mood for it but I think it may help. I have a wedding to go to next weekend-we are flying down to FLA for it!!! I am wearing a pretty snug dress. My body simply can NOT be hanging on to anything extra if I expect to feel good in the dress thus the sudden change in work out plans. x( I will start today with 4DS legs and take it from there....

Ok, rant over! Thanks for listening!:p

Sunny: So how are you doing the NROL rotation in terms of cardio? What kind and how often? How many times a week are you lifting? Inquiring minds want to know!}(

Wendi: Rock on with that DOMS girl! Gotta love it! Hurts so good!:7

Shelly: Sending good vibes your way so that you get alot done over the next few days! So what do you think? Is this Chicago Half a possibility for you do you think?? :)

Christine: LMAO! You just couldn't put those kettlebells down even for a Cathe work out, could you!? Too funny! :7

Carole: Hope you get your Amy work outs soon!!!! Enjoy today's work out!

Jackie: Glad to hear you found more tile. Nice work out today.

Lorie: How was MIC y'day?

Kath: Good job knocking time off your 5 miler! WTG!!!!

Dallas: So do you still have a house? ;) To answer your question, yes the Tony stretchy/yoga work out I did y'day is sold separately. It's cheap too. Like $9.99 I think. It's made up of stretching, some slowly executed kicking/punching moves to really get the muscles warm, and about 10 minutes of yoga. It's different for sure.

Hello to Cathy, Judy, Kristi and any others I didn't get to!:)
Hey Cheetahs!

I feel like I’m back in my game. I’ve been eating much better and I’m feeling the difference. I have Hi/Lo Knockout on tap today. I previewed it last night – it looks fun, but very fast! I’m a bit nervous about it! At least it will work me hard! :p

Dallas – I like Lands End. Hope the suit fits well! There may be two halfs along that route – this one was listed as one of the top 25 half’s. Not sure why you have two dates. I find a lot of what Mercola publishes to be sensationalized, but I can see that a lot this would be true. Safeway offers an Organics brand. That has to be mass produced. I wish regulations for what it means to be organic would tighten up, so that we knew what we were getting. But there is work towards that end. And when organic farming is used on a larger scale, that can only be good. (That’s my take – although others may disagree).

Kath – I hope the weather warms up for you! Dad says it was a bit chilly and raining this week (he lives in North Carolina in the Outer Banks. I figure the icky weather is just getting out of the way!

Thomasina – bummer about the Nike Marathon! And I’m sorry to hear your babies (okay big babies, but they are still your babies) are sick!

Kristi – yeah, I was bummed about not being chosen, too! Maybe Chicago?!

Cathy – That Chicago Half was also listed as one of the top 25 Half Marathons. As for blowing off Anthony – you needed a mental day. But, now you’ve had it – no excuses girlfriend! You’ll feel better. And you can elect to do the 1 time through with longer breaks and still get a great workout! :p

Hi Lorie! Thanks for getting us started! Bummer about not getting picked, isn’t it? Glad you are enjoying your space, though.

Wendi – Sounds like a great soup! You’re making me hungry! (and it’s 5AM here!) About horse people. Yeah, I’ve done search and our horse team was always just a bit different. They were great people, but just not wired quite the same as the rest of the group. :p Good job with Low Max! Sorry you’re sore!! Hope today goes quickly!

Wendy – I think any trip to Chicago would mean a bunch of us in a hotel room to share costs, and Chicago is not too bad price wise. AND it’s a big United hub, so it’s easy to get to. Maybe… I hear ya on the weight/bloat/fat. I was FIVE pounds up on Monday and decided enough was enough. I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this as well. Hopefully 4DS will clear it right off! Oh nah, cannot give up the bells! They work ya too good! I’m still feeling the abs. And Amy’s HLK has a weighted ab section that looks divine! More sore abs tomorrow!

Well, must be off – running a bit late today. Woke up 15 minutes before the alarm went off having to use the bathroom, and gave myself an additional 15 minutes to snuggle under the covers. :p
Good morning cheetahs

I did get my Amy workouts yesterday!! They were postmarked 3-24 and it just seems like that is a long time for them to get here?...

Lorie...actually these PC Tax programs makes taxes a lot easier IMO. I just need to keep better records of a few things!!

Wendi..That pull-up tower looks like a good one. Maybe a Garmin next year...:)..Good job with Lowmax. I have never tried Pinky's version.

Wendy...great way to improvise without power!! I know in the past when we have lost power, I had DH hook up the generator so I could work out in front of the TV!!! So you enjoyed Tony alone on a beach in Hawaii?...:D...sorry about the weight/bloat...I have not been happy with my eating/drinking either. I am hoping STS might snap me out of it!! A wedding in Florida sounds fun...:)

Christine....that was GREAT customer service you got!! As I have not heard a thing from NRG, I am not at all thrilled about their customer service and will most likley not order anything from them, I will use an alternate site. Let me know how you like the Hi/Lo knockout.

Jackie...I know I will love the new weight bench. Good workout yesterday, I have not used my roller lately, I must today.

Dallas...yes, I think it is the bench Lorie has. It was posted on the Open Forum by Liann a couple of weeks ago. I think you can do the supine pull-ups that Cathe shows in her blog on this weight bench. I already have a pull-up bar from another weight machine I have attached to the wall. I like those 2 boys on AI too!

Kath...How cool you will get to see Hootie!! I think you guys will have a great vacation. I have a salad every night with them...:D

Posh...sorry about the sick kids...:(...hope DD17's strep throat goes away ASAP! I am bummed we didn't get picked for the half...I would do the LV half again...:)

Cathy..I do hope to avoid Vista as long as I current PC is Win XP and it is a better OS, IMO. Thanks for the HD info, I will be checking those out in the near future. Nice laptop...Pat Sajak took his wig off???

I am doing a freestyle leg workout, abs and a 3-4 mile run.

Have a great hump day..:D
hello ladies,

lorie- thanks for getting us started.

wendi- yes, i remember my resolution. too bad i can't seem to stick to it:p . i rationalize by saying now is the time in my life to busy and later on in life i will have time to relax. thanks for the reminder:)

christine- back into the groove. go girl! have fun with hi/lo today.

wendy- so far so good with nrolw! i am doing 3 lifting days and 3 days of cardio. since you are starting a new rotation why not just start nrolw with me (and judy next week)? you could get in your runs on the days you are not lifting??!!

carole- have fun with freestyle leg day!!

posh, christine, kristi & lorie- so sorry you did not get selected for the HM. hopefully there will be one sooner you can do together.

dallas- that is some workout you did yesterday! how is your studying coming along?

today's workout is the second day NROLW workout. deadlifts, lunges, lat pulldowns, overhead presses, stability abs...and can't remember what else, lol.

have a great day to all in cheetahville!
Good morning cheetahs! Woke up at 0430 with a million thoughts swirling thru my head! Finally gave up after an hour and headed down to the basement for a workout. I got Amy's ITR yesterday so I had incentive.... HAD to try it out! Love it (of course) it's maybe a tad easier than HLK but my experience may be skewed cuz of the learning curve on the first time. Really liked the med ball intervals!! Later today I'll give Seasun Zeiger's Straight Up Step a trail run thru.

Got alot of painting/packing done yesterday. I've narrowed down a travel nurse agency I'd like to so today I'll be contacting a recruiter. Lots of jobs available in Philly! Cathy-- I'll be within shouting distance!! :p

LOVE the idea of doing the Chicago half.... a nice central location!
I'll be there if it's a go with alot of you other fab cheetahs!
I also signed up yesterday to run the Army 10 miler in Oct. (Oct 5th- the week before my 18 miler on LBI with Wendy) I've been wanting to do this one for a LONG time.... very excited about it. The course is thru our nations capital starting at the Pentagon and travelling to the Capital building and back.

Christine- How did you like HLK? We haven't made any offer on houses, even ones that look "perfect" to us. It's too difficult to negotiate long distance. We are waiting til we get there to do serious shopping.

Carole- Your Amy w/os sure did take their time getting to you! I got ITR yesterday also and I only ordered last week. I preordered HLK thru Advanced DVDs and had it on the 25th. You sure do have alot of discipline with new workouts. When I get one I can barely wait to tear the wrapper off! When are you trying them out?

Kath- Counting down the days til vacation I see! Don't blame ya though. Hey, I'm a huge salad fan myself. I typically have a big one for lunch and another slightly smaller one with dinner.

Wendi- Nice job with Lomax today even without the weights!

Wendy- I like the idea of going to Chicago. Believe it or not with all my travels I have never been there! Sorry the scale didn't agree with you today x( LOL about not being able to tackle GH while sober:p

Sunny- I'll be very interested in hearing your professional opinion on the NROLW routine after you've been doing it for a while!

That's all I have time for today. Hi to all the other cheetahs checking in later!

Carole – YEAH!!! You got them! How were they sent? It does seem a long time, even from Jersey. Fed Ex Ground is my least favorite way to have things shipped. I’m surprised Amy did not get right back to you – usually she’s right on top of things. Sorry to hear about that. Hi/Lo Knockout is a BLAST. You’ll enjoy it! But man did it kick my butt!

Sunny – Sounds like you’re having fun with NROLW! Second day – eh? How’s it going?

Shelly – Oh man, don’t you hate waking up like that? ITA that ITR is easier than HLK. Not a lot, but HLK kicked my butt this morning. Knockout round 2 with the burpees had my hr way up there. I had to pause the DVD for a moment to catch my breath before combo 3. But I do really like this one. Wish the ab section was longer, though. I agree with the house issue. Good luck there!

So, as y’all can probably tell, I really enjoyed Hi/Li Knockdown. It’s very fast paced, but it’s actually one of her easier Hi/Lo to learn. I got most of the moves the first time. Maybe I’m just getting used to her Hi/Lo. :p I think I like this one a smidgen more than ITR, but both are fun. On the ab work - I like her partial Turkish Get Ups to a side plank, but my only complaint is that she did not really do a partial Turkish Get Up – she did more of a sit up, so you don’t really feel it the same way. But oh well, it was still good. :p
Afternoon Girls :) :) Little late for my posting-- had a busy a.m. and I have to take DD to a dentist appt this afternoon for her wisdom teeth. I'm inhaling a salad as I type--I'm sure it is not pretty :)

I did intervals--nice and sweaty. I also worked my chest to Gym Style and ME.

Dallas: I leave the 10th @ noon. :) I'm sure DH will have his stuff packed by then. Just his golf clubs LOL :)

Wendi: Sounds like yesterday was a long day for you.

Wendy: Guitar Hero and drinks!! :) :) At least if you go missing some day, we know what you are up to :)

Posh: take me to Maui with ya :)

Cathy: Coronapower-- :) :) Sounds like fun

Jackie: Great workout.

Carole: MIL is a combo of Marie and the mom on Still Standing. Just last night my DD said "OMG that's grandma" LOL I love salads as well :)

Christine: I hope the rain is leaving there soon :) And it's nice and warm for us.

Ok I need to finish this salad and get ready to pick DD up. I'll be back :)
Good afternoon Cheetahs!

Dallas - I feel your pain on the dressing too young or too old. I figure since I don't look 50, I don't want to dress like a 50 year old. Don't want to dress like a teeny bopper either. I use a Flexibility for the Inflexible by Kelly Roberts. Then sometimes I just use the foam roller and roll a few spots. And, no you didn't ask before. :) How's the DOMS?

Lorie - Glad you're enjoying your new workout space. Makes working out much more fun.

Kath - I can feel your excitement about vacation. You'll have fun. I have a salad every day for lunch too. Feel lost when I don't have one.

Posh - Hope DD & DS are feeling better. Sorry that the group didn't get into the Nike half.

Wendy - Glad you got that workout in yesterday. Where there's a will, there's a way. Sorry to hear about the fluff going on with the body. Your plans to fight it looks good. You're going to look great in that dress.

Cathy - Thanks for the info on the laptop. Pat Sajak wears a wig?

Wendi - I'm putting a few things in boxes when I get home from work. I'll do more this weekend. Yes, the tile came in and it was going in yesterday. It looks good. Good job with Low Max today.

Christine - You sound like you're in a good place with your weight and workouts. Good job with Hi/Lo Knockdown. Sounds like fun.

Carole - Glad you got your workouts. Hope you had a good workout.

Sunny - Looks like you're having fun with NROLW.

Shelly - Those racing thoughts can keep a girl awake. You just got an early start to your day. Guess that means you can get more packing and painting done. Glad you've narrowed the job field down.

I'm late today. My workout was Jari Love's Get Ripped. Went a little heavier than Jari but not much because she moves a little fast. Then, she wears your arms out.

Gotta run. Hope you had a marvelous day!

Good Afternoon.

It looks like I'll have to begin the fight of the "fluff" (loved that Jackie!:7 ) tmrw perhaps...I couldn't bring myself to do 4DS legs today. I am just so burnt on heavy lifting. UGH. I went ahead and did my original plan of the Rockin' Body leg and ab work outs. Definately endurance work but FUN and I felt the BURN!}(

No time for personals. Gotta get showered and head off to the tax guy so Uncle Sam doesn't come after us!:7

Hi All!

I have to be quick. I've been in my workout clothes all day, but at least I worked out in them this time.;P We did the stairs for an hour. I've missed three weeks, so it was tough today. Either that or B&G is lingering?}( I had and have high hopes of getting P90X Back & Biceps and ARX. I'm not giving up yet. It's dh's b-day so I spent the day getting this and that....smelly and all. Ewwww! Getting 40 balloons in my SUV was the trickiest part. :eek: lol

I'm sorry, but I have to run. Thank goodness the next b-day isn't until Sept. :) Well have to play taxi now, but I'm hoping to finish my planned workouts before the gang returns from soccer.

Be back tomorrow. Have a great evening!
Hola, cheetah babes! :) :) :)

Suckin’ up a little me time before Firepower. (Yes, I’m doin’ it! For real!) ;) And then MAYBE some grading. I don’t wanna, but I might hafta.

Wendy :: Hmmm, I like your plan…BUT…:)…the 9/14 HM is the second week of school, so I'd prefer not to miss a day that soon…*lol* about your GH strategy. I have put on some fluff myself in my month of slothdom.

Wendi :: Pat had Vanna take off the wig at the end of the show last night. Wondered if it was an AF's joke. Will have to catch it tonight and see.

Christine :: Well, I wasn’t exactly a TOTAL bum yesterday. :) I graded til 10 pm. How was Hi/Lo?

Carole :: I am not used to Vista yet. Curious what you think some of its flaws are.

Jackie :: have the same wardrobe issues sometimes…Re: Sajak...maybe an AF's joke?

Dallas :: You’re right ~ there is an HM on 8/10. Here is a link:

There is also the Chicago Marathon on 10/12.

Anyone interested in either of those?

Hi Sunny, Shelly, Kath, and all who follow!

[font face="Bradley Hand ITC" size=+3] ~Cathy [/font]
Howdy chicas!

It was so nice and sunny here (albeit a bit chilly) that I was tempted to go for a run this evening but this bod is shot for today. Besides I am sooooo sore from MM yesterday that it would probably have hurt to even swing my arms while running. You know, when I thought about it today, I realized that I ended up doing 75 pushups during yesterday's mish mosh workout. That is many, many more than I would have *liked* to have done :p.

Wendy - Honey, you'll look fab in that dress in gorgeous FL! But I know what you mean about that little bit of "extra" that's still hanging around. I know you'll blast that off in no time with your new plan!

Christine - Oh man, look at you now enabling for that Chicago half!!! DARN YOU :p! You just don't know when to stop lol! I'm right there with you and Wendy and today I said ENOUGH! For me, that means ditching the weights for a bit and hitting the cardio/running HARD! Glad you had a good time with Hi/Lo Knockout! BTW, guess what I've got marinating in the fridge for tomorrow...Chicken Tikka Masala, YUMMY!!!

Carole - You should try the Pinky version where you hold a med ball or DB during the really hits the core and your HR really gets up there!!! I think you'd like that one }(. Glad to hear that your workouts *finally* found their way to you but that does seem like a very long time to wait. IA about Vista...that's why I'm still working on my dinosaur here with XP. I hope you had a good run!

Sunny - I didn't mean to nag I just wanted to make sure that you get the time to yourself that you deserve!

Shelly - Sorry to hear about your early morning :(. I think you found the perfect way to silence all those swirling thoughts...a kikck arse workout always does the trick for me :D! I'm so happy to hear that you'll have your pick of jobs in Philly. Oh that Army 10 miler sounds like sooooooo much fun!!!

Kath - LOL about the inhaled salad! That's me at work around 10:30 every day. Nice workout today!

Jackie - Glad the packing is coming along. Great workout today!

Dallas - Man, have you got a busy day! I have a feeling B&G got ya good...I know I always feel like I have lead for legs after that one. Happy Birthday to DH!!!

Cathy - Okay, that does sound like an AF's after all...let us know! Soooo, did you get to Firepower?

I am exceptionally tired all of a sudden so I guess I will bid you all a good night and catch some mucho shut eye!
Back to report Firepower 2 alarm (25 min., 1 round, short rests) is done + 20 min. on the EXT. It feels soooo good to have my life back!!! :) :) :)

Doing this workout makes me want to rush out & get a matching weight k'bell (I have a 15 and a 20.) Absolutely LOVED it. Anthony is so motivating!

Have a great night, all!

ETA: Wendi :: hope you get lots of well-deserved zzzz's tonight! :)
Hey there!

Cathy - Did ya do it yet??? Can't wait to see what you think of it!!

Dallas - Happy BD to your DH! Hopefully, you will get to get in a workout!

Wendy - Do you like the Rockin Body workouts? I am sure it will be just a couple of days before you start feeling back to your old self again!! Maybe it is just hormonal?

Jackie - Another one that needs some "in between clothes!" I don't want "old lady clothes".....but now teeney bopper, either! Good job on the workout!

Kath - Good job on the intervals, and GS/ME chest!

Christine - I did HiLo Knock Out last night! I loved it, too! I was afraid of it, but it ended up being a lot easier that ITR, for me! (Choreography wise). I loved the music! I am really glad that I ordered these....I was afraid I would regret it! Glad you liked it, as well!

Carole - I am so glad you got your Amy's! I hope you like them!! I can't wait to hear what you think of them!

Wendy - Good job on LowMax! Hope you have a good day!

I have been doing my workouts in the eve. this week. But....tonight, I rested :) Hopefully, I will get up in the morning and do it in the morning.

I finally got my replacement CIA's. I have been doing those and Kelly Coffey Myer's new one weight workout. I have to say that I absolutely love HiLo Knock Out! I was so afraid of the choreography, but it was much easier for me, for some reason than ITR! I also loved Sharon's!

I received my wristguards today! I think they will do the trick! Thanks to all that recommended them! :7 They feel soft and plush!

Hope you guys have a good day!


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