Search results

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    Disneyland, California

    Hi Jenn, DH and I go to Disneyland often, but we don't have kids and usually stay 5 or so days. My advice for you is to visit the Disneyland forums at and At these websites you should find more than enough information for a great one day trip with your...
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    Congratulations! I am currently TTC, so I am happily living vicariously through you right now, LOL!
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    postworkout meal?

    Hi Laura, I'm not much of a runner these days, but DH is currently training for his first marathon coming up in May. He has been drinking an electrolyte replacement drink called Gookinaid. It's a powder you mix with water and we got a good-sized canister of it from my brother last...
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    Your favorite makeup?

    Hi Gayle, I'm interested in this "Make up Kit" but I couldn't find it anywhere on the Burt's Bees website. They had lots of other kits, but none with a cosmetics theme. May I ask where you got yours? Thanks!
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    What healthy snacks do you eat?

    Let's see, different healthy snacks I eat...apples w/ Adam's Natural PB, cottage cheese w/ fruit, egg whites (boiled), edamame (boiled, I get this at Trader Joe's), sweet potatoes, pears, plain yogurt with a little honey and a some nut-trail mix stirred in.
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    Please help me purchase my next DVD ~

    Another vote for Rhythmic Step or IMAX 2. They rank as two of my all-time favorite Cathe workouts. Rhythmic Step was a little tricky for me to learn at first, but it is so satisfying and fun to get through it now. IMAX 2 is challenging for me, but I really enjoy the its choreography and...
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    How did you find out about Cathe?

    I heard about her on the old FIRM boards, before they switched to Good Times and shut it down. I was intrigued by the comments about her advanced workouts, and once I tried one or two of her videos which I bought from eBay I was hooked!
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    Disney Vacation-great fun!

    Marcia, sorry to hear about your son's ear emergency. It's good to hear he is feeling fine again. Glad also to hear you had a great vacation. I would love to try the Disney Cruise one day. DH and I returned home Wednesday from a 2 week stay at WDW. We are big into the rides! Fast Passes...
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    Magic Express-Disney WOrld

    Hi, I agree with Kim about checking out the disboard forums. When the ME service first started there were some complaints, but now that all the kinks are worked out, I hear mostly positive things about it. I will actually be using Magical Express for the first time next week, as DH and I are...
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    Which ones did you get? (to those who have pre-ordered)

    RE: Which ones did you get? (to those who have pre-orde... All four! A part of me says to be more choosy, save some money, etc., but these pre-orders are such a great deal. I have not regretted any of my Cathe purchases, and I have them all!
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    How to use CTX

    Hi Lori, If you do a Subject Only search using "CTX Rotation" or "CTX Series" or just "CTX" you'll get lots of ideas on how to use this great series. Cathe recommended this one a while back: Day 1: Circuit/Back Day 2: Step & Intervals/Chest Day 3: All Step/Shoulders Day 4: Meaner...
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    running w/ weights rotation help

    > >Intensity Series: >ME=Muscle Intensity, overall body weight workout >PUB=Pyramid Upper Body, upper body weight workout >PLB=Pyramid Lower Body, lower body weight workout plus floor >work > Carole, did you mean ME=Muscle Endurance? I also wanted to thank you for suggesting this...
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    no more bcps!

    Hi Ruppie! Saw your post at work today, but had to wait 'til I got home to reply... DH and I want to start ttc now - but we are patiently waiting until our trip to Walt Disney World in October (our first anniversary and official honeymoon!) I know it's a little selfish, but I don't want...
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    reebok versus original club step

    I have used my black/grey Reebok step for about 4 years and just got the original club step. Both work well for Cathe workouts, but I really am enjoying the new step. Even though it makes a louder noise when stepping, it feels like there is more give to it and is therefore easier on my...
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    What was your first workout tape?

    It was a Jane Fonda tape, back in my high school days in the mid-80's. I don't remember much about it, but I do remember a segment with country music and a "monkey arm" move!
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    what are steel cut oats?

    I get them at Trader Joe's. They are pricier than regular oats, but I like the texture much better. I guess oats are oats, but I still feel like I'm eating something more substantial and healthful. Plus, for the price, one can of it goes a long way (for one person, anyway!).
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    birth control pills

    Hi Ruppie I was interested in your thread because I just stopped taking BCPs last month in anticipation of ttc. I asked my doctor last year about how long to wait after ending the BCPs before ttc, and she said that it was safe to try right away. Still, I felt I wanted to stop taking them...
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    If you had to give away all of your Cathe workouts, except ONE...

    RE: If you had to give away all of your Cathe workouts,... >Katie, this is a cruel question! }( Did you watch Sophie's >Choice recently, or what LOL! > LOL! When I saw this thread, I thought of Sophie's Choice too! I think I would have to say either Imax 2 or LowMax, my two current...
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    How did you find out about Cathe?

    I read about Cathe on the old Firm Forums (pre-YaYas). I was hooked on those Firm tapes, but once I started taking an interest in the Cathe threads, I've been here ever since!