Disney Vacation-great fun!


Whew - sometimes I wonder if it's worth going on vacation for a week to come back to work to PILES of work (yeah - it's still worth it). I'm not near finished, but need a break to chat with all of you. I've missed this board so much.

We had a great time! Four days at the Polynesian Disney Resort - beautiful Hawaiian theme, great pools, great food and nice people. We hit all four parks in four days - WHEW......

We aren't really big into rides, but thought we'd take a chance on the Rockin' Roller Coaster, the ride played Aerosmith music so how bad could it really be??? BAD!!! OMG - it took the three of us two hours to recover and we didn't go on any more rides after that! We are soooo pathetic.

The cruise was three days long (not long enough!) and that was a blast the ocean and beaches were beautiful and my DS loved the ocean and kept repeating all week long - "I can't believe we are actually here!" :7

BUT...........there's always a few bad things that happen. Right?? To make a long story short - we woke up the first night and my DS had blood all over his pillow!! Now, this is horrible for a mother to be out in the ocean with her son is terrible ear pain and blood on his pillow with no hospital anywhere close whatsoever. We saw the ship's doctor and he was less than adequate (and that's being nice). So, we pumped him with Ibuprofin for the rest of the week. Ended up at the emergency room in Florida for five hours. Found out it was a huge piece of cotton that was lodged in his ear for probably months that finally festered and caused an infection which was the bleeding and mucus coming out of his ear. Once we got that out (extremely painful!) he is on meds and feeling fine again. UGH!!!

Lesson: NEVER USE Q-TIPS!!!!!

The doc said it was from using Q-tips and little fibers come off every time you use it and this is what happens.

Anyway, we are back had fun, but a little stressful in the end. Oh, and we were lucky enough to get an earlier flight out of Florida to escape the hurricane! :)

Sorry so long, but that's my story! :)


P.S. I hope everyone is doing great here and I'm so glad to be back chatting again!
So glad you had a wonderful time!! The ear infection story is terrible, but it sounds like you managed. I know that the fabulous boat was pretty good consolation! Are you ready to go back?? We still look at our pictures and *sigh*! Glad you're safely home...
Take care,

Glad you had a good time. I'm so sorry that your son ended up in the emergency room. That would be the worse feeling being out on a ship, and knowing there's nothing you can do.

Don't you love the Polynesian? That's where we stayed the first time we took the kids. We went again earlier this year and stayed at the Grand Floridian. I think I'd prefer the Polynesian if/when we go back. Did you get to do the Luau? That was fun. We did a lot of character breakfast/lunch and dinners. So, the Polynesian Luau was a nice change of pace. The kids had a good time too. What they were really laughing so hard at was the Hoop Dee Do Review over at the Wilderness Lodge, I think.

Welcome back.

Yeah - we loved the Polynesian a lot. Was the Grand Floridian really expensive? It looked like it was from our view. Did it offer more things? We did go to the luau and that was nice, but not like the one we were at in Hawaii a few years ago. But, our son liked it and even went up on stage to learn how to do the Hula Dance. :7

Next time I think we'd stay at the hotel more and go to a water park instead of one of the other parks. We love water rides so much more than normal rides. :)

You know Marcia, I don't think that it was a big difference in price. My dh booked it and I remember him saying that. I just felt like the people who stayed at the Poynesian were a little more laid back.

I agree with you on the water parks. We didn't make it to one. I know that the kids will have a blast doing that next time.

Thanks for giving me the Disney bug! ;-)

Sorry to hear about your son, I hope he is feeling better. I am starting to get the Disney bug. We have gone the last two years for Thanksgiving. We are not going this year, and I am pretty sad. The first year we stayed at Animal Kingdom lodge, the second year, we stayed out of Disney at a Holiday Inn. I'm sure you already know this, but it is so much nicer staying at a Disney resort. I mean even the price difference couldn't make up for it. They wind up getting you for the money anyway (which is annoying). I am dying to go on the criuse, I heard it is wonderful. Have a Magical Day.

I am so sorry about your DS. I will never use Q-tips again. Oh, that is just terrible. Sounds like the rest of the time you had a great time. So where are those pictures??????? I have been waiting for a million years it seems....want to see them!!!!!!

Marcia, you took my dream vacation! I'm sorry to hear about your husbands ear, but at least you got it taken care of. I am planning on doing that with my family as soon as possible. I might skip the cruise, but otherwise everything else I'm all over!
Glad that you had a good time!

Pics are coming, Charlotte! :7

My digital camera was left out in the rain before we left, so we didn't have that - I had to use disposable ones, which were fine, but NOTHING like my digital would've been. Soooo, it's taking me a little longer to get those scanned and in my computer. I have to do it at work and haven't had time yet.

Soon!! :) I promise.

Marcia, sorry to hear about your son's ear emergency. It's good to hear he is feeling fine again. Glad also to hear you had a great vacation. I would love to try the Disney Cruise one day.

DH and I returned home Wednesday from a 2 week stay at WDW. We are big into the rides! Fast Passes are the only way to go. That and the extended evening hours for resort guests. I think we only waited in line 10 minutes at the most on those nights.

We stayed at the Wilderness Lodge and loved it! I originally thought that my ideal place to stay would be the Grand Floridian, but we enjoyed WL so much that I think it is now my favorite. One night we ate at Boma at the Animal Kingdom Lodge and were really impressed by that whole area. The Polynesian is also wonderful. Ohana - yum! DH and I pretty much ate our way through the World these last couple of weeks. I'm still afraid to weigh myself. We did get lots of exercise with all the walking, though, and also ran the nature trails and used the fitness center.

The night of Hurricane Wilma we went to Epcot and got caught in lots of rain the last few hours it was opened. That night our hotel notified all the guests that due to the expected tropical force winds they would not open Animal Kingdom or Disney Studios the next day. Magic Kingdom and Epcot they opened early afternoon or so. We went to Magic Kindom which they kept opened til midnight. The next few days after the storm were wonderfully cool and absent of all the sticky humidity. Anyway, for us it was a wonderful trip. Sorry for rambling, I am obviously still caught up in the magic!

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