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  1. E

    what's a good fitness magazine

    I have a subscrition to "fitness". I can burn through it an about an hour. It just doesn't have enough content for me. They have some good suggestions for exersizes, but other than that I don't get too much out of it. I probably won't renew it. Sally
  2. E

    full body workouts-one day in between or?

    My understanding is to put a day of rest (from weights, you could do cardio, stretching, yoga, etc.) in after working any body part with weights. So my opinion is one day if you feel good. If you're truely sore after one day, make it two. Sally
  3. E


    My SIL bruises very easily, so after a hard workout week she was covered in bruises head to toe. She went to her doc and got bloodwork and found out she has a low platlet count. Nothing dangerous, she just bleeds a little harder and bruises a little easier than most people. She has it...
  4. E

    Infomercial trend - have you noticed?

    Oh you guys have hit them all on the head! I hate when the "before" picture is an obvious pregnancy picture. I am also very sceptical of all "after" skin care pics. Sally
  5. E

    Did anyone else used to think they didn't like working out?

    OMG, I forgot about running the mile. I took off like lightning and could hardly make it twice around before I had to walk! I was sooo embarrassed, all my friends ran it and waited for me at the finish line. I was one of probably four girls who couldn't make it. Maybe I should call those...
  6. E

    Check it out!!! Blog Update

    Boot Camp looks tough, but fun! Sally
  7. E

    Did anyone else used to think they didn't like working out?

    ME! I used to try to do aerobics or jogging as a teenager and I would get so winded and tired that I'd always quit practically the next day. Walking was about all I could handle. Sweat? Never. A certain wild horse got me gradually more involved with working out. I now work out longer and...
  8. E

    Oh EVIL - thy name is ...

    I have a confession. I haven't even WATCHED this one all the way through. I looked at the girl to Cathe's right and saw how winded and red she was just starting the step portion, and thought "maybe not today". I was also very distracted by Cedie's bad choice of sports bras. I haven't pulled...
  9. E

    Boy Band Guilty Pleasures

    I loved the Monkees too! I couldn't miss them on Nickolodeon every day. If I couldn't watch, I'd tape them on the VCR. In my teen years "The new kids" came out, but I was much more into Hair Bands at that time. I hated the new kids. In my late 20's I was watching MTV one day when they were...
  10. E

    Okay, who's back from vacation?

    I came back Thursday night from our yearly "grizwald family roadtrip". I didn't get to work out much, just two days of moderate cardio. I hit the weights yesterday and jogged/walked cardio intervals today, and boy am I SORE! What a difference a week can make! Hope everyone is home safe and...
  11. E


    I have to VERY careful with fruit. Apples, nectarines, peaches, basically any fruit that you eat the skin with the flesh, will give me an allergic reaction. My ears get itchy and I could just scratch my eyes out of my head. I have nailed it down to pesticides and not the fruit itself, because...
  12. E


    I "second" the Cathe pack as a good beginner purchase. Look into the "transfirmer" pack also. They are both complete workout sets for under $60.00 and will be a good start for anyone. Good luck, let us know what you decide! Oh, you can get both systems at Target and Dicks Sporting Goods...
  13. E

    I'll be saying goodbye for 2 weeks........

    Good luck, I'm sure we all look forward to some good stories on the move! Sally
  14. E

    So what do you guys think of Alli?

    My mom went on it when it first came out by prescrition years ago. She is overweight and type II diabetic and always on the look out for a quick fix. She took the pills and didn't modify her diet all that much, and yes, she pooped her pants several times. So instead of modifying her diet, she...
  15. E

    We may get through this after all...

    My DH has an interview today for a pretty good position, he's been laid off for three weeks without much luck except for out of state recruiters calling. If he can get this job we can stay put and not change our lifestyle a whole lot. Please send him some good "job" vibes today!!!! Sally
  16. E

    Are You Sick Of Fitness Magazines Too!!!!

    The ad's kill me! There is one that you can absolutly tell that the "before" is a computer generated fat picture and the "after" is how that person always looked. Too much! Sally
  17. E

    relationship/messy question

    My DH was always a "neat freak" and I was the "tornado". He hated shoes on in the house, dirty clothes on the floor, throwing away leftovers, dishes left in the sink, etc. I on the other hand kept things neat where people could see, and just stuffed things away where they couldn't. Now the...
  18. E

    Merillville, Indiana

    Thanks to everyone who responded today. I am a little concerned about Merillville's proximity to Gary. I haven't heard many good things concerning Gary. As far as Michigan is concerned, remember when Granholm promised "In five years your going to be blown away!"? I guess I didn't know she...
  19. E

    I need an ice cream intervention

    MMMMM, I am eating a mackinaw island fudge on a keebler fudge cone right now! Sorry, no help from me! Sally
  20. E

    Lancaster, PA

    That's kind of funny Robin, because my husband is a Civil Engineer and will be hired specifically to do the land developing. I guess it's good news for him, there will be a lot of work? Sally