So what do you guys think of Alli?


I think it's one of the most hilarious weight loss programs ever on the market. The studies focused on people 250+ lbs, & they lost about 7 lbs in a year.

And you gotta love the disclaimer--"you might want to wear dark pants the first few weeks you take the pill." :eek:

Why can't people just eat healthy & exercise? Why are they always looking for that magic pill?
I think it's hilarious too. And I read an article the other day that said it's most effective for people who want to lose 10-15 lbs, and only works well with a low-fat diet in conjunction with exercise.

Ummmmmmmm... why not just stick to the low-fat diet and the exercise?

I agree about the magic pill.
I couldn't agree more. And the worst is they say, you should carry extra pants with you!! Particularly if you don't cut the fats out of your diet - and how many people are going to do that? If they did that, and exercised (like the plan tells you, too) they wouldn't need the pills in the first place!
ugh - this could get gross - I can just see being stuck on the subway with someone sitting next to me who is on that stuff and decided to have McDonald's for lunch. yikes
>ugh - this could get gross - I can just see being stuck on the
>subway with someone sitting next to me who is on that stuff
>and decided to have McDonald's for lunch. yikes

in this city i so wrongly chose to live in, it can get real messy. we have more fatty fast food and chain resturants that i think any bigger city in the country has, and they all happen to be close to targer,wal-mart, and kmart that have proudly displayed this new product right out front when you walk in the store.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
>Why can't people just eat healthy & exercise? Why are they
>always looking for that magic pill?

Because the diet industry is a billion $$ industry that markets towards the "magic pill" or "magic solution" and that's what people want to believe.

The only thing that really works, is, Eat Right and Workout, but it requires some discipline and hard work. It's not very appealing to the general public.

Aside from that, people want to lose 10 lbs in 10 days, getting a quick fix and not 1 or 2 lbs a week realistically.

I keep chuckling when people talk about any of those weightloss pills. It only works IF you eat a low-fat diet and take the magic pill. Save the money for the pill and just eat right for crying loud!!

I think any of those fad diets, pills, meal replacements, etc, etc. are not designed for permanent weightloss, if they were, the diet industry would be out of business.

Ok, off your soapbox now, Carola!!
That's what I keep thinking! That Alli users are gonna stick out like a sore thumb.......or a sore something........}(
Yeah, there are a few side effects I might be able to live with but "anal leakage" is NOT one of them!!!!
>Yeah, there are a few side effects I might be able to live
>with but "anal leakage" is NOT one of them!!!!

Ummmm.... yeah, I'm with TeTe on this one :p

I think Alli is a joke. Like everyone else said, you have to exercise and follow a low-fat diet for it to work, which leads me to believe the pill doesn't actually do anything at all (other than the uber-desirable effect of anal leakage). What a joke!
My mom went on it when it first came out by prescrition years ago. She is overweight and type II diabetic and always on the look out for a quick fix. She took the pills and didn't modify her diet all that much, and yes, she pooped her pants several times. So instead of modifying her diet, she just stopped the pills. ;-)

Lord have mercy, the very phrase "anal leakage" is enough reason to avoid it! Although I might just have some AL right this very moment b/c I'm ready to poo in my pants from laughing........:7
Since it suggests you cut your fat intake while taking to loss the weight, doesn't it make sense that if someone just reduced their fat intake without taking it they would loose weight and save themselves some money and some embarring side effects?

I have a friend who is getting ready to take Alli. I tried to talk her out of it, but she wouldn't hear of it. She makes it sound like its the only thing that could help. When she told me she had to eat low fat, around 15 grams a day to avoid the leakage, I told her doing that alone would help her lose weight with out the pill. I'll give her a placebo and she can pay me, HA!. I also invited her to live ith me for a week and I would help show her how to lose the weight without drugs,but no way that would mean eating right and ...don't say it... exercising}( ! My whole family thinks I am nuts for the way I eat and workout! Its always a big annoying topic of conversation!

TRULY...why bother taking the pill if you have to change your eating habits? I thought the whole draw of these diet pills is that you don't actually have to MAKE THE EFFORT...just take the pill and the weight magically comes off...

In my younger days I tried a few different diet pills and none of them worked! The only thing that worked was watching what I eat and exercising!
>Since it suggests you cut your fat intake while taking to
>loss the weight, doesn't it make sense that if someone just
>reduced their fat intake without taking it they would loose
>weight and save themselves some money and some embarring side
yes it does make sense to just follow the diet and not take the pill, but vague descriptions about what the pill really does and just overall lack of education on healthy eating choices, just lead ppl to believe this pill can do something its really not doing(i really don't think it helps with weight loss, its nothing more then an approved fat blocker). its marketing ploys that preys on the unknowning and they put their faith and money into the product. but even if one person sees through the charade, it might be progress.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
Sounds like it has an effect similar to Olestra (in what used to be "WOW" snack in "Wow, what's that in my pants"?)

7 pounds a year? Hm...some weight-loss program!
"7 pounds a year? Hm...some weight-loss program!"

yeah, and all you have to do is sit in your own waste!!!;-)

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