Happy Saturday Cheetahs!
Today will be a hike or if not a hike, something. It’s a little overcast, so I’m not 100% positive on the hike. Then GroceryMax etc. We went to dinner last night with friends. We had a crab pasta that was incredible. YUM!! I did survive the meeting, but it was tough.
Glad it’s over for another 90 days. Ended up doing only the first part of Rock Steady Step – I was brain fried and could not think. So I put Amy’s ASCII in and did the premix that does combined 1&2, then the Power ups, combined 3&4, more Power Ups… It was FUN!
Wendi – glad to see you! Good job on the run! I love seeing the sunrise on my runs, too. It’s such a peaceful feeling out there running while the world around you just starts stirring.
Wendy – Hope DS is better for you today. When the kids get like that, you just want to leave them in the store and leave. I think we’ve all been there. DD15 was a pretty easy baby, but when she was between 2-4 she would occasionally launch into a fit that was a sight to behold. Sorry you had to deal with that yesterday. That’s some birthday party! WOW! Yeah, all of my Italian friends think the more the merrier. My coworker is constantly letting family borrow his house, and having parties. It’s a riot.
Kath – Have fun driving the tank. We have three cars between the two of us, and we’re down to one as we have two in the shop. It’s kind of funny to see the little Mini as the only car in the driveway. Rotation looks good to me.
Sunny – Providence is very different from Firepower – it’s a little more pure. Firepower is more like a Pavel workout with mixed body weight and kettlebell exercises. Newport is like Firepower on steroids. But it’s fun. I like ‘em all. This week I’m doing 20/30 minutes of kettlebells every day. I just wanted to do something different.
Cathy – Yeah, you would love the Bay to Breakers. And it would be such fun to get a room at one of the hotels downtown, and be able to hang out before and after the race. San Francisco is a gorgeous city with lots to do. One day maybe. The race has been held for over 100 years, it will go on. Have fun today!
Carole – Isn’t ITR fun? I really enjoy that one. I think I like HLK a little better…
Oh, there’s nothing like getting a hair cut or a new style, and having trouble recognizing the person in the mirror. Are you liking it? And just when curly hair is coming back in!
Good for you for getting your new weight bench. I often times find myself ordering things when I ticked at DH!
Shelly – Glad Straight Up Step is getting easier. I love BMax 2 on the BOSU. That is loads of fun. Now you’re making me want SUS too! I’m going to order CIA Step Jam, so I might get SUS too. We’ll see. ITA that Amy just keeps getting better. I really enjoy her workouts. My rotation this week has a lot of Amy in it, as well as kettlebells.
Jackie – How’s the move going? When is the official move in day? I survived the meeting. Glad it’s over!
Well, the dogs are back to staring me down, willing me to feed them. Both of them this time. Jimmy looks like Kilroy – I can see his eyes over the top of my laptop, but nothing else. I guess I’d better get moving here.
Have a great day all!