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    I actually have no comment on breast augmentation one way or another---totally personal decision in my opinion. But, I just wanted to say that just reading Diane's list of all we do to be "beautiful" makes me tired;-) I may just decide to become a hairy mountain woman and only shower after...
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    Puzzle Mats Bunching Up?

    Jean, Bunching up, sliding apart I could never keep my puzzle mats from moving either. I finally just had to put heavy weights on all the corners to keep them in place. Maybe just on two of the corners for you as it seems that your problem is "uni-directional";-) I found that about 40lb worked...
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    Laura, I don't know anything about Mega Hydrate, but amino acids are the building blocks of proteins (and for some people too much protein can contribute to kidney stones). Antioxidants are "anti-aging" compounds found most often in fruits, vegetables, and legumes and are NOT amino acids...
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    Tracey's New Workouts - Sweatfest

    I received mine in the mail today, but I live in NY and I did preorder fairly early, so I might not be the best gauge. ;-) The covers look pretty:P But, so far I haven't even cracked the plastic, although I am super excited about the kickboxing and might sub it for KPC later this week...
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    The world of Add-ons & Creative Premixing

    Gisela, One evil, hyphenated word: Mish-Mosh. Just run and search for Aquajock's Mish-Moshes and you will be pleasantly surprised at the number of painful ways to combine Cathe's workouts and premixes}( Have fun:o Mattea
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    Jamn, My best advice would be to invest in Cathe's Maximum Intensity Cardio/Rhythmic Step/Imax 1 DVD. This will give you three great workouts to choose from and add to your Hi/Lo collection with a VERY high intensity Hi/Lo workout--the first 30 min. of MIC---the second 30 min. is a tough step...
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    Maybe a dumb question: but

    Anne, Just the difference in the hardness of the two surfaces can make a big difference in where you are feeling it the next day. Treadmills, especially those of high quality, have platforms designed to be "softer", to absorb the impact of your movements in order to take the strain of...
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    Cooking/soaking beans (Vegan Planet CookBook)

    Gayle, You definately want to Soak, Rinse, Cook, Rinse, Freeze/Use--in that order. Incidentally, I wouldn't really recommend soaking, rinsing, then cooking the beans IN a soup. Then you end up with a really "beany" flavored broth, and one that is more likely to cause gas. Just don't put the...
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    ttc check in mar 25

    Hi Ladies:) I just wanted to say a great big THANK YOU!!! to Autumn for the CM material. It is very helpful, and I'm sure I'll have questions after I read through it several times and start charting for real. Also, Melanie, Morris, Lisa, Autumn you are so inspirational and keep up the...
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    A Basic Vegetarian cookbook

    One of the BEST, most "Joy of Cooking" like veg. cookbooks that I've ever come across is Diana Shaw's "The Essential Vegetarian." This book is beautifully put together, it is FUNNY, and chock full of recipes, recipe variations, nutritional information, and a very thorough appendix. The subtitles...
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    Help Choosing Circuit

    If you have the time, I love to "double" circuits up, for example, HSTA and HSC, I would do the w/u from HSC (cause I like the music :) ) and then cycle 1 cardio, then HSTA cycle 1 cardio, then legs, then legs, then upper body/upper body. You get the picture. This one clocks in around 90 min...
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    Help Choosing Circuit

    If you have the time, I love to "double" circuits up, for example, HSTA and HSC, I would do the w/u from HSC (cause I like the music :) ) and then cycle 1 cardio, then HSTA cycle 1 cardio, then legs, then legs, then upper body/upper body. You get the picture. This one clocks in around 90 min...
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    What's your favorite fruit?

    Another non-discriminatory fruit lover here. Whether a fruit is stamped Dole, Driscoll's, Sunkist, or a farmer's market find it ALL has my name on it:9 Mattea
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    ttc check in mar 25

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone:) I would say that I look forward to eventually checking in with you everyday, but by the time DH and I start TTC I hope that each of you has been blessed with a positive HPT :7 However, I will say that I look forward to continued lurking and the day when...
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    What kind of sneakers do you wear?

    Marie, I've had the same type of Ryka Enlight I (many pairs over a couple of years) and have loved them to death. They feel a little stiff when I first get them, but soon I feel completely supported and cushioned through all the high impact. I've NEVER had a problem with them coming apart in...
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    Locks of Love - Hair donation

    Kimbra, I think I HAVE that haircut, lol:D So far I'm loving it, but it sure has changed how I have to wear my hair to workout. Mattea
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    Locks of Love - Hair donation

    Kimbra, I had long hair for the bulk of my life and several months ago decided to get it cut and LOVE it. My salon is a participating salon and so they cut/took/sent it for me. But I didn't realize this at the time I was researching how to do it, so I also checked into it. I think you should...
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    ttc check in mar 25

    Hi Ladies, My name is Mattea and I am one of the lurkers Melanie pointed to in her earlier post :7 I love reading about what you ladies are going through, your advice, challenges, and successes! DH and I don't have any kids yet, and are not currently trying to conceive, but we are...
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    The Time Traveler's

    My aunt actually just gave me this book b/c she loved it, but I haven't read it yet either :) I just finished "The Fingersmith" by Sarah Waters and that was a FANTASTIC read! Before that I read "The Evidence Against Her" (the name of the author escapes me, except it was a woman and had...
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    Road Trip from Western NY?

    That's a good point...I promise, totally clean driving record:D Actually, it looks like I won't have to worry about it, I was at the hair dresser and got home at 12:15, tried to sign up and got wait-listed as #144!!! Somehow, I don't think I'll be able to make it this year;-) :-( Oh...