How did you find out about Cathe?

How did you find out about Cathe?

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Collage catalog- Low Max was my first!!! I had never heard of her, either. BUT I'M GLAD I TOOK A CHANCE AND ORDERED!!!!
Basic Step (no BF) came with the Wal-Mart small step. The first time I tried it, I was ready to drop it from a high-rise. Later I got into VF and with everyone raving about her I decided to try again. I just did a little each afternoon until I got it. Before long I pre-ordered LIS and bought the Classics, HSC, and BS/BF.

That was last summer, and now they're all too easy! I traded them for more advanced w/o's (Low Max, KPC, Gym Styles) and I'm waiting patiently for Xmas to use my gift card.

I have to add that I'd been trying to teach step, but had trouble grasping anything but the basic moves. Cathe's DVDs taught me the complex stuff, and now I'm an instructor! Other teachers say I have great cueing for a newbie; and Cathe gets a lot of the credit. When you're used to greatness, you don't want to deliver anything different.
Hi Heather! I first found Cathe 14 years ago through a personal trainer I had at the gym. The step classes we had weren't challenging enough & Michelle turned me on to Mega Step Blast. Me & Cathe go back a lloonngg way. Kathy:D
I was heavy into Tae Bo, but getting a bit bored with it, wanting something a little more challenging. A friend who was in the same boat had one of her friends send her some Cathe videos. She tried them, got hooked, then got me hooked... I rarely do Tae Bo now.
I found Taebo at Target and then found a yahoogroup for Taebo. And some of them did the FIRM and someone recommended Videofitness and my bank account has never been the same since I found Cathe there.

I found Cathe videos at the library in '98 - Mega Step Blast and Step Max. I checked those two videos out over and over and over until I finally decided to place an order.

I heard about her on the old FIRM boards, before they switched to Good Times and shut it down. I was intrigued by the comments about her advanced workouts, and once I tried one or two of her videos which I bought from eBay I was hooked!
I think I first heard about Cathe on the Weight Watcher boards. If not there then the Firm Ya Ya board. I am fairly new to her workouts.
A few years ago I was frustrated with what I thought was a lack of intense strength training videos for women. I googled something or other and Cathe came up. I bought MIS on ebay and have been working out with her ever since.

A friend told me about the Firm, and I started using those. Then on the Firm message boards, I read about Cathe.

Can't remember what I bought first, but I remember that Pure Strength did a miracle makeover on my body and I've been doing Cathe workouts ever since.
I was aware of Cathe by reading the descriptions in Collage magazine over 12 years ago. However, I didn't try her tapes until being convinced by someone on a Firm mailing list.
My birthday present 8 years ago was Maximum Intensity Cardio and Maximum Intensity Strength from a friend who knew I liked hard workouts. That's how I found out about Cathe.
Fit TV here.

A couple months before that I got a step for my birthday from a friend. It contained All Step. I got the step out and tossed the video aside for the time being :eek: :eek:

Then along came fit tv, and I saw her and thought WOW!!! Then one day I was looking at my collection and about fell over when I realized I HAD ONE OF HER VIDEOS ALL THAT TIME!
I found out about her from the Firm boards too, after GoodTimes took over. LOL![/img][/url]

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