How many hours/minutes a day is your workout?


I've been reading many checkins. I'm amazed at the hours/minutes ALL of us put into our workouts. I'm also curious. Let me ask you all two questions?

1. How long do you workout in one day?

2. And how many hours/minutes should we be working out? Is it better to bang out a 30minute workout? OR how about some workouts that seem to last almost 2 hours at one time?

Currently for me:

I'm running now. So on long run days I average like 68minutes or so. I work one body part with weights and toss in abs (but not always on my long run days) So at the most I may work out an hour and half--ON LONG RUN DAYS. I know not to put too much more on those days plus I'm NEW to running --I be slow :)

I look fwd to what all you FIT and WONDERFUL people have to say :)
I'm curious to see if Cathe will tell us how many hours she works out and what her thoughts are on how long a workout should be :) :)
Hey Kath,
Do what's good for YOU--don't worry about what other people are doing. Sometimes I find myself reading the checkins here and feel so lazy and bad about myself when I see how much some other people work out. I do about an hour a day--sometimes less, sometimes more. One hour is my perfect time. Not too long, not too short. If I want to do a longer workout, sometimes I'll do, say, PUB in the morning before work and then Imax 2 after work. I lose all my "oomph" after about 60 minutes so in order to get in a long one, I'll workout at two separate times of the day at no more than one hour each. But I do this RARELY. I do what makes me feel good. Sometimes it's 20 minutes, sometimes, 40, sometimes 70. Don't let yourself get too wrapped up in the competetion of having "the longest workouts". I learned my lesson from that--it only leads to injury.

Oh Allison I feel great about my workout :) I'm just curious as to what others think and do :) Just an open discussion :)

Besides we all get busy with life and we have to squeeze in a workout when we can :)
I agree with Allison.

I find myself feeling pretty lazy and "out of the loop" on the duration and frequency of my workouts. I work out four days a week at one hour max. I just cannot give up any more time to do more.
This is one of the reason I LOVE 4DS!

Have a great day!
I workout 6 days sometimes I take my rest day sometimes I don't I average about an hour and only one time per day. My last rotation had Yoga in the PM, I found I did not give it 100% kids were home, hubby distracting, dinner.

"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
The amount of time I spend working out is all over the board. It depends on the rotation I am doing...or lack thereof. :p

I will do some work outs as short as 20 minutes or as long as 90 mins. I guess my average is an hour but it's constantly changing.

I think it's a very personal matter. Everyone's body reacts differently and you have to find what works best for you.

There are some that work out to the extreme IMO but I am sure there are people who think I am on the extreme side as well so it's all relative. :)
Right now, I'm working out five days a week, and usually average about 1 hour and 15 minutes per workout. I'm doing a GS rotation, so I've been trying to tack on a 20-minute HIIT rotation on the days when I do the two shorter GS workouts.

It's interesting to see what everyone's schedules and programs are like!:)
I workout out on cardio only days between 50min-65. On strength days usually 75-80, so a average of 1 hour. It also depends if I am doing a rotation, then it can be more, or less! 6 days a weeks.
monday and friday are yoga days so that could be 30-60 min. most mornings i get 30-60min. during the week and sometimes 70+min on weekends.

sometimes i feel a little lazy when i see folks that can do longer workouts but i do make the most of my workout time so quality over quantity is what i aim for these days. i also add pilates and yoga for 10-40 mins at least 4 evenings to relax and stretch.


I usually workout anywhere from 60m- 90m depends on what I'm doing on a particular day, not including the 15-25m of stretch I do afterwards .

60 m for me is a short workout day
I split my workouts into AM and PM, because it works better for me that way. Hour each I guess, or more, but right now I am doing a specific (crazy) program, so it feels like all I do is exercise.

Will start cutting back to my "normal" 60 minutes to 90 minutes.
I asked about this one time on my fitness blog. It's not the biggest cross-section of people or anything, but it was still neat to see the wide range of responses.

First I asked about how many days a week people worked out:

Then I asked how many hours a week they worked out:

Only about 50 people answered, but the majority worked out 6-10 hours a week, which was actually less than I expected. So, it's not scientific or anything, but it's some more answers for you.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog:
If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/font]
I workout 6days a week for atleast 40 mins a day Lately ive been doing cardio almost everyday(for stress reasons). My weight work is three days a week!:) On days that i do weights and cardio it ends up being about an hour and 15-30minutes.
I'm all over the board, depending on what rotation, time constraints and goals. I figure I'm averaging about an hour a day, 6 days a week, mostly strength with a few hours of cardio, and with the sixth day being yoga.


Even after all this time the earth never says to the sun, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that.

It lights the whole sky.

- Hafiz
When I started working out to lose weight a few years ago I worked out 6 days a week (id do 7 but i had to work the length of the gym hours on sats :)
I did 20 mins cardio, weights, abs, 10 more mins cardio, more weights ending with another 20 mins cardio.
I was determined to lose that weight lol (and it worked). Weights were modest as I was losing weight as a first priority. Id be at the gym for 2-2.5 hours (yikes).
This past fall I went through a stretch I was doing back and chest on the same day and the workout took me 2 hours. I did real heavy weights so the rest period between sets was much longer. I also threw in some abs and sometimes a quick cardio if I had the strength.
Nowadays I usually get it done in 1-1.5 hours. I usually only do 2 or 3 bodyparts on any given day and chest and back ALWAYS takes longer.
Sometimes when I don't have time but HAVE to get SOMETHING done, Ill do some shoulders (in my work clothes and everything), they are real quick and easy to get a real efficient workout pushed out durring a break in the day hehe.. biceps are good for that too.
On quickie days like that I get it done in 20 mins or less :)
But typically I workout 3 or 4 days per week. 45 mins - 1.5 hours each day.

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