Puzzle Mats Bunching Up?


Has anyone been successful in stopping puzzple mats from moving on carpet? I used to have a problem with them pulling apart while I worked out. So I recently rearranged my workout area so the edges would be up against a wall and the legs of the couch. Unfortunately they are still moving. Since they can't split apart any more, they bunch up (always toward the same wall). It probably has to do with the direction of the carpet fibers, but I was wondering if anyone had found a way to make them stay put. I searched previous posts and saw some advice on putting the non-slip pads under the mats under the mat, but before I buy a large piece I wanted to know if anyone was successful with them or had another idea.

Bunching up, sliding apart I could never keep my puzzle mats from moving either. I finally just had to put heavy weights on all the corners to keep them in place. Maybe just on two of the corners for you as it seems that your problem is "uni-directional";-) I found that about 40lb worked well, but I could get by with about 30lb if I wasn't going to be done power lunges or anything.

Maybe someone else had good luck with the large pad underneath, but I didn't.

Good luck,
I had thought about taping them when they were pulling apart, but now
the mats stay hooked. They just rise up like a big bubble that I trip on.


ps. It's good to hear from you again. Are you going on this year's road trip?
What I started to do was use a non-slip rug mat. You know the kind that you use to keep area rugs from sliding? I eventually had to quit using the puzzle mats because they created too much of an uneven surface for my knee and caused it to hurt.
I bought a lot of them and made sure it hit the wall on one side and
wedged the other under the sofa. I know, what a pain!!!

I am now looking into the Gerstung Action Platform, anyone try it?


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