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  1. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Saturday, 8

    Hey, Belinda, that looks like a great rotation. I like it! I can see how you would get burned out on the BFL rotation in time. Lori, I followed your lead today and did a 6 mile run. It was great! I wanted to do MM after, but just didn't have the energy. I'll save it for tomorrow morning...
  2. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Nov.4

    Hi, ladies! Cardio again for me today. yesterday was TM sprints plus 30 min. StepFit plus abs - today was a 45 min run. It'll do. I pressed really hard and am still eating crystal clean this week like I did last. Belinda, great workout. I'm impressed! Trish, glad you voted. It was worth...
  3. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Nov.2

    Hi, everyone! Yes, I got my run in yesterday. Just 5 miles, tho, and it was slow. Slept like a baby last night and today was a combination of WSWL and the UB premix from 4DS. I'm going to finish up with some abs and a few TM speed intervals. That should do me. Belinda, enjoy your cardio...
  4. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Nov.1

    Hi, everybody! Five mile run this morning for me, and not a fast one. My stress caught up with me and I've spent the day being really tired. It was enough, though. I'd had thoughts of getting my last WSWL workout in for this week on top of the run, but it's not to be. I'll do that one tomorrow...
  5. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Wednesday 29

    Hi, everyone! Warp Speed 3 for me today plus Butts & Guts bonus stab. ball abs. I kicked it hard. It included 3 2 minute speed intervals, which I did on the treadmill. I officially have my game face back on. Kristine, love that PUB. Worth waiting for. Hope you feel better today. Lori...
  6. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Tuesday 28

    Hi gals - cardio for me today, too. 4 speed intervals on treadmill followed by 40 minutes of MIC. Just right. Another clean day of eating. I'm feeling so much better. I think I can make clean eating a habit again. No cravings at all. Working hard. Trish - nice workout. Belinda, you too...
  7. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Mon.27

    Trish, the WSWL nutrition plan is quite strict and quite lo carb - for the 125 pound person he recommends 1100-1200 calories a day and only 2 starchy carb servings in a WEEK, and then only in the a.m. immediately following a hard workout. Maybe some people could manage that, but it was too...
  8. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Mon.27

    Hi, everyone! I behaved all weekend - 2 hour workout Sat, one hour yesterday - Today I officially begin anothe rotation of Warp Speed Fat Loss. I'm realizing on the 10 minute circuits I can only do the combos with good form for 6 sets, 7 or so minutes... so I decided to go with that and then...
  9. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Sunday 26

    Hi, everyone! Belinda, sounds like you had a blast. Lori - what a great workout last night. Sounds perfect. Yes, be glad your bum is still up without so much intervention still - be happy while that lasts!!! I'm headed out for another 7 mile run - yesterday's really got me invigorated...
  10. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Saturday 25

    Hi, everyone! 2 workouts for me today - I ran 7 miles in the morning and then did a one hour evening workout of Step Fit plus the 10 min ab section at the end of that CD. woo hoo! I need to get back with the program. I have been way too lax lately. Lori, what workout did you end up choosing...
  11. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Tuesday 21

    Hi gals! lower body and abs portion of MIS for me today plus a little cardio from MIC. That's all. I've been tired! Belinda, 30 minutes sounds fine by me!! Amelia, you too! Cookie, Kris - hope you've had wonderful days. I'll do more tomorrow. Big cardio, yes, that's the ticket! Cheryl
  12. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Tuesday, October 14

    Hey, gals, I'm here! Don't die of shock! My PR business has been keeping me swamped lately, but it's all good - and I also have good news on the family front - major milestones with my two kiddos and I am now full custodian of my 16 year old Russian daughter at long last!!!! I haven't been...
  13. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Mon.6

    Hi everyone! I started out my Monday with LIS/Shoulders/Abs from 4DS. Guess we're all thinking 4DS a bit today. Kristine, I loved LIS/shoulders - if you're looking for votes. Lori, Happy Anniversary!! Sorry you have to work, but I hope you get to have some good fun. Belinda, have a...
  14. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Okt. 1

    Oooh, Belinda, that PLB is hard. Good job! Lori, nice TM workout, and I'm impressed. Amelia, I say yardwork counts as a workout, plenty of a workout, so there! And glad you got paid. I did PUB yesterday and a run with partner this morning. Life's good. I got all our invoices out late...
  15. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Sep.29

    Hi, gals! Amelia, how did your Power Hour go for you yesterday? I loved mine. Today I meant to do Step Fit but somehow Step Works popped up on the screen so I just went with it and did it. Fun! Sweating on the step kind of fun. Lori, I would vote for either B&G or GS Legs.... B&G gives you...
  16. Utah Gal

    Commit to get Fit and Lean Sun!!!

    Hi, everyone! I think I'm going to join Amelia in Power Hour. That sounds fun. Amelia, don't worry about the cheat - it happens. You've been doing so well. Trish, hats off on IMAX3 - I seem to only be able to do that one in the Hardcore extreme edits that alternate IMAX3 intervals with Low...
  17. Utah Gal

    CoMMit to Get FIT and LEAN Sept 27

    Hi, gals! Rhythmic Step for me today. I hadn't pulled it out in a long time. I think I'll have to do Muscle Max or something like i tomorrow. I'm overdue for a weights workout. Amelia, so glad you like your job! Lori, great workout! Like usual! Iris, good to see you. Have a great...
  18. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Mon.22

    Hey, gals!!! Belinda, I see I missed some chapters and you are now back in Germany with DH, you lucky girl, you! I'm so glad. I hope it's going well. Lori, isn't that just like little ones - maybe he was just stressed out and once he saw you he thought it was safe to let his hair down and...
  19. Utah Gal

    CoMMit to Get FIT and LEAN Sept. 21

    Hi, gals!! I'm here! Don't die of shock! Long story short is that we're working on getting a building for the PR agency. It's going really well and we got word last week we've been approved for the funding - Hallelujah! - but staying on top of it all has been a big challenge. Workouts have...
  20. Utah Gal

    Commit to get fit and lean for Sep.7

    Hi, gals! I'm still here! I'm still alive! Life and business have been crazy, but all in a good way. I'm determined to be better about checking in again. Amelia, what is Fitnesspal? I can't wait to here more about it. Happy sunday to all!!!! Cheryl