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    Because of you, Cathe, the bathing suit mirror was OK

    Oh pleeeease.........:-rollen with a body like yours, I would wear a bathing suit grocery shopping :D
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    Cathe PLease Please tell us ...

    LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-02 AT 09:18AM (Est)[p]Maybe I'm wrong but I think you are in the minority here. If we were friends, and I thought you looked great, I would ask you about your eating habits and about exercise. Even though I will never get to meet Cathe, I still consider her my friend. And...
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    Do you have the rotations that kathy s sent out?? I have them and i could try to send them to you if you want. You have to have ms works or word viewer i think. tracy
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    Cathe PLease Please tell us ...

    How can anybody agree with that. She bit her head off just for asking a question most of us would love to know. I think somebody owes her a big apology. Are you 2 really gonna tell me the same question has never crossed your mind? Those of us who have been around already know she wont answer...
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    Cathe PLease Please tell us ...

    How rude :-wow
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    cory everson hard arms??

    hello gals, it's me, weggie pants :D I hope this isnt to ugly of me to say this, I just got the tape and i like the workout although it's a little fast. My problem is Cory's A#$ hanging out all over the place :-wow. Is it just me or is that a little annoying? other than that,like i said, the...
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    very, very out there...........

    thanks girls, i'm tired of picking at my seat !!!!
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    very, very out there...........

    this is so embarassing and weird, but here it goes..... when i do the kickboxing tapes, and sometimes the step tapes, my shorts and underwear bother me down there so bad that i am constantly tugging at my shorts. It is really irritating.:( does anybody else have this problem and what do i do...
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    One more question

    Hi, I'm not Cathe but the zone diet (its not really a diet to me) works GREAT at keeping your blood sugar level all day. hope this helps. Tracy :)
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    Cathe, I have sciatica - cannot workout

    You broke your foot DOING the workout????? OUCH :( Tracy
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    really stupid question here....

    but i'll ask it anyway. Is that a hair band Cathe wears on her wrist in most of the videos? Told you it was stupid. ;) Tracy
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    Which Glucosamine ????

    I'm not sure why it hurts, but i'm assuming its because i've been stepping only for about 2 months. I've tried to find some hi/lo tapes, but i cant do all that high intensity jumping. ( my pc muscles are shot from childbirth). Soooo,,,i've only been stepping. And, another thing,,,,it doesnt...
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    Which Glucosamine ????

    I went to Walmart the other day to buy some and there are 3 different kinds. One with glucosamine & chondroitin,,,,one with glucosamine & MS something, and one with all three. Which one will help my knee pain??? thanks, Tracy
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    Increase in bust??

    Count me in on the sobbing bit. After nursing my 3 young ones mine look like a deflated balloon with a heavy marble in it. :( and i dont have any body part to show off. OH well,keep on truckin!!
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    Hi/Lo tapes?

    What are some good Hi/Lo tapes?? Thanks, tracy [email protected]
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    Funny Knee Sounds

    LAST EDITED ON May-26-02 AT 10:03PM (Est)[p]Mine makes odd noises too. Sometimes, right above my knee cap, it hurts a little. Tracy
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    I Did It!!!

    Oh Gosh, lots of stuff throws me off but I like to keep going. Yippiee!!!!!! I'm glad you did it!!
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    Interval Max

    Oh my gosh, I just got that video in today. scared me already with the evil spawn of hell thing. You can laugh at me now.....I just got the wedding video too, put it in and did the first half, just about fell out on the floor, thought she was through, and WATCHED her do the second half. Oh...
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    What and how much does Cathe eat?????

    Thats too funny. I love pb&j, but i dont think they love me.
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    What and how much does Cathe eat?????

    I would really like to know her daily food plan. Really :-jumpy tracy