Interval Max


I just started doing Interval Max last week, after forgetting that I even owned it for 2 years. What I want to know is...what evil spawn of Hell came up with those power scissors? Ugh! That's definitely the worst interval. Well...the last one is pretty bad too. I suppose if you were once a cheerleader, it might not be so bad.;-)

Thanks for the tough workout!
I believe the some of satan's minions created the power scissors. Just kidding. The last interval is the one that utterly kills me. Cathe literally does look airborn! And believe you me, I was never a cheerleader.
Oh my gosh,

I just got that video in today.
scared me already with the evil spawn of hell thing.

You can laugh at me now.....I just got the wedding video too, put it in and did the first half, just about fell out on the floor, thought she was through, and WATCHED her do the second half.

Oh well, there is always tomorrow.

Don't feel scared or silly! I got IMax since fellow Minnesotan AquaJock is so keen on it. It collected dust for about two months. I started with CTX in January and couldn't even get through the 3 intervals of Step and Intervals. But I kept at it. I soon incorporated other Cathe step workouts into my rotation. When I finally did IMax, I made it all the way through 9 of the 10 intervals on an 8" step. Trust me, keep doing the Wedding video and you will improve your cardiovascular as well as your muscular endurance. And have fun, that is the most important aspect in my opinion! PS, some days, even setting up my step feels like a workout, take one day at a time!
Didn't mean to scare you with the spawn thing. IMax is a pretty awesome tape, but it definitely takes some working up to. But, if you keep going with the less intense tapes, you'll be amazed at how quickly you'll get to the level where you can ALMOST get through IMax. I've only been working out regularly again for 9 weeks (after taking about 2 years off after having a baby and not enough time to exercise). I can get through all of the intervals except the power scissors and the last one with the airborne jacks. I've only done the tape 3 times and got really close this last time to making it through those 2 intervals. You still get a major workout if you do her modifications.

I've never done the Wedding video, but I'm sure it's pretty tough. Once you get good on that one, you should try Step Works. That one is really fun.

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