

This might sound strange but I have to ask! When I eat fruit (most every kind), afterwards, I get this sick feeling in my stomach. It seems worse when I eat it alone (ie not with yogurt or something else).

Is it the natural sugars that bothers me? Something else? Thoughts?
Christine, I had that feeling for most of my life, and always avoided fruit for that reason. Several years ago I decided to try fruit again, but avoid pesticides by buying organic. I seem to tolerate fruit a lot better now. I also find I need to be very careful that the fruit is fresh. Too often I eat a handful of blueberries, and then spot the white fuzzy stuff on the fruit still in the container. x( Guaranteed stomach ache.
I have to VERY careful with fruit. Apples, nectarines, peaches, basically any fruit that you eat the skin with the flesh, will give me an allergic reaction. My ears get itchy and I could just scratch my eyes out of my head. I have nailed it down to pesticides and not the fruit itself, because it doesn't ALWAYS happen. I could cut an apple for my kids, touch my eye, and wham I'll be scratching at it for hours unless I take a claritin or benedryl. Other fruit like oranges, melon, bananas are no problem because you remove the outer layer. As a matter of fact, I had 3 cherries at my mom's a week ago and instantly felt the "itchies" and had to scratch my eyes for hours. Bad thing was we went out to a restaurant and I had this big swollen eye. Maybe I'll have to try organic?


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